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Upgrade Rev



Hello MxC guys! I want to ask something about upgrade the old [1004] to new rev [1118m] without loosing my files! Is there any chance to upgrade it without loosing my old files at data / balance / skills / configs / custom scripts etc .... ? I cant find nothing about that! Sorry and PLEASE reply for HELP and not for spam!




Respect new L2j Developers.

Thank you in deep!!!

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About java side go on l2jfozen_gameserver press right click and then team/create patch then select on Save in File system and select where to save the patch . when you do this i prefer adding new workspace for rev 1118 , then put the svn / checkout and when it done go on gameserver press right clicl and then team/apply patch and select the file that created before and you are done. About balance / skills / configs / scripts just copy from datapack on rev 1004 and paste on datapack rev 1118

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they have changed so many things that you will not be able to do this without some experience

i suggest you to stop using frozen

i suggest also to get the latest rev that you will still have to update/upgrade many things

and in the end stop using this pack if you want my opinion

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they have changed so many things that you will not be able to do this without some experience

i suggest you to stop using frozen

i suggest also to get the latest rev that you will still have to update/upgrade many things

and in the end stop using this pack if you want my opinion

tell me why? tell me how many servers are using l2jfrozen and how many acis.... some acis fanboys made this phrase like a caramel "Dont use l2jfrozen" Because tryskell said that, it is a good pack to use i dont see problems on it, if you have some knowledge its quite nice.. Dont tell me about performance since you can red 64 gb machine for less than 100 euro so.. all the above are considered as crap

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I dont recommend frozen because all of my customers have problems I gather a big patch with fixes and still they come up with other problems its boring, specially when I try to communicate with frozen guys but they are dead, I got arguments you and talk about performance ...

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I dont recommend frozen because all of my customers have problems I gather a big patch with fixes and still they come up with other problems its boring, specially when I try to communicate with frozen guys but they are dead, I got arguments you and talk about performance ...

So what you recommend me to use?

Edited by zenernom
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So what you recommend me to use?

basically, my opinion is this..if you want start training your knowledge you can use every pack..acis owners works more on fixes,quests etc. If you want open a server you have 2 chooses for me. frozen is for pvp/high rate servers because have added more custom things than other packs and acis is liitle better for low/mid rate servers. Why i said that..acis have not custom things like frozen. So less job and less time. acis have more fixes/reworks on quests etc so less job at fixes. Note: i have not use any of two packs (acis/frozen) i have leech some codes only and i have see only some of the source files/configs/quests etc. My knowledge is not pro but im training 1 2 years on this..If i have say something for 2 packs of doesnt apply someone correct me :)


p.s sorry for my bad english :)

Edited by nikosdevil20
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L2jbrasil op pack

Is any link where i can get svn or something? Thans




basically, my opinion is this..if you want start training your knowledge you can use every pack..acis owners works more on fixes,quests etc. If you want open a server you have 2 chooses for me. frozen is for pvp/high rate servers because have added more custom things than other packs and acis is liitle better for low/mid rate servers. Why i said that..acis have not custom things like frozen. So less job and less time. acis have more fixes/reworks on quests etc so less job at fixes. Note: i have not use any of two packs (acis/frozen) i have leech some codes only and i have see only some of the source files/configs/quests etc. My knowledge is not pro but im training 1 2 years on this..If i have say something for 2 packs of doesnt apply someone correct me  :)


p.s sorry for my bad english  :)

Thank you for your help! I'm new dev and im learning at Frozen [ cause some1 said me is ok to start Developing ]
So my next target is gona be somehting more better :)
Thank you again




well we recommend this



since the majority from here , thinks that aCis is a God made pack

HaHaHaHaHaHaHaHa i like your post !!! :D
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Is any link where i can get svn or something? Thans



Thank you for your help! I'm new dev and im learning at Frozen [ cause some1 said me is ok to start Developing ]
So my next target is gona be somehting more better :)
Thank you again



HaHaHaHaHaHaHaHa i like your post !!! :D


here is the l2jbrasil svn of you can checkout: https://www.assembla.com/spaces/l2jbrasil/dg24SiP3ir4km7eJe4gwI3/source/HEAD/trunk


and one last friendly note from me, Read alot guides until you understund and  compile/run complete 1 random source, after read guides for how to add a code and what you must do for apply your new code.(i answer you for your other topic) :)

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aCis got a dedicated customs section, it's visible only for customers or higher ranks, meaning if you give money or contribute enough code, you can see it. We also have a Custom ASKS section, where people ask and other customers and higher rank can answer or point you to some files to convert. I personally don't bother about customs until eventually one becomes so popular I got the will to implement it.


Added to those customs sections, we also have experimental sections, with future aCis revisions ; only Inner Circle and higher can see it.


Hasha is back from holiday, so you gonna see more fixes and features those days : dynamic geodata (fences and doors), movement rework, geodata part 2.




well we recommend this



since the majority from here , thinks that aCis is a God made pack


It's like people downvoting video games tests because people give them 20/20.


"I'm an idiot but as you, others noobs, put 20/20, I decided to put 0/20 to balance the general note".


Give at least arguments why aCis isn't a "god made pack" (terms that I don't even use myself, so why are you using it ? Mystery).




That L2JBrasil assembla isn't updated since 2014 and looks really, really similar to regular content you can find on L2J (before the current work they are doing since 1 year) and L2JFree.


PS : https://www.assembla.com/spaces/l2jbrasil/dg24SiP3ir4km7eJe4gwI3/source/HEAD/trunk/L2JBrasil_CORE/java/com/it/br/gameserver/L2JBrasil.java


Probably a 2011-2012 version...

Edited by Tryskell
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So what you recommend me to use?

actually whats left is acis and russian packs alive so if you dont want russian stuff inside your pack (witch is good and wheird some times) go to acis but in the end you will learn something, how to add something for example by your self and what it does (also read some java in general) if you fail give it a time and try again, guides are everywhere even "how to" when you go to piss so ....

there is also another perspective if you want to examine some other packs how they work check some timelines frozen.com example l2jserver.com see how this java emulator works what ever you need and questions come in this forum relax grab a pop corn you will propably find an answer after some 'e-wars' and 'whos the best'.

good luck

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aCis got a dedicated customs section, it's visible only for customers or higher ranks, meaning if you give money or contribute enough code, you can see it. We also have a Custom ASKS section, where people ask and other customers and higher rank can answer or point you to some files to convert. I personally don't bother about customs until eventually one becomes so popular I got the will to implement it.


Added to those customs sections, we also have experimental sections, with future aCis revisions ; only Inner Circle and higher can see it.


Hasha is back from holiday, so you gonna see more fixes and features those days : dynamic geodata (fences and doors), movement rework, geodata part 2.





It's like people downvoting video games tests because people give them 20/20.


"I'm an idiot but as you, others noobs, put 20/20, I decided to put 0/20 to balance the general note".


Give at least arguments why aCis isn't a "god made pack" (terms that I don't even use myself, so why are you using it ? Mystery).




That L2JBrasil assembla isn't updated since 2014 and looks really, really similar to regular content you can find on L2J (before the current work they are doing since 1 year) and L2JFree.


PS : https://www.assembla.com/spaces/l2jbrasil/dg24SiP3ir4km7eJe4gwI3/source/HEAD/trunk/L2JBrasil_CORE/java/com/it/br/gameserver/L2JBrasil.java


Probably a 2011-2012 version...

The fact that in every post you make you just harass l2jfrozens developers, (basicly project itself) looks so selfish! I can explain why i give that comment for your project..


Yes i agree it is clean.

Yes i agree you focus on more major stuff

Yes i agree you focus aswell on retail content


 But just stop acting that every else project is shitty and yours is the perfect, they gave us something free they tried, harrashing all the time l2jfrozen makes you guys look stupid!! even on your forums you made l2jfrozen word to display as l2jbroken, thats so childish and stuupid!! For gods shake.

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L2JFrozen isn't active for 7 months, and before that they made 100 revisions and were inactive for another 1 year. I don't need to harass them, the project stopped, and it didn't need me to stop.


L2JFrozen is renamed L2JBroken since aCis beginning, due to L2JFrozen history (shitty commits). When I speak about L2JHellas (didn't happen a lot tbh), I name it L2JHellCrap too. I like to give names, but admit it works better for L2JFrozen !


My project is the best for many reasons :

  • I'm still here, and an active leader is an existing pack.
  • I'm (somewhat) organized, and when dropping 100mo RAM usage on nowadays computers is trivial, it's a proof than the code is clean and will run smoothly.
  • Active community behind me (which work themselves and don't whine).
  • We rework things deeply.

You don't have to agree with what I say, and you're free to use L2JFrozen. I personally don't give a crap. The important thing is I believe my pack is the best, and others people believe into it.


If you like that much L2JFrozen, you can take the lead ;). I miss my newbies firewall.

Edited by Tryskell
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