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high five [L2J] Lineage 2 Averia


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What is point buy advert at mxc if there is still same comunity?!?!? :D


It's not about letting people know, it's about sending a message. When I see a server with advertisement here I know they're serious about their project.


However when they say:


Cant buy advertisement everywhere, need to check the statistics before make any action. This time we decided that Maxcheaters wont be prior place to add ads.


You know you can be sure they're just trying to make cash out of it and bothering with making a banner and buying the spot just wouldn't be profitable for them, even if it should mean more english-speaking players for the server.


/edit: Awe PM'd me they actually bought an ad, so I guess I just have trouble seeing them. My bad then.

Edited by Herlitz
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:dat:  :dat:


There is nothing to hide, we have good anti bot protection, very active team of bot hunters, but it's very hard to see if person is using Clicker, and to balance this out, we going to increase small delay on potions and make it auto use, there will be .cfg config where you can setup % when to use potions. You Agree with me ?

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There is nothing to hide, we have good anti bot protection, very active team of bot hunters, but it's very hard to see if person is using Clicker, and to balance this out, we going to increase small delay on potions and make it auto use, there will be .cfg config where you can setup % when to use potions. You Agree with me ?

Since when u have good anti bot protection?


Last server there wasnt protection :( 

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We cant say that the protection is 100% prooven, we have bot hunters that are banning trains and people ( So watch out dont dissapoint AWE , she's talking about you alot for last couple days ), take an notice that our staff members are online 24/7 , someone is always online.

Edited by Awe
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We cant say that the protection is 100% prooven, we have bot hunters that are banning trains and people ( So watch out dont dissapoint AWE , she's talking about you alot for last couple days ), take an notice that our staff members are online 24/7 , someone is always online.




Of course she's talking about achylek whole day, maybe she has a crush on him, hmm hmm achylki pls come to our serbidorki we need at least 1 englando playmanki.

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Our Website statistics are showing great numbers of traffic, seemsed that we are going to have a good Open Beta, fingers crossed.

Update: Auction House will be added

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We cant say that the protection is 100% prooven, we have bot hunters that are banning trains and people ( So watch out dont dissapoint AWE , she's talking about you alot for last couple days ), take an notice that our staff members are online 24/7 , someone is always online.




:okey: :okey:





Of course she's talking about achylek whole day, maybe she has a crush on him, hmm hmm achylki pls come to our serbidorki we need at least 1 englando playmanki.


Hater... :rage: :rage:

Edited by AchYlek
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Would like to remind you that open beta will take place in 3 days, we need players to test our new services & systems. Stay tuned

:alone:  :alone:  :alone:

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Hello averia staff. I might have a costume that you guys would like. Can you send a private message please ? Thank you already

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