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How To Patch System


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Hello, I want to get some information how to patch system. I know.. there on internet is many patched systems, but I want to know how to do it?

Someone can help me with patching official system?

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wrong section..... also why do you tag ur topic as a share???


just have a look on some russian sites. there you will see how tho patch some dll and exe files to remove gg and fileprotection on startup. optional you can use l2encdec software. it will patch your system automaticly (except gg i think)

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I dont know where to post this topic, But I tried last Ertheia system patch by  l2encdec software.

And It will say:

Error: The system file may have been damaged. After ending the game, please check the file using the Lineage II auto update.






BTW: Thanks for moving topic to right section

Edited by MiguelS
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try search custom privete servers that are ertheia and see if you finde a pached one :P

i allso search for an ertheia pached system to be able to edit some stuff

ill share it if i finde an working one



and also if you want it only for dev mode to work without game guard error than do like this

after game installs you launch the game from nc launcher, close the nclauncher, make your settings to ultra if you have a good pc, i ususaly make it 1280x720 at ultra with shader a  and focus and AA disabled, aniway AA needs to be disabled so after you made the settings restart client, log in just to see your char, relog, exit clien and go make a backup of your system, after that make your dev files and it sould work, if you get a gameguard error just delete the system and place the backup you made


another way it will be this it tink but i ddn't try it yet

search this on google since i can't give direct link

"binary modifications, etc - by Fyyre"


if you don't know how to make the devmode just reqwest it and ill post it :P



sory bad english here

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