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Posted (edited)

Hello guys :) i 'm selling a interlude pvp pack for high rate pvp servers! i was workin on pack for 2 years. 1 year ass free source and 1 year in my private source.  L2jHellas base but many thinks reworked and also many bugs. far better than hellas latest rev :).  its a stable pack for high rate servers.if somone will buy it he will have my full support for 2 weeks about bugs-exploits(if he will find any :D :D ) but only for this.  no support for custom shits... only problems and exploits.   :) if you want to use it for low rate server 60% quests working normally(yeah ok tryskell thanks to acis :D )  but i made the pack for high rate.


Price:  50 euro compiled(ip-mac protection)  only for 2 computers.

With Source: 80 euro


The reason that i am selling the pack 50 euro is  because many exploits has been fixed:
About exploits and bugs:All known exlpoits-bugs(the most of them has been fixed) about phx the most of them has been fixed but not 100% because the pack is not supporting client side if you want 100% take lameguard or something xD. but the most of them has been fixed via java :)
CTF Event-(Reworked-clean up, working)
Raidboss Event-(Reworked-clean up, working)
Death Match Event-(Reworked-clean up, working)
Hitman Event-(Reworked-clean up, working)
TvT Event-(Reworked-clean up, working)
VIP Event-(Reworked-clean up, working)
Chaos Event-(Reworked-clean up, working)
Peloponnesian War-(Reworked-clean up, working)
Capture Them-(Reworked-clean up, working)
Treasure Chests-(Reworked-clean up, working)
Castle Wars-(Reworked-clean up, working)
Protect The Leader-(Reworked-clean up, working)
Many Custom Npcs
Many Custom Configs And Mods
Faction Good vs Evil
Stuck Subs mod
Custom Voice Commands
Advanced PM System
Vote System( working last update 25/3/2015)
PvP Rank System
Advanced Community Board
Automatation Configs
Siege Reward Engine
Various Flood Protectors
Npc Crest
2 Anti Bot Systems
AFK protection(events)
a test server will be ready soon.  more info soon :) and pictures :)
Edited by AbSoLuTePoWeR
Posted (edited)

interesting pack

Is stable all ? including events?


My friend wanna make a interlude pvp but i dont know where to lead him ,toward which pack for pvp cause i know all are sh1t!


But since you may be a developer, you are trusted.



BTW: you fixed dupe item?

Edited by Karasu

That's weird. You were the developer of L2jHellas. You did the fixes in your "private version" but you didn't fix them in the public project.


Seems legit.


Don't rush and buy this pack. Soon all of these features will be included on L2jXtend for free.

Don't buy free features.


Stay tuned guys. http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/190659-l2jxtend-customs-made-simple/

That who you doing is not good mate...

Let people to do what they want.


Btw... on topic now!

The price is somewhat high... Someone can use aCis and pass some features like your project. And for the part of fix exploits, i think with little time many things can be fixed.



Good luck mate!


The price is good considering some effort has been done there & features that are not shared are included. Just think about it, if you put 1 developer to make you 1 custom feature small one ,hel charge you 20-30e...


If you hate this guy so much then show us free pack with same amount of work and features


Just think about it, if you put 1 developer to make you 1 custom feature small one ,hel charge you 20-30e...

That's true actually and ppl cry for similar prices for whole pack :troll:



That's weird. You were the developer of L2jHellas. You did the fixes in your "private version" but you didn't fix them in the public project.


Seems legit.


If you hate this guy so much then show us free pack with same amount of work and features

lol.. What reason i have?

Just i say my opinion about the price..

Most of them features/events is already shared here..


Now, about the bugs-exploits is something else..

But ok... Is a ready project for people who don't want to spend some time to work on it.

Of course Absolute is a skilled guy and in no case am i saying that project is not good.


So you are ok with people selling overpriced crappy packs? Well im not.

Why you call this pack "crappy"?

Because it is actually crappy or because there is a flame between you and absolute?


Anyway.. I do not like to judge..

Have a nice night.

Posted (edited)

Don't rush and buy this pack. Soon all of these features will be included on L2jXtend for free.

Don't buy free features.


Stay tuned guys. http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/190659-l2jxtend-customs-made-simple/

elfo. i dont care if you will share those customs. my points is that this is a pack with out many bugs.and all customs inside reworked by me and fully working. anyway. live in your happy custom shit world the only think that you know to do.


interesting pack

Is stable all ? including events?


My friend wanna make a interlude pvp but i dont know where to lead him ,toward which pack for pvp cause i know all are sh1t!


But since you may be a developer, you are trusted.



BTW: you fixed dupe item?

dupe exploits (the most off them has been fixed.) also if someone will find any dupe exploit because ok to say the truth i dont know every dupe exploit. :D i will fix it :) a test server will be available soon.


That's weird. You were the developer of L2jHellas. You did the fixes in your "private version" but you didn't fix them in the public project.


Seems legit.

Devlin mate just take a free revision check mo and check my revision about mo. (222 used memory from 350++ in free rev. so it have 128 available memory and the free rev its 350++ used memory.)  and thats why because i rework many thinks. for example: all  world region-and packets,all movoment packets-files,all sql-xml-dp connections,all objects. and more.  pic: s5i5a1.jpg


Edid:The price will be same. i am not selling it high because of customs. i am selling it 50 euro because of reworks and fixes. :)

Edited by AbSoLuTePoWeR

and all customs inside reworked by me and fully working. anyway. live in your happy custom shit world the only think that you know to do.

oh well


xaxa :P  i did not put those customs in pack :) i just rework them :)

why you rework something since you consider it as a shit?

Posted (edited)

why you rework something since you consider it as a shit?

because many events not working good. and i cant sell something non working man.  thats why i rework them :)



To elfo: Elfo all those years i never never flame you in your topics-posts, i know that you hate me and you wanna troll because i was trolling you. but i never never never all those years flame your topics. now bitch who is the kid here?

Edited by AbSoLuTePoWeR
Posted (edited)

Elfo will close this project again like Esios and like all other's dudes and hes words are like blah blah i will do and i will share and and... until he makes it/share it he should stfu and this topic needs a clean up.

about absolutpower is one of the most skilled devs i personaly know and i have work with him on l2jhellas and i vouch him, if he said he reworked he means he totaly changed the core of this events actually so i bet for him.

and the guys who drop on him blame that does not share in free version they are big sharers so big that we can open a torrent site.. so relax and let this topic free of spam since hes from the small list that he deserves some respect.


edit the only and i say ONLY guys who will have to say something about the free share is me and boorinio the others should be ignored so... :you serious?:

Edited by Nightw0lf

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