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Funny how dat guy still has supporters for another fail project.what is special? nothing and noone can mention anything special. Its another 3 days server and re-name and re-open to get 10 euros donations.

Maybe you're posting on the wrong topic? We never opened re-opened DeathWhisper. L2DeathWhisper was online back on 2009 and re-opened only once last year which was started good but ended bad. This time won't be the same since server is reworked.

And why do you care? You're not a player and I am sure you never played on L2DeathWhisper. As I can see you're a server owner by yourself. Attacking other servers won't help you get players, but only enemies.


Whats rly funny is how dat clan 21century u claim to be "old school" since '09 but Im in mid business a little after BnB closed (x3) which was way before '09 and never saw it in ANY kind of server. Im not sayin its ur clan but Im not sayin u never gave free items either.


(just wanted to increase my post count xD )

Well yeah I don't know if they were playing other servers, I meant that they are oldschool on DeathWhisper.

Edited by Frank
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U are either delusional and u need professional help or u need to chill out and think how to defend against truths.


Im not a player? wtf does this mean?

I am a server owner?wtf?i never had any server and how can u even say this as a fact.

As for if i ever played in ur srv i dont know why im trying to justify myself against a delusional kid like u but my nicks were sakhsrouvas,luffy,amaterasu


And for ur question why do i care, i care about the poor guys who will lose their time trusting a delusional scumbag like u who only want to earn some easy money

Trash like u need to dissapear forever

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U are either delusional and u need professional help or u need to chill out and think how to defend against truths.


Im not a player? wtf does this mean?

I am a server owner?wtf?i never had any server and how can u even say this as a fact.

As for if i ever played in ur srv i dont know why im trying to justify myself against a delusional kid like u but my nicks were sakhsrouvas,luffy,amaterasu


And for ur question why do i care, i care about the poor guys who will lose their time trusting a delusional scumbag like u who only want to earn some easy money

Trash like u need to dissapear forever

I made a typo mistake since the previous reply was not for you, apologies for that.

Well I still don't understand why you call me trash, kid and scumbag, however I will give it a try with you as well unless you don't stop that rude comments.


1) Corruption.

As I stated on previous posts, can you proove that me or my staff is corrupted? According to you, everyone can claim anyone as corrupted, so maybe I should go and spam all upcoming servers without having a single proof?


2) Bugs.

Well this depends on what you mean by bug, if you mean some unbalanced classes like Dominator, then yes you're right, this class was way too strong on DeathWhisper and this is why we reworked all the classes from scratch.

Moreover do not forget about this fact, bugs will always exist or appear all of sudden. However we are using a very good private antibot protection which even stops Adrenaline, so hacking tools can't be used on L2DeathWhisper.


3) Money Hunger.

I do not understand why you call us money hungers. We opened L2DeathWhisper back on 2009 and then we re-opened it 1 year ago but after the mistakes we did we closed it and worked hard to improve it and make it right.

If we were money hungers, we would add all kind of items and enchants on our donation list from the first day. But guess what, we are the only server who doesn't have donations opened on 1st day, or am I wrong?


4) Unskilled Admins.

You have never run a Lineage 2 server, right? So you have no right to call us unskilled. You don't even know how many things we have to take care of and you have nothing to say about our fixes/changes?

Just think of something, we have to take care of bugs, fixes, updates, and in game monitoring. This is not an easy thing, and mistakes can happen. But we are here and we work every day, and this can be proven from our changelogs.



In the end, you might not like L2DeathWhisper or me or Versus, but you're so unfair since you don't see the work we put on this project and the work we put after the project runs as well. There is no other Interlude PVP server with so many changelogs and additions per day. Almost all the admins, prepare their servers and sit back after opening, but we don't. We are fixing/adding things every single day.

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1)donvito,6a4a,webmonster banning people with ur acc(these that i know of for sure). i dont think u would give items to a clown like lifo but maybe the other guys know smth more

2)srv had many problems especially sieges when u reopened it and skills were like 10% working at best, everything was broken

3)overpowered donations

4) u totally mishandled the siege mistakes where u lost 100+ people after the first week.Also everyday the srv had a new problem with protection or packet problems with skills being extremely unbalanced  so it was totally not ready to launch. complete opposite of "versus can fix everything" of 2009. 

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1)donvito,6a4a,webmonster banning people with ur acc(these that i know of for sure). i dont think u would give items to a clown like lifo but maybe the other guys know smth more

2)srv had many problems especially sieges when u reopened it and skills were like 10% working at best, everything was broken

3)overpowered donations

4) u totally mishandled the siege mistakes where u lost 100+ people after the first week.Also everyday the srv had a new problem with protection or packet problems with skills being extremely unbalanced  so it was totally not ready to launch. complete opposite of "versus can fix everything" of 2009. 


1) I don't even remember those names. Did they play last year or back at 2009? Did you remember me or Versus giving items to them or have any clue about that?


2) Well "everything was broken" is kinda too much. There were many things that were not working probably like the sieges but it was only one time, after that we fixed this issue which was caused by Acis and we couldn't have known about it. But don't forget that we also had ddos attacks to handle and some lagging issues which were caused by our bad hosting company, so we had too many important things to take care of. However, we are not fools to make the same mistakes again, and that's why we invested more money now on both hosting and advertising in order to be sure that we won't have such issues again.


3) Overpowered donations? No, donations were never overpowered since we never gave any max enchant to anyone and we never added that in our donation list. The overpower thing was the "gap" between new players and donators or old players. And this is already fixed now: http://l2deathwhisper.com/forum/index.php?topic=641.0


4) I am not sure I can understand what you're saying here, but as I said yeah we had some in game issues which were fixed though. The bad thing is that they took us more time than expected, because we had more important things to fix like the hosting company issues.


Anyway, I am pretty sure that almost all old L2DeathWhisper players will join us again, just to take a look if we deliver what we promised 1 year after and if we bring back DeathWhisper as it should be. So believe me I know that players will judge us from the first day and I am prepared for it. I wouldn't risk L2DeathWhisper's name again. But even if you don't believe me, do not call me scammer or money hunger or corrupted if you can't prove it, that way you're not helping us, yourself or the players who might see your posts. In the end, a scammer wouldn't explain or invest time to reply to you.

Edited by Frank
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Whats rly funny is how dat clan 21century u claim to be "old school" since '09 but Im in mid business a little after BnB closed (x3) which was way before '09 and never saw it in ANY kind of server. Im not sayin its ur clan but Im not sayin u never gave free items either.


(just wanted to increase my post count xD )

They have never played at bnb these guys mate...only at franks servers they play and failed as always....they are random java clan



Played every single project since 2009
corruption,bugs,money hungry admins and totally unskilled
Frank said it would be "different" in the last one and srv was unplayable from the first day (dont want to mention giran siege tragedy of admin skills)


Only autists would rejoin this joke

you tell these because you are hater...franks opinion! Edited by Justice
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Whats rly funny is how dat clan 21century u claim to be "old school" since '09 but Im in mid business a little after BnB closed (x3) which was way before '09 and never saw it in ANY kind of server. Im not sayin its ur clan but Im not sayin u never gave free items either.


(just wanted to increase my post count xD )

Its not the clan name that matters. Its the names of players than play inside this clan.

We dont care about making videos to promote the Clan Name. The 21stCentury is created by friends met in a journey from my early years of lineage 2 since l2thegame until now so i will not tolerate any more negative comments , neither comments about corruption we never got help from the Gm team we got the exactly different acutally i was banned 6 times during '09 DeathWhisper Season. 


If you want to have a true opinion in the matter of Lineage2 United Clan 21stCentury And DeathWhisper Join the server and you will understand by player names you all have met.


My player name -> Secret for now.

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As thedentist said 21stCentury never got help from l2dw gm stuff or any gm stuff, instead 2 of us were jailed in 2015 season as well :P Anyway for the hater comments for frank ofc the other admins would be jealous of the server we get it, I truly believe Deathwhisper is the best try of a perfected custom pvp server and i say "a try" cause its a long way to be perfect!! Now for the 21st haters of course u would hate and u know why yourself ;) cya ingame on L2Deathwhisper

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Aint it a bit weird why u buttlick deathwhisper so much? I mean even me myself is a fan of a few selected servers but no, I dont say "best try of a perfect custom pvp server". Rly? When u think of best try in a "perfected" custom server u think of Deathwhisper?  I believe if u try a liiiiiiiiitle bit harder u'll come up with smth better :)





My player name -> Secret for now.


Then why u tupe dis if u wanna keep it a secret. If u got nothin to hide, show ur nicks. We ll see if we have met em.

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Aint it a bit weird why u buttlick deathwhisper so much? I mean even me myself is a fan of a few selected servers but no, I dont say "best try of a perfect custom pvp server". Rly? When u think of best try in a "perfected" custom server u think of Deathwhisper?  I believe if u try a liiiiiiiiitle bit harder u'll come up with smth better :)






Then why u tupe dis if u wanna keep it a secret. If u got nothin to hide, show ur nicks. We ll see if we have met em.

Thats my opinion and we have democracy im free to say what i believe so..And i buttlick deathwhisper so much cause i enjoy the server!! Apart from the problems that they might come up I still enjoy it more than other custom pvp servers, Actually there hasnt been a good custom pvp server nowadays all we see is no custom servers with 1k on bots online :P There are a couple custom servers that are still opening like mada'sftw servers that are just not good and thats my opinion again other ppl might like those servers Hell yeah I truly believe Deathwhisper is the best try of what a custom server should be like..

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Aint it a bit weird why u buttlick deathwhisper so much? I mean even me myself is a fan of a few selected servers but no, I dont say "best try of a perfect custom pvp server". Rly? When u think of best try in a "perfected" custom server u think of Deathwhisper?  I believe if u try a liiiiiiiiitle bit harder u'll come up with smth better :)






Then why u tupe dis if u wanna keep it a secret. If u got nothin to hide, show ur nicks. We ll see if we have met em.


Man you are so smart... and you care too much about who likes what just play the fuckin game.. its a GAME learn it and play it. 

The truth is you got us... we got paid 1 million euro by Frank to say the best about deathwhisper :)

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Thats my opinion and we have democracy im free to say what i believe so..And i buttlick deathwhisper so much cause i enjoy the server!! Apart from the problems that they might come up I still enjoy it more than other custom pvp servers, Actually there hasnt been a good custom pvp server nowadays all we see is no custom servers with 1k on bots online :P There are a couple custom servers that are still opening like mada'sftw servers that are just not good and thats my opinion again other ppl might like those servers Hell yeah I truly believe Deathwhisper is the best try of what a custom server should be like..

I played everywhere if you want a fine pvp server you found it -> DeathWhisper the end.

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You say a good word about a server and you are GM's friend or admin's alt account, you say bad things and you are legit => "greek common logic"

Edited by Frank
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Guys I'm glad there are so many hates. U will be much more motivated to confront these morons. I've been playing since 2009 because L2DW is fucking specific. You should stop crying about hard farming. GRIND is one of the best things happened to l2dw. just saying

cya in game

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Guys I'm glad there are so many hates. U will be much more motivated to confront these morons. I've been playing since 2009 because L2DW is fucking specific. You should stop crying about hard farming. GRIND is one of the best things happened to l2dw. just saying

cya in game

old schooler speaking. hahah if you think frank is the old's dw admin you are a moron

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It aims in a legitimate fashion) - Bone and Multibone (Adjust which bone to aim at or select as many Bones as you want) - Smoothaim (Adjust how smooth the aimbot is in its human-like drag) - CloseAim (Toggle distance based aiming algorithm, for increased stickyness, or whoever is closest to the crosshair) - FoV (Adjust the Field of View of the aimbot or percentage of the screen that the aimbot will target enemies from) - Aimkey (Adjust which key the aimbot will use to aim) - AimDraw (Toggle the drawing of the aimspot on enemies (Visible/Always) - VisibleCheck (Visible checking on enemies with close enemy) - NoHop (Aim at One Target per press of the AimKey (Aimbot Doesn't Hop to Other Targets even after death) - RandomSpot (Randomizes the Spot around the target bones, making your aim look more humanized and legit) - Aimtime (Amount of time that the aimbot and Aimbot-RCS is active for, after you press the aimkey) - Ammo Management (Disable aimbot and TriggerBot when the gun clip is empty) - CloseFoV (Different FoV for players with in a certain distance (CloseFOV Distance) - AimOnShoot (Aim when shooting, aim when not shooting) - RecoilAfter (Start recoil after x bullets (Good for 1-2 Taps) - Recoil (Adjust the recoil counter while using the aimbot) - RecoilKey (Adjust which key the anti-recoil is set on (For all Aimbot Keys) - RecoilType (Control if recoil control is always on or only when using the Aimbot) - RecoilFOV (Adjust how long the Recoil will stay stuck to the target, very usable for when playing at a LAN) TRIGGERBOT: - TriggerBot (Automatically shoot at an enemy in a radius (usable with or without Aimbot) - TriggerKey (Control what key activates the TriggerBot (use with any key) - TriggerFov (Control the radius around the AimSpot which activates the TriggerBot) - TriggerDraw (Draw the bone spot that the TriggerBot is aiming at) - TriggerBone (Select the bone that the TriggerBot will target) - TriggerDelay (To add to the legitimacy of the TriggerBot, delays shooting for up to 0.5 seconds) - MonsterTrigger (Extremely Fast & Accurate TriggerBot with Fullbody Options Perfect TriggerBot) - VisCheck (Make sure you're only hitting enemies that you can see, or turn it off to get some sick wallbangs) - Random Delay (A random delay for your trigger bot to look even more legitimate) - Trigger Button (Use any button you like to control the triggerbot) ESP: - Name (Name of the player) - Health (Shows the current health of a player) - Armor (Shows the current amount of armor a player has) - ArmorType (Show if a player currently has a Kevlar vest, a helmet or both equipped) - Weapon (See what weapon a player is currently holding) - Weapon Ammo (See how much ammo you have left in the current clip) - Index (The internal index of the player based on the CSGO engine) - Distance (The distance of each player from you) - Box (A box around each players model, adjusting with distance (new rectangle box type) - Sequence (What action or stance the player is in (Running, Ducking, Jumping, Scoped etc) - Box Size & Box Multi (The size of the boxes around the players, adjustable to how you like) - Team ESP (Toggle ESP on your teammates) - Clean Draw ESP (Move ESP away from box) - Pixel ESP (Single Pixel ESP for legitimate play, shows one single pixel on the screen so it's not noticeable to any casual observers) - Visible ESP (Different color ESP for visible & non-visible players) - Entity ESP (See weapons, defusers, Bomb Location, and defusing players) - Entity Distance (Adjust how far away you will see different Entities for the ultimate in Player-Location assistance) - List ESP (The Ultimate Legit ESP, Listing Players that are not on your screen, or players anywhere in case you don't want to know where they are exactly) MISC: - Bunny Hop (Jumps automatically while the chosen key is being held) - Crosshair (When enabled it will draw a cross-hair on your screen, perfect for snipers, it also features an adjustable size) - Weapon Config System (Weapon configurations for each weapon group (pistols, deagle, snipers, SMG, Knife, rifles, etc) - Flash reduction (Make sure you can see enemies while you're supposed to be flashed) - Radar In Game (A radar is displayed where you see opponents) REQUIREMENTS: - Included HWID Spoofer: Yes - Stream Bypass: Yes - Supported game modes: Windowed, Borderless - Supported CPU: Intel & AMD - Supported OS: Windows 10 (1903,1909,2004,20H2,21H1, 22H2), Windows 11 (All version). Supported OS change and are added periodically. More check on official website.   IN-GAME SCREENSHOTS:   - Check on the official website.
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