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Everything posted by StealthyS4m

  1. I would have to disable my brain to download this shit.
  2. Hello guys, Server has done a lot of updating and is starting a new life at June 6th 21:00(GMT +02). Weapons now have 3levels.Each level improves weapon's special ability. New collective added - PvP Coin. You can get this by slaying your enemies in PvP and Farm zones. Use this item to upgrade your weapons For more news visit server's WEBSITE
  3. Yeah I forgot to remove party color,but shouldn't others see it?What is the point of it if you are the only one who can see it? + int orgColor; public void joinParty(L2Party party) { if (party != null) { _party = party; party.addPartyMember(this); } + orgColor = this.getAppearance().getNameColor(); + this.getAppearance().setNameColor(nameColor); } /** * Manage the Leave Party task of the L2PcInstance. */ public void leaveParty() { if (isInParty()) { _party.removePartyMember(this); _party = null; } + this.getAppearance().setNameColor(orgColor); } If this isn't what thread author wanted,then I am sorry for misunderstanding. or like St3et said: if(_activeChar.isInParty()) writeD(color); else writeD(_activeChar.getAppearance().getNameColor());
  4. Try this: public void joinParty(L2Party party) { if (party != null) { _party = party; party.addPartyMember(this); + this.getAppearance().setNameColor(nameColor); } } L2PcInstance.java;line ~5269;aCis
  5. Also,what error does it throw?
  6. I believe it goes to 400% because you haven't edited client side. You could try something like that: // Calculate the difference of level between this attacker and the L2Attackable. final int levelDiff = attacker.getLevel() - getLevel(); final int[] expSp = calculateExpAndSp(levelDiff, damage, totalDamage); long exp = expSp[0]; int sp = expSp[1]; + if(attacker.getLevel() == 79) + exp /= 4; if (isChampion()) { exp *= Config.CHAMPION_REWARDS; sp *= Config.CHAMPION_REWARDS; } exp *= 1 - penalty; L2Attackable.java line ~595,aCis.
  7. I need same effects,but just higher values.
  8. Yeah,I know that,but I need to edit a lot Skills.So isn't there any easier way?
  9. Hello guys, I want to create new items with upgraded special ability(Arcane Mace - Acumen LvL 2) What I want is to just multiply the value by 1.5.What's the easiest way to do it? Should I add new level to skill and give new values,or I just can add somewhere in Java if(item.getId()>5000) valueGotFromSkills * 1.5; I am using aCis. Thanks in advance.
  10. Does this kind of thing occur to only one certain npc,a certain type of npcs or all npcs?
  11. /> in <mul order="0x30" stat="runSpd" val="0.7"/> means that you are closing mul tag. </mul> also means that you are closing mul tag,you can't close the same tag twice! Try: <effect name="Buff" time="120" val="0" stackOrder="1" stackType="possession"> <mul order="0x30" stat="cAtk" val="1.2"> <using kind="Dual Fist" /> </mul> <mul order="0x30" stat="pAtk" val="1.2"> <using kind="Dual Fist" /> </mul> <mul order="0x30" stat="runSpd" val="0.7"/> </effect>
  12. <button value="Vote for us on HopZone" action="bypass -h vote-hopzone" width=180 height=20 back="YourTexture" fore="YourTexture"/> <img src=L2UI_CH3.herotower_deco width=256 height=32> <button value="Vote for us on Topzone" action="bypass -h vote-topzone" width=180 height=20 back="YourTexture" fore="YourTexture"/> to something like:L2UI_CH3.herotower_deco
  13. Sorry,I was a bit unclear about what I want. I want not crypted itemname-e,saved as txt,so I want to open it with any file editor. If you open itemname-e.dat with L2FileEdit there is a button "Save as TXT File" and just save it if you can. Thanks!
  14. Hello guys, Could anyone give me itemname-e.txt?Because of certains reasons I can't use L2FileEdit. I need Interlude(C6) version. Thanks in advance!
  15. Yeah because I just guessed st.getPlayer().isDead(),I have no idea if such even exists,search for something alike or maybe st.getPlayer().getCurrentHP() == 0 or something alike.Also I've never used Python but looking at the code you gave,I believe that the syntax is all right.
  16. if count < 0 or st.getPlayer().getLevel() < 1 : htmltext = "<html><head><body>You dont have enough Adena,<br> or your level is too low. You must be 40 or higher.</body></html>" else if st.getPlayer().isDead(): htmltext = "<html><head><body>You can't use buffer while you are dead.</body></html>" else: st.takeItems(ADENA_ID,0) st.getPlayer().setTarget(st.getPlayer()) Something like that
  17. Hello guys, It has been decided to wipe the server! New season will start on April 11th 20:00(GMT +02). This wipe will bring a lot of updates to the server.Some new features: ☑ Added new event - Lucky Player Online - everyday at totally random time the server will choose a random ONLINE player who will be rewarded with Mighty Boss Slayer's Trophy! ☑ Balanced PvP ☑ Balanced Mighty Bosses. ☑ Voting for server now gives 5 vote coins instead of 1! ☑ Fixed the problem with augmentions! Server's website I hope to see you in-game!
  18. protected void startMinionSpawns(final int antharasId) { + if(!Config.ENABLE_ANTHARAS_MINIONS)//You will need to create ENABLE_ANTHARAS_MINIONS field in Config.java + return; int intervalOfMobs; // Interval of minions is decided by the type of Antharas // that invaded the lair. switch (antharasId) { case ANTHARASWEAKID: intervalOfMobs = FWA_INTERVALOFMOBSWEAK; break; case ANTHARASNORMALID: intervalOfMobs = FWA_INTERVALOFMOBSNORMAL; break; default: intervalOfMobs = FWA_INTERVALOFMOBSSTRONG; break; } // Spawn mobs. _mobsSpawnTask = ThreadPoolManager.getInstance().scheduleGeneralAtFixedRate(new MobsSpawn(), intervalOfMobs, intervalOfMobs); }
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