Erlandys Posted January 20, 2015 Posted January 20, 2015 (edited) Hello everyone. I'm a developer which usually do some programming and when some idea pops in the head makes it and gives you ability to buy it and use it in your server. I can make some personal services, but I usually do not have enough time for that (but you always can try and ask about that).My conditions are simple: When you buy any engine, which is listed below, you are not allowed to resell it. When I do some services for you, you can choose: Either to pay more and the engine which you asked will be only for you and you get the ability to resell it for anyone. Either you pay less, but I leave the chance for myself, to resell it also. Thank you for your time, check the list and if you have anything to ask, I'm free at skype: Erlandys56. Events Engine upcoming! With ingame controls and lots of features. For more information, write to skype: Erlandys56 Available for any chronicle, from Interlude to Underground! Upcoming engines:1. Introduction engine. Configuration through XML. Ability to choose the class, give the player weapon (weapon equips automatically), give the full set. You can choose items steps with types. CanTakeAll - true/false. This means, player can take all items from exact step or only one. Ability to instantly put item into shortcut. Dyes can be equipped instantly. Player is blocked from movement while doing tutorial. Ability to skip tutorial after taking up the class. Can make movements, that player runs around after each step.2. Helper engine. This is more for mid rates server. You can make at certain level range, after leveling up, writing .helper or logging in, to show some helpful information for player. Like giving ability to teleport at certain places, changing profession, taking some new items (possibility to add prices to them).3. Character options (Menu). This will include some options for player to use. Simple ones like stopping XP usage, show last 5 access times and IPs. Ability to bind the E-Mail address. Add the character password (Enable/Disable). And much more. Also if enabled, after binding the E-Mail, player has to confirm it, by reading the Mail and ability to change password or etc by getting the E-Mail with options and steps to change pass, E-Mail and so on.ErEngine: Now every engine is controlled with this feature. It makes every patch much lighter, engines to be compacted more. Gives ability to control engines with admin commands and read information, about other engines. H5 IT Content:1. Detail explanation.2. Examples.3. Possibilities.4. Images.5. Configs.1. Museum 1. To explain it easier, it is statistics engine, which allows you to have lots of top categories, not like normal ones, with only top pvp, top pk and that's all. This engine contains lots of categories, like Top PvP Deaths, Top Adena, Top Quests cleared and etc... Also this engine contains timer stuff, each category can be made daily/weekly/monthly/total timers. This means, for example with daily top, every day at 00:00 top will be refreshed and all player PVPs will be removed from top, it will count from zero every day (this does not touch any other stats, so after refresh, your all PVPs or others will remain normal, but only changed in the museum engine). Also there's a reward engine, which can be separated in 2 types: 1 - statues, every period (daily, weekly and etc), at the start, museum will choose the best player from each category, and if it is enabled, museum will spawn the statue, where it will be destined through XML (possible multiple places, like one in Giran other in Oren and so on.). This means, exactly same appearance as player statue, which will have players name, but title will be category name and when you talk with it, you see last period top 5 from that category. 2 - same as above, but the reward is not statue, but item/exp and etc for winner.2. Some detail explanation : All refresh types except Total refreshes all players amounts, and makes top 5 players with last period amounts, to show in statue info. All new period info are reloaded and showed in normal museum window. Total refresh time updates data for all categories and all refresh times, in same time changes all time tops, and statues for this category type. 3. You can make refresh types in 4 ways: Daily tops, reloads every day at 00:00. Weekly tops, reloads every week at Monday 00:00. Monthly tops, reloads every 1st day of month at 00:00. Total tops, refresh time is configurable. 4. H5 IT 5. XML: 2. Class Balancer 1. This engine helps you to balance classes damage, which can be changed easilly by using administrator command //classbalancer, in which you will see the table with list of classes. You can choose 1 class to be shown, then you will see all the available changes to that class (from and to that class). If you choose 2 check boxes, you can see from one to other class balance (so it's pretty like search engine), for example Duelist and Adventurer, you will see both Duelist->Adventurer Adventurer->Duelist. This engine contains separated balancers for olympiad games and normal gameplay, so you can balance your classes either for olympiad, either not. To edit class damage all you have to do is either to create balance for it, either if you already have created it, press buttons to increase/decrease damage. Changed values are instantly put into the game, so you can be hitting other player all the time and changing the value, so you will see the change.2. Some examples: Duelist vs All + 20% Normal damage (this will increase duelist normal hits by 20% to monsters and players). For example, you do 1000 Dam, by increasing by 20% you will do 1200. Adventurer vs Sagittarius -20% Blow damage (this will decrease adventurer skills with blows like deadly blow and etc... damage by 20% only to Sagittarius). Damage you do - 1000, will be changed to 800. 3. You can modify damage in 7 ways: Normal damage, (made by fists, bows (normal shot) etc... without any skills. Normal Critical damage, same as above except this will work only for criticals. Magic damage, this will work only with magic skills (like Vampyric claw or etc...) Magic Critical damage, same as above except only for criticals. Blow damage, this will work only for skills who has blow chance (like Sagittarius Lethal Shot or Adventurers Deadly blow and etc...) Physical Skill damage, this will work only for normal skills made by warriors like (Stun or others...) Physical Skill Critical damage, same as above except only for criticals. 4. H5 IT 5. Configs: # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------# Class Balancer Settings:# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------# This is for update delay, when update all changes to the database (seconds)# NOTE: Smaller time amount, more work for server, so change if you know how# Default: 300 (5minutes)ClassBalancerUpdateDelay = 300# Enable or Disable class balancer work for second class# Example: if balance will be made for Ghost Hunter and this config will be enabled so same balances will work for Abyss Walker# Default: falseClassBalancerAffectSecondProffesion = false# Enable or Disable balance for monsters (to change this you must create balance vs All)# Default: falseClassBalancerAffectMonsters = false 3. Skills Balancer 1. This engine allows you to change chances or damages for certain skills, to all classes or to certain classes. You can change chance or damage ingame through command //skillsbalancer and through it you can do the changes in realtime, just simply create balance or change existing, by pressing buttons to increase or decrease, and test it. No need to do any savings, reloadings. Engine does that for you.2. Some examples: Stun (with id 100) vs All + 20% Chance - this will increase chance from skill with id 100 to all the classes. Chance increases by %, so if chance is already 30% and is increased by 20%, then it will be 36% at the end. Triple Sonic Slash (with id 1) vs Adventurer - 10% Power - this will decrease the damage made only by the skill with id (1) to only class Adventurer, by 10%. If the damage is already made 100-200, then after decreasing it by 10%, will be made 90-180. 3. You can modify skills in 2 ways: Power (in other words damage), used only for certain skill (your choice) to increase or decrease damage by % amount to certain or all classes. Chance, same as above except this works with effects chance like stun, sleep, cancel and etc... 4. H5 IT 5. Configs: # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------# Skills Balancer Settings:# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------# This is for update delay, when update all changes to the database (seconds)# NOTE: Smaller time amount, more work for server, so change if you know how# Default: 300 (5minutes)SkillsBalancerUpdateDelay = 300# Enable or Disable skills balancer work for second class# Example: if balance will be made for Ghost Hunter and this config will be enabled so same balances will work for Abyss Walker# Default: falseSkillsBalancerAffectSecondProffesion = false# Enable or Disable balance for monsters (to change this you must create balance vs All)# Default: falseSkillsBalancerAffectMonsters = false 4. Vote Engine 1. The engine is different from all others, since it can have up to 10 vote sites instantly. Also it has very good rewards engine. You can make n amount of rewards for ex for HopZone top, and player will have to choose which reward it wants. Also the rewards can be different, they can be instant (just after vote get for example 100 adena) either with timer, which means (just after vote, get such thing as bonus, for ex, to increase adena drop rate by 10%, for 5h and etc). Adding new voting site, is pretty simple. You have Vote Handler and you have to fill the reading of the vote site to be correct (to get the votes amount). Also possible to implement APIs, which will check with player IP.2. Some examples: Instant clan points rewards by 500. Increase Fire Attribute Stone drop chance by 15%. Simple calculation - current chance 35%, adding 15% will make its reward to be 50%. Bonus for 13h. Increase Earth Attribute Stone drop chance by multiplying current chance by 15%. Which will do a calculation (current chance - 30%, multiplying by 15% will make it to be 30*1.15=34.5%). Bonus for 3h. Increase Stem drop amount by 20%. Bonus for 4h. 3. You can add rewards in 2 ways: Instant, this is used to give instant reward after successful vote. Possible types: Experience, Skill Points, Clan Points, any Item. Time, this will make a bonus for a player for a certain amount of time. Possible types: Experience, Skill Points, Clan Points, any Item. 4. H5 IT 5. Vote.xml:Note: original XML file contains explanations about every setting and every part of information. 5. Captcha Engine 1. Its basic difference from all other Captchas is, that player have not to type the captcha (in the textbox), but press the buttons in it, as the pin codes or etc... Also it has an algorythm with idle time.. It will show captcha only if you kill certain count of mobs (configurable), without configurable delay. This means, that lets say that configurable delay is 5mins, and if player will kill monsters and make pause for 5mins without killing a monster, his count for Captcha will be restarted.2. Some examples: Kill minimum 15 maximum 100 monsters in 5mins delay. When the player will hit the monster first time, server will generate random amount for him in radius from 15 to 100 monsters. Lets say 64. If you kill 64 monsters, you get the Capthca. But if you after killing 63 monsters, will take 5mins break, your amount of monsters will again decrease and when you will kill other monster (which should be 64th), the Captcha engine, will regenerate required monsters amount and count as 1 killed monster for player. 4. H5 Image will be available soon. IT 5. Config: # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------# Captcha# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------# Enables captcha system.# Default: TrueCaptchaEnable = True# Enables second security level for captcha.# First one is for captcha key to be shown through ScreenMessage on center, second one in image.# Default: TrueCaptchaSecondSecurityLevel = False# Min monsters count required for captcha to appear.# Default: 100CaptchaMinMonstersCount = False# Max monsters count required for captcha to appear.# Default: 100CaptchaMaxMonstersCount = False# Idle time (seconds) for player to not to kill any monster, for kills to refresh.# Default: 300 (5 minutes)CaptchaIdleTime = 300# Captchas delay, how much time has player to input captcha (seconds).# Default: 60CaptchaDelay = 60# Captchas length. How much numbers player will have to input.# Default: 4CaptchaLength = 4# How many times player can mistake, inputting captcha and after those x times, gets disconnect.# Default: 3CaptchaFails = 3 6. Ingame Forum 1. It is same as a website forum, but it is just simply in the game, in community board. The forum does not connect to any website, so it is just like any other engine in the game and does not go out of the server reach. In the forum admin can make sections with types and prefixes. Players can create topics, post in there. Also admins can close the topics, stick them or remove them totally.2. Some examples: Create Report Bugs section, with type See Only Authors, with prefixes Skill/Event/Bug/Error. So the player creating the topic, will have to choose one of the prefixes and will be able to see only his own topics. Create Marketplace section, with type Normal, so everyone will see the topic and everyone will be able to post in there or read it. 3. You can make 4 section types: Normal, this section type allow everyone to read it and everyone to post in there. See Only Authors, this will make section in which everyone can post there, but normal players will see the topics only They created and Admins will see all the topics. For GMs, this type is only for GMs, only GMs see this section and only they can post in there. (It is good for example for chat, or some notifications for other GMs, since players do not see this section). PostOnlyGMs, in this section, only GMs can post or create topics, but all the players can read them. 4. H5 Image will be available soon. IT 5. Config: # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------# Forum# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------# Enables forum to be in whole community board.# Default: FalseForumInWholeCommunityBoard = False# Changes the tab of forum in community board.# Default: _bbshomeForumTab = _bbshome# After how much seconds information will be updated to the database.# Default: 60ForumInformationManagement = 60# Should forum increase views after author will view its own topic.# Default: FalseForumIncreaseViewsForAuthorView = False# Should author of the topic be able to close it.# Default: FalseForumAuthorCanCloseTopic = False# Topics limit in one page.# Default: 10ForumTopicsLimitInPage = 10# Messages limit in one page.# Default: 10ForumMessagesLimitInPage = 10 7. Server side images 1. The engine allows You to add not Alpha images to the server used for HTMLs. You will not have to change anything in the client to see them and the usage is simple: Add the image into the data/images folder and in the HTML write: %%imageName%%. In such way you will see the image added into the server, without any client modifications.4. H5 Image will be available soon. IT 8. Npc to Pc engine 1. This engine allows you to make the NPCs to look like a players. With this engine you can change anything in the appearance, AbnormalEffects, make the NPC to look like a dead player, like a Fishing Player, add augmentation look to the weapon or any other possible appearance part. Also this engine includes ingame editor (Shift+Click on NPC, press NpcToPc edit and you can change anything through there).4. H5 Image will be available soon. IT 5. Npc_to_Pc.xml: 9. My own made Buffer 1. The buffer has its own design, is controllable through XML and has ability to add Enchanted Buffs to the buffer. (No HTML edits are required).4. H5 Image will be available soon. IT 5. Buffer.xml: 10. Drop / Npcs database. 1. The engine allows player to get straight information about your server monsters drop/spoil. Locate npcs/raidbosses/monsters positions. Get information about, where exact item can be dropped/spoiled and from which monster.4. H5 Image will be available soon. IT 5. Configurations: # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------# Drop/Npcs database:# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------# Enable or disable Drop/Npcs database in whole community board.# Default: falseDNDatabaseInWholeCBoard = false# Set the community board tab for database.# Default: _bbshomeDNDatabaseTab = _bbshome# Enable or Disable search for npcs.# Default: falseDNDatabaseSearchForNpcs = false# Set npc/monster ids, for engine to exclude them from search.# Usage: npcId;npcId;npcId....# Default: 29019;DNDatabaseExcludedMonsters = 29019;# Set item ids, for engine to exclude them from search.# Usage: itemId;itemId;itemId....# Default: 57;DNDatabaseExcludedItems = 57; 11. Achievements engine. 1. This achievement engine allows you to create lots of achievements, with ease. You are able to make multiple rewards for achievements. Also you are able to make several different levels for each achievement. Extra levels allowed. They are not shown, until player meets required conditions. Each achievement and achievement level can have conditions. For example: Needs to be hero/noble and have 500 karma, to do that achievement or exact achievement level. All details about achievement conditions are written below. Also achievement engine contains "Title" system. If your server does not use Title coloring, it would be pretty useful. Player has to accomplish base of achievement (without extra levels) and it gets ability to get title. Title is configured for each achievement, title and its color. If player changes his title normally, title color comes back, but changing from achievements engine gives the color (described in configs) and title itself. Achievements engine also contains "Daily achievements". They are refreshed every day, so each day player has to do tasks from zero.4. H5 IT 5. Configurations and achievement example: You can write to skype: Erlandys56 or here in forum, I'll answer all the questions. If needed, test server is ready. Edited January 9, 2018 by Erlandys 1 2 Quote
Ayami- Posted January 20, 2015 Posted January 20, 2015 You added a check for this if char is in olympiad to not be affected from balancer? Quote
Erlandys Posted January 20, 2015 Author Posted January 20, 2015 This check is performed only if administrator chose true in properties. So this can and cannot be affected in olympiad. Quote
Erlandys Posted January 21, 2015 Author Posted January 21, 2015 Update! Added Interlude version! Quote
demoneyes Posted January 21, 2015 Posted January 21, 2015 Aewsome work, really usefull and easy to handle. very trusted and skilled author, surely recommended. PS: bough it myself. Quote
JustBeatIt Posted January 21, 2015 Posted January 21, 2015 Trusted Seller , Very Skiller !!! I rec him is genius ;) Quote
Elfosass Posted January 26, 2015 Posted January 26, 2015 I like the fact that even if the code is fairly simple you put that extra effort on making it look nice too making me totally recomend it to everyone. Good job mate. Quote
MrJack_DeV Posted January 29, 2015 Posted January 29, 2015 Oh this look nice What is the price ? All futures work on h5 correctly right ? Quote
Erlandys Posted January 29, 2015 Author Posted January 29, 2015 Yes, all the features works nice, write to skype Erlandys56 and wwe will talk about it. :) Quote
kyosume Posted January 31, 2015 Posted January 31, 2015 The best balancer out there! I recommend him too with all my heart! Quote
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