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L2 Adrenaline Scripts.

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hello I need your help, it's about item broker
in my server who is quickly place bid 100kk adena he will win
so i need script for fast bid item broker with price bid 100kk adena
because I always lose quickly with someone
​can someone make it?
sory for bad english ;D
Edited by skyden
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When i turn on script, the cpu usage increases to 70-100%(adrenaline process). It's normal?

What exactly u want to do... Putting something into a forever-loop + not properly,it makes me wonder how u havent already "crash" ur pc


Asking "how to loop" and after that creating a potato... Start making baby steps

Edited by bravetobe
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What exactly u want to do... Putting something into a forever-loop + not properly,it makes me wonder how u havent already "crash" ur pc


Asking "how to loop" and after that creating a potato... Start making baby steps

Obj: Tl2Live;
while True do
if user.inrange(110449, 220035, -3628, 10000)  then begin
Engine.EnterText('/useshortcut 1 9');
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Obj: Tl2Live;
            while true do begin
                  if user.inrange(110449, 220035, -3628, 5000)  then begin
                        Engine.EnterText('/useshortcut 1 9');

try now

Edited by arturo134
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guys is all servers able to log in with l2adrenaline coz i see all that posts and it looks like you can play in every server with adrenaline

just ask thx:)


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Hello guys. Didn't create a new thread since half threads are about adrenaline, waste of space. i Just downloaded adrenaline wanted to try it since i have some free time and wrote some scripts for it and have a quick question ( Maybe many will follow as i move on but this is it for now) :


i am using the interface to farm in a certain area with the settings i like and i was wandering if i can add a script for a specific job while using the interface too. 


When i die go back to town (no working community) take buffs from an npc and go to gk and go back to where i was (fog lower). i wrote a silly script doing that and i want the script to run e.g. if im out of buffs or dead etc. 


Unless there is another way to do it through the settings which i didn't notice. 

P.S. Adrenaline bypasses security and runs smoothly but do gm's and admin know i'm botting? (w/o me being reported offcourse)

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@up its all possible pw me i will send u some example script



And i need to write smthing thats working with other chars in party.


How to check if a party member is a dead or in range?

I see this in the manual but i dont know how to make the correct syntax.


oh nvm just figured it out

Edited by m44ti
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@up its all possible pw me i will send u some example script



And i need to write smthing thats working with other chars in party.


How to check if a party member is a dead or in range?

I see this in the manual but i dont know how to make the correct syntax.


oh nvm just figured it out

example if party member dead and less than 300 range

var i:integer;
for i:=0 to party.chars.count -1 do
  if party.chars.items(i).dead and
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