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Skill Restriction



Hello guys,
There is a bug in my server,which allows players to have multiple classes skills.
For example,Saggitarius with Paladin skills.I know it's related to PHX.
I tried this fix,but it just removed every skill:

	public L2Skill addSkill(L2Skill newSkill, boolean store)
		// Add a skill to the L2PcInstance _skills and its Func objects to the calculator set of the L2PcInstance
		L2Skill oldSkill = super.addSkill(newSkill);

		// Add or update a L2PcInstance skill in the character_skills table of the database
		if (store)
			storeSkill(newSkill, oldSkill, -1);

+		if(!SkillTreeTable.getInstance().getAllAvailableSkills(this, getClassId()).contains(newSkill))
+			removeSkill(newSkill,false);
		return oldSkill;

I am using acis 320

Edited by StealthyS4m
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consider of adding a check in enterworld..


so every time player will log in,it will check his skills.


its a lame fix,but I can't provide more tips since you haven't add more informations about this bug(how players are doing it etc).

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You have to create an admincommand or a mySQL query which pick each character raw, take their classes, and verify ids of skills according the class. If there are positive results, you ban their accounts.


If you want to make it automatically, create a method fired AFTER player skill loading, and check directly from here. If found, client closes packet + ban account.


You have to compare 2 lists of skillIds, basically, availableForClass and currentPlayer. If currentPlayer got a single id which is diferent, you drop it. It's the fastest and easiest way.


PS : think about hardcoded skills : nobless, hero, dwarven,...

Edited by Tryskell
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Take one unique skill for every class, for example frenzy, rabbit totem, snipe, because there is only one class which can have thiis skill. So if selected played has more than 1 unique skill ban him. As far as i know u cant add one skill using the bug u mentioned, if someone mixed 2 classes he will have complete skillset. So thats the simples solution imo

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Well,I don't want to ban,but I tried one thing.

	public void sendSkillList()
		final L2ItemInstance formal = getInventory().getPaperdollItem(Inventory.PAPERDOLL_CHEST);
		final boolean isWearingFormalWear = formal != null && formal.getItem().getBodyPart() == L2Item.SLOT_ALLDRESS;

		boolean isDisabled = false;
		SkillList sl = new SkillList();
+		///////////////////
+		HashMap <Integer,Integer> AvSkills = new HashMap<>();
+		addToListSL(AvSkills, SkillTreeTable.getInstance().getAllowedSkills(getClassId()));
+		addToListS(AvSkills,SkillTable.getHeroSkills());
+		addToListS(AvSkills,SkillTable.getNobleSkills());
+		addToListRSL(AvSkills,SkillTreeTable.getInstance().getAvailableRebirthSkills(this, getClassId()));
+		AvSkills.put(L2Skill.SKILL_CREATE_COMMON,10);
+		AvSkills.put(L2Skill.SKILL_CREATE_DWARVEN,10);
+		AvSkills.put(L2Skill.SKILL_CRYSTALLIZE,10);
+		AvSkills.put(L2Skill.SKILL_DIVINE_INSPIRATION,10);
+		AvSkills.put(L2Skill.SKILL_LUCKY,10);
+		AvSkills.put(L2Skill.SKILL_NPC_RACE,10);
+		////////////////////
		for (L2Skill s : getAllSkills())
			if (s == null)

			if (s.getId() > 9000 && s.getId() < 9007)
				continue; // Fake skills to change base stats

			if (getClan() != null)
				isDisabled = s.isClanSkill() && getClan().getReputationScore() < 0;

			if (isCursedWeaponEquipped()) // Only Demonic skills are available
				isDisabled = !s.isDemonicSkill();
			else if (isMounted()) // else if, because only ONE state is possible
				if (getMountType() == 1) // Only Strider skills are available
					isDisabled = !s.isStriderSkill();
				else if (getMountType() == 2) // Only Wyvern skills are available
					isDisabled = !s.isFlyingSkill();
			if (isWearingFormalWear)
				isDisabled = true;
+			if(AvSkills.containsKey(s.getId()))
			sl.addSkill(s.getId(),s.getLevel()<AvSkills.get(s.getId())?s.getLevel():AvSkills.get(s.getId()) , s.isPassive(), isDisabled);//Changed a bit    

+	public static void addToListSL(HashMap<Integer,Integer> a,Collection<L2SkillLearn> b){
+		Iterator <L2SkillLearn> itr = b.iterator();
+		while(itr.hasNext()){
+			L2SkillLearn tempSkill = itr.next();
+			a.put(tempSkill.getId(), tempSkill.getLevel());
+		}
+	}
+	public static void addToListRSL(HashMap<Integer,Integer> a, Collection <L2RebirthSkillLearn> b){
+		Iterator <L2RebirthSkillLearn> itr = b.iterator();
+		while(itr.hasNext()){
+			L2RebirthSkillLearn tempSkill = itr.next();
+			a.put(tempSkill.getId(), tempSkill.getLevel());
+		}
+	}
+	public static void addToListS(HashMap<Integer,Integer> a,L2Skill [] b){
+		for(int c = 0;c<b.length;c++){
+			a.put(b[c].getId(), b[c].getLevel());
+		}
+	}

This change should check player's skills on login and if there any that shouldn't be there just don't add it,plus it checks levels.What do you guys think?

Edited by StealthyS4m
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