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interlude [L2J] L2Aepvp


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L2Ae PvP is hosted on C6 Interlude client
Starting level 85, Max Level 95

Global Gatekeeper! 


Item Store! 


Mysterious merchant! 


Password Changer!

Enchant Engine Preview:
Safe Enchant +5
Max Enchant +20


All buffs 3 hours, death doesn't remove your buffs
All buffs included on the buffer, except some which changed to costum
If you want to get rid of a buff, just choose it again from the buffer and it will be removed
Heal from buffer every 3 minutes, can't be used during pvp

The server's economy is based on Golds and Glits, to get them:
Farm Silver, 50 silver = 1 gold
Pure Silver low drop chance or events, 25 pure silver = 1 Glit
1kk adena = 1 True Gold
50 True Silver = 1 True Gold
Basically with gold you can buy anything among unique items, but to get to the Epic tier you need true gold, glits, star diamonds and star of destiny.
Every class is modified by a unique Formula balancer, debuff chances and rates are shown when u cast a skills and everything works to suit pvp balance.
(Including Sword Muse, Bladedancer, Prophet and so on, improved with some skills replacement\ add-ons to make them competitive in PvP)

Trade channels:
Trade chat (+): Can be used when you reach 50 pvps, after use it has a cooldown of 15 minutes, however the delay decreases up to 7 minutes according to your pvp amount
Hero shout(%): Can be used by heroes or at 5500 pvps, 3 minutes cooldown
Global Shout(!): Can be used at 10000 pvps, 6 minute cooldown

Farming zones:
Kamaloka Instance:
Custom Soulshot Effects (Enchant Depended):
Events every 2 Hours

Mini Siege





The hero cycle is every 2 weeks
Heroes get an additional ultimate skill on their baseclass
Valor and Heroic berserker can stack together
When you login, the server checks your last login, if more than a hour had passed since then you will be teleported to town to avoid campers.
Skills don't have mp consumptions, but heals have.
Mp and Hp consumption over time from buffs/toggles have been removed.
Shift click on NPC and view it's drops.
Shift click on ur target to view all your target's basic stats heavily detailed.

The server is now using an experimental H5, GeoEngine and PathFinding engine, behaving 99% like l2off. Pathfinding locations are calculated on the fly making it possible for even very complex paths to be solved.
Theres no Interlude server/project atm with a better geoengine.
Worked hard on this the last few days, to make APCs playable even in very complex maps/locations with many obstacles.
Players will never stack or face geodata problems anymore.




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Maestro new skills:
  • Shield Fortress - Increases personal shield defense rate.
  • Final Frenzy - Automatically increases P. Atk when HP level falls.
  • Final Fortress - Automatically increases P. Def. when HP level falls.
  • Shield Mastery - Shield defense increases.
  • Ultimate Defense - Instantly increases P. Def., M. Def. and resistance to buff-lifting attacks.
  • Battle Roar - Temporarily increases maximum HP and regenerates HP.
  • Frenzy - Temporarily increases P. Atk. and Run Speed, especially when using Spear or Blunt Weapons. Also increases Accuracy and P. Atk. when using Two-Handed Swords and Blunt Weapons. Usable only when HP are 30% or lower.
  • Armor Crush - Inflicts great damage and temporarily throws the enemy into a state of shock with greatly reduced P. Def. and M. Def. Critical attack is possible. Shield defense is ignored. Over-hit is possible. Usable when equipped with a sword / blunt weapon / two-handed sword / two-handed blunt weapon.
Fortune Seeker new skills:
  • Shield Fortress - Increases personal shield defense rate.
  • Final Frenzy - Automatically increases P. Atk when HP level falls.
  • Final Fortress - Automatically increases P. Def. when HP level falls.
  • Shield Mastery - Shield defense increases.
  • Ultimate Defense - Instantly increases P. Def., M. Def. and resistance to buff-lifting attacks.
  • Battle Roar - Temporarily increases maximum HP and regenerates HP.
  • Frenzy - Temporarily increases P. Atk. and Run Speed, especially when using Spear or Blunt Weapons. Also increases Accuracy and P. Atk. when using Two-Handed Swords and Blunt Weapons. Usable only when HP are 30% or lower.
  • Crush of Doom - Crushes enemy with a powerful force. Use with two-handed sword or two-handed blunt weapon. Ignores Shield Defense. Over-hit is possible. Enchant Cost: HP consumption is decreased.
  • Collector's Experience - Increases P. Atk. by 129.3 when using a blunt weapon and shield defense rate by 30% when using a shield.
  • Howl - Decreases the P. Atk. of nearby enemies by 23% for 30 seconds.
  • Stun Master - Stun probability +30%, stun duration +1 sec when using blunts.
Blade Dancer lost these skills:
  • Ultimate Defense - Instantly increases P. Def., M. Def. and resistance to buff-lifting attacks.
  • Heavy Armor Mastery - Increases P. Def. when wearing heavy armor.
Blade Dancer new skills:
  • Thrill Fight - Temporarily decreases Speed and increases Atk. Spd.
  • Boost Attack Speed - Attack speed increases.
  • Quick Step - Moving speed increases.
  • Boost Evasion - Increase evasion.
  • Acrobatic Move - Dodging abilities increase when running.
  • Agile Movement - Increases Accuracy, Evasion and Speed while wearing light armor.
  • Ultimate Evasion - Significantly increases Evasion and resistance to buff-lifting attacks.
  • Light Armor Mastery - Increases P. Def., Casting Spd., Atk. Spd. and MP regeneration when wearing light armor.
  • Duelist Spirit - Temporarily increases Dual-Sword Weapon Atk. Spd. and ordinary/skill attack damage when in PVP.
  • Blade Hurricane - Attacks nearby enemies with 744 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a dualsword to be equipped. Ignores shield defense. Over-hit.
Gladiator new skill:
  • Weapon Blockade - Cancels the opponent's weapon with a dazzling movement for 5 seconds and slows their speed to 33%. Need to recharge 2nd stage of Sword Energy. Requires a dualsword to be equipped.
Swordsinger new skills:
  • Fatal Strike - Harness a mighty power to smite foes down with. Usable when a sword or blunt weapon is equipped. Ignores Shield Defense. Over-hit is possible.
  • Sonic Blaster - Discharges a solid beam of sonic force toward a distant target. An equipped sword, blunt weapon or Dual-Sword Weapon is required to use this skill. Level 2 Sonic Focus charge required. A critical hit is possible.
  • Sonic Storm - You unleash a violent mass of sonic energy emitting beams that strike distant targets. Consumes 3 Energy Stones. An equipped sword, blunt weapon or Dual-Sword Weapon is required to use this skill. Level 2 Sonic Focus charge is required. A critical hit is possible.
  • Sonic Focus - Channels force energy for use with other Sonic skills. An equipped sword, blunt weapon or Dual-Sword Weapon is required to use this skill. Force energy will disperse after 10 minutes of non-use.
  • Sonic Move - A Sonic Force detonation significantly increases your speed. Level 2 Sonic Force charge required. An equipped Dual-Sword Weapon is required to use this skill.
  • Braveheart - Recovers 6000 CP by increasing your will to fight.
  • Shield Slam - A shield attack that interrupts an enemy's physical attacks and causes them to lose their target as well as slams them causing them to spin around. An equipped shield is required to use this skill.
  • War Cry - Momentarily increases P. Atk.
  • Parry Stance - Uses weapon to block incoming attacks. P. Def and M. Def increase significantly. Speed, Atk. Spd. and accuracy are decreased.
  • Shock Blast - Sacrifices HP to release a shock wave at distant enemies that inflicts damage and cancels their target status. Temporarily throws them into a state of shock which greatly reduces their P. Def. and M. Def.. Critical attack is possible. Shield defense is ignored. Over-hit is possible.
  • Clear Mind - Enhances MP regeneration while standing or walking.
  • Light Armor Mastery - Increases P. Def. and Evasion when wearing light armor.
  • Critical Chance - Increased critical attack rate.
  • Boost Attack Speed - Attack speed increases.
  • Quick Step - Moving speed increases.
  • Boost Evasion - Increase evasion.
  • Agile Movement - Increases Accuracy, Evasion and Speed while wearing light armor.
  • Crosscut - Ranged sword strikes on target enemy with holy element. Also hits enemies in-line with projectile. Range 300. Over-hit and critical hit are possible. Uses 3 charges. Requires some kind of sword weapon. Sets critical rate and accuracy to maximum for 3 seconds after each usage of this skill. Ignores enemy's pDef over 3000. Passive effect: This skill also increases your double(extra) crit chance by 5%.
  • Shining Edge - Supplements user's P. Atk. by 2875 Power in a deadly blade attack. Power is increased upon consumption of up to 5 souls. Requires a short sword. Over-hit is possible.
Hierophant new skills:
  • Revival - Restores to full HP in an emergency. Only usable if HP is 5% or lower.
  • Burning Fist - Propels a powerful fiery iron fist. An equipped hand-to-hand combat weapon is required to use this skill. Ignores Shield Defense. Over-hit is possible.
  • Solar Flare - Unleashes a sacred magical attack with great casting range. Over-hit is possible.
  • Shadow Flare - Unleashes a dark magical attack with great casting range. Over-hit is possible.
  • Balance Life - Balances party members' HP.
  • Cleanse - Cancels your target's debuffs.
  • Soul Vortex - Stirs up a vortex connecting to the dimension of souls and inflicts non-attribute damage on the enemy with 112 power added to magic power. For 30 seconds, decreases moving speed by 20%, Atk. Spd. by 30%, and Casting Spd. by 30%.
  • Bear Spirit Totem - The spirit of the bear possesses you, temporarily increasing P. Atk. and critical attack power when using hand-to-hand combat weapons. Speed is decreased while the effect lasts. An equipped hand-to-hand combat weapon is required to use this skill.
  • Wolf Spirit Totem - The spirit of the wolf possesses you, temporarily increasing Accuracy and Speed when using hand-to-hand combat weapons. An equipped hand-to-hand combat weapon is required to use this skill
  • Angelic Icon - By the will of your God, your fighting ability with one-handed swords significantly increases. While in use, the effects of HP regeneration magic significantly decreases. This skill is only available when your HP is at 30% or lower.
  • Zealot - By the will of a Guardian God, you instantly and significantly increase your fighting ability. While in use, the effects of HP regeneration magic significantly decreases. This skill is only available when your HP is at 30% or lower.
  • Force Meditation - Meditate to increase HP/MP regeneration. Your body is immobilized and your P. Def. decreased while meditating. The effect is cancelled if you are attacked. Level 3 Focused Force charge required.
  • Soul Breaker - An iron-fisted attack that stuns and damages an enemy. An equipped hand-to-hand combat weapon is required to use this skill. Shield Defense is ignored. Over-hit is possible.
  • Word of Fear - Instills fear into one's enemies and causes them to flee.
  • Soul Cry - Increases one's own P. Atk.
  • Fist Fury - Greatly increases one's Atk. Spd.
  • Fist Weapon Mastery - Increases P. Atk. when using a hand-to-hand combat weapon.
Spectral Master new skills:
  • Death Spike - Damages an enemy by throwing a bone.
  • Dash - Temporary burst of speed.
  • Smart Cubic - Summons Smart Cubic. Cancels all the bad abnormal conditions which were cast on the master, and uses useful skills additionally.
Dreadnought new skills:
  • Dash - Temporary burst of speed.
  • Rage - Temporarily increases P. Atk. when using Sword, Blunt or Spear weapons. Also increases Accuracy and P. Atk. when using Two-Handed Swords and Blunt Weapons. Evasion and P. Def. are decreased while the effect lasts.
  • Power Crush - Attacks the enemy with 3288 Power added to P. Atk. Over-hit. Critical.
  • Cursed Pierce - Attacks the enemy with 3849 Power added to P. Atk. Over-hit. Ignore shield defense. Critical.:
Hell Knight new skills:
  • Seed of Revenge - One sows a seed of wrath himself. There is a chance that the Seed of Wrath will grow when being attacked. P. Atk. increases with growth.
  • Insane Crusher - Unleashes a powerful Dark Curse that cancels at least one of the enemy's buffs, and decreases their maximum CP, resistance to de-buff attacks and the effectiveness of HP recovery magic. Requires a sword or blunt weapon. Ignores shield defense. Critical hit and over-hit are possible.
Phoenix Knight new skills:
  • Summon Imperial Phoenix - Summons an Imperial Phoenix.
  • Spirit of Phoenix - Share Phoenix's spirit and yours. There is a chance that the Spirit of Phoenix will expand when being attacked. Additional effects appear as it expands.
  • Flame Icon - Receives the will of the phoenix to drastically increase the fighting ability of party members. For 1 minute, increases resistance to de-buff attacks by 40%, P. Def. by 50%, M. Def. by 50%, accuracy by 6 when a sword/blunt weapon is equipped, moving speed by 30, Atk. Spd. by 30% when a sword/blunt weapon is equipped, critical rate by 33 when a sword is equipped, critical damage by 33% when a blunt weapon is equipped, and resistance to buff canceling attacks by 40%. Decreases the effect of recovery magic by 80%.
Eva Templar new skills:
  • Eva's Will - Show Will of Eva through yourself. There is a chance that the Will of Eva will expand when being attacked. Additional effects appear with growth.
  • Touch of Eva - Restores the HP of party members by 50%. For 1 minute, increases resistance to buff cancel attacks by 100% and the power of received HP recovery magic by 30%. Restores 50 HP every second.
Shillien Templar new skills:
  • Pain of Shilen - Share Shilen's pain and yours. There is a chanced that Shilen's pain will increase when being attacked. Additional effects appear with increase in pain.
  • Spirit of Shilien - Receives the will of Shilen to drastically increase the fighting ability of party members. For 1 minute, increases P. Atk. by 30%, moving speed by 30, Atk. Spd. by 30%, the critical rate when a sword is equipped by 100, and the critical impact when a blunt weapon is equipped by 100%. Recovers as HP 40% of general close rate physical damage inflicted on the enemy. Decreases the power of received HP recovery magic by 80%.
Doom Cryer new skills:
  • Crush of Doom - Attacks the enemy with a powerful force. Usable when one is equipped with a two-handed sword or two-handed blunt weapon. Ignores Shield Defense. Over-hit is possible.
  • Armor Crush - Inflicts great damage and temporarily throws the enemy into a state of shock with greatly reduced P. Def. and M. Def. Critical attack is possible. Shield defense is ignored. Over-hit is possible. Usable when equipped with a sword / blunt weapon / two-handed sword / two-handed blunt weapon.
  • Howl - Instantly reduces P. Atk. of surrounding enemies.
  • Provoke - Draws in monsters towards oneself from a large surrounding area.
  • Shield Bash - A shield attack that interrupts an enemy's physical attacks and causes them to lose their target as well as stuns them.
  • Shock Stomp - Temporarily shocks nearby enemies, canceling their targets.
  • Guts - Temporarily boosts its P. Def. substantially. Only works when HP becomes 50% or lower.
  • War Cry - Momentarily increases P. Atk.
  • Rage - Temporarily increases P. Atk. when using Sword, Blunt or Spear weapons. Also increases Accuracy and P. Atk. when using Two-Handed Swords and Blunt Weapons. Evasion and P. Def. are decreased while the effect lasts.
  • Battle Roar - Temporarily increases maximum HP and restores HP.
  • Arcane Wisdom - Your wisdom empowers your party members' casting speed and Mdef by 10%.
Shillen Saint new skills:
  • Major Group Heal - Your party instantly recovers their HP.
  • Body of Avatar - For a certain time period, increases one's party members' maximum HP and restores the increased portion of their HP.
  • Balance Life - Balances party members' HP.
  • Shadow Spark - Unleashes a dark magical attack with great casting range. Over-hit is possible.
  • Spell Truning - Cancels a nearby target's magic casting.
  • Aura Flash - Unleashes an elementally challenged attack on nearby enemies that cancels their targets.
  • Dark Vortex - Creates a vortex that connects to the dimension of darkness. While launching a dark magic attack, it absorbs HP, instantly decreases the enemy's resistance to dark attack and decreases MP continuously
  • Mass Block Shield - Removes buffs that increase P. Def from nearby enemies. Temporarily decreases P. Def and prevents enemies from receiving removed buffs that will increase their P. Def. again.
  • Mystic Immunity - Makes a target temporarily immune to buffs/debuffs.
  • Summon Vampiric Cubic - Summons a Vampiric Cubic. A Vampiric Cubic uses magic that absorbs the targeted enemy's HP and with it regenerates its master's HP.
  • Mass Summon Storm Cubic - Summons Storm Cubic for party members. Storm Cubic uses magic that damages a targeted enemy.
  • Mass Summon Phantom Cubic - ummons Phantom Cubic for party members. Phantom Cubic uses magic that decreases P. Atk, P. Def, and Atk. Spd. of a targeted enemy.
Eva's Saint new skills:
  • Spell Truning - Cancels a nearby target's magic casting.
  • Aura Flash - Unleashes an elementally challenged attack on nearby enemies that cancels their targets.
  • Solar Spark - Unleashes a sacred magical attack with great casting range. Over-hit is possible.
  • Restore Life - Recovers HP by 30%
  • Greater Battle Heal - Restores one's HP quickly.
  • Light Vortex - Creates a vortex that connects to the dimension of light. While launching a light magic attack, it instantly decreases the enemy's resistance to light attack and decreases MP continuously.
  • Mass Block Wind Walk - Removes buffs that increase Speed from nearby enemies. Temporarily decreases Speed and prevents enemies from receiving removed buffs that will increase their Speed again.
  • Seed of Water - Instills the force of water. Unless a new force is instilled in 5 seconds, all forces will disappear.
  • Mystic Immunity - Makes a target temporarily immune to buffs/debuffs.
  • Summon Life Cubic - Summons a Life Cubic. The Life Cubic uses magic to regenerate HP to its owner and party members.
  • Summon Spark Cubic - Summons Spark Cubic. Spark Cubic uses magic that stuns a targeted enemy.
  • Mass Summon Aqua Cubic - Summons Aqua Cubic for party members. Aqua Cubic uses magic that damages a targeted enemy over time.
Titan new skills:
  • Demolition Impact - Discharges the shock of destruction to attack the enemies at the front with 5750 Power added to P. Atk.
Ghost Sentinel / Moonlight Sentinel / Sagittarius new skill:
  • Final Secret - For 30 seconds, you call upon your hidden reserves to increase your skills power and ordinary attack damage by 20%.
Adventurer / Wind Rider / Ghost Hunter new skill:
  • Hide - Hides the user. Movement speed is decreased by 30%, and the effect is canceled if any action other than movement is initiated.
Archmage new skill:
  • Fire Vortex Buster - Detonates a Fire Vortex that inflicts fire damage on the enemy with 195 Power added to user's M. Atk. (Bluff Effect).
Mystic Muse new skill:
  • Ice Vortex Crusher - Creates an Ice Vortex that inflicts water damage on the enemy with 195 Power added to user's M. Atk. (Bluff Effect).
Mystic Muse new skill:
  • Wind Vortex Slug - Creates a powerful Wind Vortex that inflicts wind damage on the enemy with 195 Power added to user's M. Atk. (Knockback Effect).
Hell Knight new skills: 
  • Seed of Revenge - One sows a seed of wrath himself. There is a chance that the Seed of Wrath will grow when being attacked. P. Atk. increases with growth.
  • Insane Crusher - Unleashes a powerful Dark Curse that cancels at least one of the enemy's buffs, and decreases their maximum CP, resistance to de-buff attacks and the effectiveness of HP recovery magic. Requires a sword or blunt weapon. Ignores shield defense. Critical hit and over-hit are possible.
Phoenix Knight new skills:
  • Spirit of Phoenix -  Share Phoenix's spirit and yours. There is a chance that the Spirit of Phoenix will expand when being attacked. Additional effects appear as it expands.
  • Flame Icon - Receives the will of the phoenix to drastically increase the fighting ability of party members. For 1 minute, increases resistance to de-buff attacks by 40%, P. Def. by 50%, M. Def. by 50%, accuracy by 6 when a sword/blunt weapon is equipped, moving speed by 30, Atk. Spd. by 30% when a sword/blunt weapon is equipped, critical rate by 33 when a sword is equipped, critical damage by 33% when a blunt weapon is equipped, and resistance to buff canceling attacks by 40%. Decreases the effect of recovery magic by 80%.
Eva Templar new skills:
  • Eva's Will - Show Will of Eva through yourself. There is a chance that the Will of Eva will expand when being attacked. Additional effects appear with growth.
  • Touch of Eva - Restores the HP of party members by 50%. For 1 minute, increases resistance to buff cancel attacks by 100% and the power of received HP recovery magic by 30%. Restores 50 HP every second.
Shillien Templar new skills:
  • Pain of Shilen - Share Shilen's pain and yours. There is a chanced that Shilen's pain will increase when being attacked. Additional effects appear with increase in pain.
  • Spirit of Shilien - Receives the will of Shilen to drastically increase the fighting ability of party members. For 1 minute, increases P. Atk. by 30%, moving speed by 30, Atk. Spd. by 30%, the critical rate when a sword is equipped by 100, and the critical impact when a blunt weapon is equipped by 100%. Recovers as HP 40% of general close rate physical damage inflicted on the enemy. Decreases the power of received HP recovery magic by 80%.
Edited by ChoiCho
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I'm just promoting this server.Dunno if this will be the features,forums dont have anything,found them from old topics


now that i think about it, i've seen this here before...

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I'm just promoting this server.Dunno if this will be the features,forums dont have anything,found them from old topics


I can confirm that this is somewhat 80% of the features..

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    • DISCORD : utchiha_market telegram : https://t.me/utchiha_market SELLIX STORE : https://utchihamkt.mysellix.io/ Join our server for more products : https://discord.gg/hood-services https://campsite.bio/utchihaamkt  
    • Server Rates: » Xp 500x. » Sp 500x. » Aden 500x. » Drop 1x. » PartyXp 2x. » PartySp 2x. » Starting character level -61. Enchant rates: » Safe enchant +4. » Blessed and simple scrolls max enchant (+16). » Crystal scrolls max enchant (+20). » Simple enchant scrolls chance – 65%. » Blessed enchant scrolls chance – 100%. » Crystal enchant scrolls chance – 50% Augmentations: » Mid life stone skill chance – 5%. » High life stone skill chance – 10%. » Top life stone skill chance – 20%. » Augments 1+1 Unique features: » Main town – Giran » Automatic-Manual Potions. » Working 2 castle sieges. (Giran-Aden) » SPS cancel lasts 10 seconds and than buffs come back. » Stackable scrolls, lifestones, book of giants. » Unique pvp zone » More then 11 active raid bosses. » Wedding system. » Unique farming areas. » Npc skill enchanter. » Full npc buffer with auto buff. » Max count of buffs – 55. » Max subclasses – 4. » Free and no quest class change. » Free and no quest sub class. » Raid boss drop nobless item. » No weight limit. » Unique protection anti-hwy armor for archers/daggers etc. » Ingame password change. » Top pvp/pk/online ranks NPC. » Unique monsters & NPC. » Interlude retail skills. » Server up-time [24/7] [99]%. » Perfect class balance (all class can kill all class depending on players skill and setup knowledge,gear,augmentations). » Announcements on double kills triple kills etc. » Announcements on Grand Boss death , with the name of the killer as well as clan name of the player. » Information Npc in game with all servers infromations. Custom server gear : 1). Titanium Armor Lv.1 2). Epic Armor Lv.2 3). Epic Weapons-Kamikaze-Black S grade (Same Stats) 4). Demonic-Angelic Wings-Baium Hair-Custom Accessories (SameStats) 5). Custom Fighter/Mage tattoo Lv1-Lv2-Lv3 6). Shirt (STR,CON,INT +1) 7). Custom Shields Server Commands: .tvtjoin .tvtleave – Join or leave tvt event. .ctfjoin .ctfleave – Join or leave ctf event. .dmjoin .dmleave – Join of leave dm event. .online – current online players count. .repair – repairs stuck character in world. .menu – opens online menu panel. .exit – PVP zone exit in case you are bullied. .changepassword - Opens online menu then u can change ur password in game. .farm - Enable/disable autofarm Event system: » TVT event » CTF event » DM event » Tournament Event » Party Zone » Unique event shop. Olympiad game: » Retail olympiad game. » Competition period [1] week. » Olympiad start time [18:00] end [00:00] GMT+2. » New Heroes every Sunday.
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