guytis Posted July 3, 2014 Posted July 3, 2014 (edited) Skype: E-mail: Download Package: Demostration! DepmAx64-V2.ini [BOTS] ; Basic Protection for Old L2Walker (OOG) ANTIWALKER=0 [SERVER] ; Shows the Login Message Warning About the Used Protection LOGINMESSAGE=1 ; Maximum Allowed Pending/Active Connections MAXCONNECTIONS=5000 ; Server Shutdown Time SHUTDOWNTIME=60 ; Automatic Banning System for DDOS Attacks (Bad Communicaton/Ping of Death/Syn Floods) ANTIDDOS=1 ; DDOS Defense Power (Good Value is 250) Change it at your own Risk to Tweak it Up ! DDOSPOWER=250 ; Webhost IP Address, here you can tell your webhost ip address for preventing it, ; from getting banned by the AntiDDOS System. (Accept one IP Address Only !!!) ; Format IP1;IP2;IP3... WEBHOSTIP= ; Available Protocols : 656=Chronicle 4 / 746=Interlude / 831=Hellbound PROTOCOL=656 ; Fixes the issues w/ Mobs showing HP 100/100 (Percentage) (Enable only if needed) HPFIX=0 ; Fixes the issues w/ party commander channel (Enable only if needed) MPCCFIX=1 ; Delay the Usage of Certain Packets (Player Safety) While the Server is Still Loading DELAYEDPACKETS=1 ; Time the Player should wait for the server be completelly Loaded... (msecs) (60000 = 1 Minute) DELAYEDTIME=120000 ; Time the Offender will be Temporary Banned (IPBAN) in Seconds, (3600 secs = 1 Hour) ; Recommended Time is 7200 secs (2 Hours) IPBANPENALTY=7200 ; Offense Automatic Timeout (DOS Offenses) (Seconds) [To make it aggressive increase it] OFFENSETIMEOUT=600 ; Offense Detection Timeout (Seconds) [To make it aggressive change to 3] OFFENSEDETECTION=40 ; Total Offenses (DOS Offenses) (Attempts) [To make it aggressive change to 3] TOTALOFFENSES=10 ; DEBUG LOG (Deprecated) LOG=1 [AUTOREBOOT] ; Enables the Automatic Reboot of L2Server ENABLED=0 ; Time to announce the players about reboot ANNOUNCETIME=15:49 ; Time the server will reboot automatically (every day) TIME=15:50 [REMOTEWHO] ; Blocks the Remote Who Packet BLOCKED=1 ; Online Count Multiplier Format Is x.x (decimal), change only if you know what are you doing ! MULTIPLIER=1.0 [AUTOLEARN] ; Saves The Reuse Time of Auto Learnable Skills on the Database REUSETIME=0 [GAMEMASTERS] ; All Stats = 95+ and Undying ON At Login MAXSTATUS=0 ; Input the IP of your DNS Server Here ; The Current DNS Address Here is from OpenDNS (Free DNS Service) DNSADDRESS= ; Enables or Disables the GM IP Filter Checking IPFILTER=0 ; List of Allowed IP's or DNS of your gm's (Only when IPFILTER == 1) its 'semicolon -> ; ' separated. ; This List (Self Refresh) every 15 minutes or when you perform a depmax_restart in-game GMIPLIST=;; ; Sets if only Game Masters can Login in the Server GMONLY=0 ; Blocks Trade/Drop/Freigthing Actions of Any Character thats not Builder 1 BLOCKACTION=0 ; Game Master Nickname Color Using 0 as value will deactivate the feature NICKCOLOR=32768 [CHATCONTROLLER] ; Format A;B;C where A=Blocked Chat / B=Chat Delay / C=Minimum Level ; A = 0 enabled / 1 disabled (Is this chat type available?) ; B = Chat delay time in msecs (interval between messages) ; C = Minimum level required to start using this chat type. ; CHAT=1;1000;20 this means the chat is blocked, you can only send one message each 1000 msecs and ; the minimum level to use the chat is 20 ALL=0;0;1 SHOUT=0;0;1 TELL=0;0;1 PARTY=0;0;1 CLAN=0;0;1 TRADE=0;0;1 ALLIANCE=0;0;1 PARTYROOM_ALL=0;0;1 PARTYROOM_COMMAND=0;0;1 HEROVOICE=0;0;1 ; Global Shout Chat ; Enable or Disable World Chat Mod (This make the shout chat to work worldwide) ; This is a good feature for small servers ; 0 = Disabled / 1 = Enabled WORLDCHAT=0 ; Chat Word Filter ; Enable or Disable the word filter for chat, this is done server-side so you won't need ; to touch the clientside files to prohibit certain words to be siad ; 0 = Disabled / 1 = Enabled ; Please edit the WordFilter.txt file in order to add the blocked words ! WORDFILTER=0 [PENALTIES] ; Sets the In-Game Penalty Settings PLEDGE WAR TIMEOUT=0 PLEDGE OUST PENALTY TIMEOUT=0 PLEDGE WITHDRAW PENALTY TIMEOUT=0 PLEDGE OUSTED PENALTY TIMEOUT=0 PLEDGE RECHALLENGE PENALTY TIMEOUT=0 PLEDGE RECHALLENGE DESPITE REJECTION PENALTY TIMEOUT=0 PLEDGE DISMISS TIMEOUT=0 PLEDGE DISMISS PENALTY TIMEOUT=0 CASTLE ANNOUNCE TIMEOUT=0 CASTLE STANDBY TIMEOUT=0 ALLIANCE OUST PENALTY TIMEOUT=0 ALLIANCE WITHDRAW PENALTY TIMEOUT=0 ALLIANCE OUSTED PENALTY TIMEOUT=0 ALLIANCE DISMISS PENALTY TIMEOUT=0 ALLIANCE RECHALLENGE PENALTY TIMEOUT=0 ALLIANCE RECHALLENGE DESPITE REJECTION PENALTY TIMEOUT=0 ;[PENALTIES] ;; Sets the In-Game Penalty Settings ;PLEDGE WAR TIMEOUT=86400 ;PLEDGE OUST PENALTY TIMEOUT=432000 ;PLEDGE WITHDRAW PENALTY TIMEOUT=432000 ;PLEDGE OUSTED PENALTY TIMEOUT=432000 ;PLEDGE RECHALLENGE PENALTY TIMEOUT=432000 ;PLEDGE RECHALLENGE DESPITE REJECTION PENALTY TIMEOUT=432000 ;PLEDGE DISMISS TIMEOUT=604800 ;PLEDGE DISMISS PENALTY TIMEOUT=864000 ;CASTLE ANNOUNCE TIMEOUT=86400 ;CASTLE STANDBY TIMEOUT=86400 ;ALLIANCE OUST PENALTY TIMEOUT=86400 ;ALLIANCE WITHDRAW PENALTY TIMEOUT=86400 ;ALLIANCE OUSTED PENALTY TIMEOUT=86400 ;ALLIANCE DISMISS PENALTY TIMEOUT=864000 ;ALLIANCE RECHALLENGE PENALTY TIMEOUT=432000 ;ALLIANCE RECHALLENGE DESPITE REJECTION PENALTY TIMEOUT=432000 [MERCHANTS] ; General Market/Merchant Adena/Item Amount Rules ; Enable Trade Shield (Players can't trade other players that are in Combat Mode or PVP Mode) TRADESHIELD=1 ; Enable Trade Manager Debug (Informative Only) TRADEDEBUG=0 ; Maximum Price (Total Negotiated Value) on the Shops MAXVALUE=2000000000 ; Maximum Buyable Ammount (Quantity) MAXAMOUNT=2000000000 ; Maximum Item ID Allowed in ItemData.txt MAXITEMID=50000 [OLYMPIADS] ; Defines the Time the Matchs Will Happen Every Day FIGHTTIME=25:00,25:00 ; Resets the Skill Reusage Time (CoolDown), When a New Match Starts ! RESETSKILLREUSETIME=0 ; Skip Those Skills IDs When Resetting the Reusage Time of Them. ; Format : SkillID;SkillID;SkillID... Ex : 1000;1001;1002;1003 and so on ! RESETSKILLIGNOREDIDS= ; Removes the player summon when he is teleported to the olympiad stadium and after the match REMOVESUMMON=0 ; Fills Up the HP/MP/CP of the Players When the Match Starts FULLHPONMATCHSTART=0 ; Fills Up the HP/MP/CP of the Players When the Match Finishes FULLHPONMATCHFINISHED=0 ; Enable = 1 or Disable = 0 The Modification of The Olympiad Parameters (Times/Required Players) MODPARAMETERS=0 ; Control the Required Amount of Players for Starting Olympiad Matches (Class vs Class) REQUIREDPLAYERSCC=5 ; Control the Required Amount of Players for Starting Olympiad Matches (Class Free) REQUIREDPLAYERSCF=5 ; Controls the Required Time to Teleport People to The Stadium (Seconds) TELEPORTTIME=30 ; Controls the Required Time to Start an Olympiad Match (Seconds) STARTTIME=50 ; Controls the Required and Maximum Available Time for an Olympiad Match (Seconds) MATCHTIME=180 [PLAYABILITY] ; Shows the Experience Increasing / Decreasing Informative Log (Usefull for possible Rollover or Underflow Issues) EXPERIENCELOG=0 ; Shows when a player or creature die (usefull for debugging purposes) DEATHLOG=0 ; Shows when a player request the GM List GMLISTLOG=0 ; Shows when a player send the 'appearing on the map' packet twiece (strange behavior) APPEARINGLOG=0 [PLAYERCOMMANDS] ; Shows online total player online count to the players when they type in chat : .online ; Has changed behavior if the Multiplier value is configured in REMOTEWHO of DepmAx64 ONLINE=0 ; Remove the jewels (Ring/Earring/Neck) of a player when he types in chat : .removejewels ; This is a old bug of some Interlude Dll Versions REMOVEJEWELS=0 [PARTY] ; Disables the 20 Levels Difference Between Characters, When they Are Leveling UP ; This Setting, Requires Server Rebooting ; 1 = Fix Enabled and 0 = Fix Disabled ; Only needed in dVampire DLLs before than 12/2009, after it you can do it in botcheck,ini ! DISABLE_LEVEL_GAP=0 [ENCHANTSYSTEM] ; Define the Safe Enchants You Want Here SENCHANT_WEAPON_NORMAL=3 SENCHANT_ARMOR_NORMAL=3 SENCHANT_ACCESSORY_NORMAL=3 SENCHANT_WEAPON_BLESSED=3 SENCHANT_ARMOR_BLESSED=3 SENCHANT_ACCESSORY_BLESSED=3 ; Define if One Piece Armors Will Have 1 Point Up (If Safe for Armor is +3, One Piece Armors are +4) Retail Like Option SENCHANT_ONEPIECE_POINTUP=1 [LOGMESSAGES] ; Disables Red Log Messages (1 = Disabled / 0 = Enabled ) UNREGISTERED_SKILLS=1 SOULSHOT_DELAY=1 [CURSEDITEMSYSTEM] ; Cursed Skill Checker ; Enables the Cursed Skill Checker for Akamanah and Zariche and Fixes the Bugs w/ dVampire Ext ENABLED=0 ; Zariche Info Format : ItemID,SkillID ZARICHE=8190,3603 ; Akamanah Info Format : ItemID,SkillID AKAMANAH=8689,3629 [HTMLSYSTEM] ; Allowed HTML Bypasses (Override dVampire HTML Security Filter) ; The Bypasses are Separated By Semi Column, you can type only a little part of a generic bypass for Example : ; bbs;deposit;withdraw and so on.... you can type : dep instead of deposit so everything ; that has dep in it is allowed ! HTMLBYPASSES=_bbs;_announcepledge;_mail;_friend;_clbbs;_mmlist [C4BUFFSYSTEM] ; Enable or Disable the MOD / 1 = Enabled - 0 = Disabled ENABLED=1 ; Allows you increasing the number of Buff Slots in C4 L2Server (656/NA) Only ; Min 20 - Max 30, note The Slots won't save in database, only the first 20 ones ! BUFF_SLOTS=24 [REGISTRATION] ; Registration (License Info) of your DepmAx64 License ; Your Full Name goes Here NAME=Gustavo Orellano ; Your Lineage 2 World Server Name ( Like Zion, Bartz, Destiny, L2World, This Stuff !) SERVERNAME=L2Geminis ; Your real e-mail goes Here ; Your License Edition can be SSE, MSE or STD EDITION=STD ; This Serial Will be Generated During the DepmAx64 Activation Process, Ask your reseller about it ! SERIAL= CustomMods-V2.ini ; This .ini File will be Used for The Optional DepmAx64 Custom MODS ; Any of these mods have to be bought separatelly as complement of DepmAx64. ; You must own a DepmAx64 license in order to buy those exclusive mods. [C4CLANSYSTEM] ; Enables or Disables the C4 Clan System Extension (This MOD Works in C4 Vanilla Only !!!) ENABLED=0 ; Set the Max Member Per Clan Level, Example 10;15;20;30;40;40 (Means at Level 0 you have 10, Level 1 20, Level 2 30 Members and so on) ; This is only up to 5 Levels (Level0Total;Level1Total;Level2Total;Level3Total;Level4Total;Level5Total) ; The Limit Are 100 Members Max (Default C4 = 10;15;20;30;40;40) MAXMEMBERS=10;15;20;30;40;40 ; Maximum Clans Per Alliance (Default C4 == 12) MAXCLANPERALLY=12 ; This Mod Requires a Exclusive Serial to Be Used, Please Input It Here ;) MODSERIAL= [OFFLINESHOPS] ; Enable or Disable the Offline Shops System ( 1 = Enabled / 0 = Disabled ) ENABLED=1 ; Item ID that will be used to Activate the Offline Shop, Usually you need to create a Consumable Scroll ; Without any skill effect, and put the id of it here, so when the user right click it, the server auto uses it ;) ITEMID=22222 ; Amount of Mana Used per Second while the Shop is UP, when it finishes the character will disconnect automatically ;) ; PS: If you specify 0 as amount, the shop will run forever ;) ; Only when OperationMode is 1 MANAUSE=0 ; Max Time a Offline Shop can Keep Up after it Started (MSECS -> 60000 = 1 Minute / 43200000 = 12 Hours ) MAXTIME=2419200000 ; If you want to use any other items instead of mana put the ID of that item here ; Only when OperationMode is 2 CREDITID= ; Specify how much of the desired item has to be used per second to pay for the Offline Shop usage. ; Only when OperationMode is 2 CREDITAMOUNT=0 ; Specify the Operation Mode for Consumming Items, for MP Only set it as '1' for Use any specific item set it as '2' OPERATIONMODE=1 ; Turn on or Off the Offline Shop Usage Logging... LOG=0 ; RGB Nickname Color to Identify Your Offline Shops ;), using value 0 disables the feature. 65535 amarillo NICKCOLOR=0 ; Allows closing the client automatically instead of disconnecting it, when a offline shop is created ! CLOSECLIENT=0 ; Total Offline Shops that can be Started per IP Address MAXPERIP=5 ; This Mod Requires a Exclusive Serial to Be Used, Please Input It Here ;) MODSERIAL= [JAILSYSTEM] ; Enables the Jailing System, wich Disables Almost 100% of any interaction of the Jailed Player (A Real Jail, Lol!) ; the available commands are //jail and //free type //help in case of doubts ENABLED=0 ; Blocks The Jailed Player to Chat to Other People (Except in All Mode !) (The player can still talk to GMs) BLOCKCHAT=1 ; Warn Self Jailed Player when he try to do anything or talk outside the jail ! WARNSELF=1 ; Warn other players when they try to chat a jailed player that he is on jail ! WARNOTHERS=1 ; Warn Everyone (Global Warning) when a Player is Jailed or Free'd out of the Jail (lol!) WARNGLOBAL=1 ; This Mod Requires a Exclusive Serial to Be Used, Please Input It Here ;) MODSERIAL= ; Jail Coordinates ; Teleport Coordinates when a Player is Jailed JAIL_TELEPORT=-114414;-249510;-2984 ; Teleport Coordinates when a Player is Free'd from the Jail FREE_TELEPORT=82194;147856;-3464 ; Jail Area Limits (Low Coords);(High Coords) ; Format : x,y,z;x,y,z JAIL_AREA_LIMITS=-112000,-248000,-2950;-117000,-252000,-3050 [HTMLSYS] ; Enables the HTML System MultiLanguage MOD ENABLED=0 ; Show Message ID Logs for HTML Files and System Messages SHOWLOGS=0 ; Language Prefixes (Those ones are just examples) ; In client localization.ini you must set your language ID that can be by default 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 ; Then you must have html files starting with the wanted prefix as lang0_filename.html, lang1_filename.html ; And so on in your HTML directory of L2Server, then the multilanguages will be used ;) ; This Mod Requires a Exclusive Serial to Be Used, Please Input It Here ;) MODSERIAL= [AUTOANNOUNCE] ; Enables the Rotative Auto Announcement System ENABLED=0 ; This Mod Requires a Exclusive Serial to Be Used, Please Input It Here ;) MODSERIAL= [AUTOPICKUP] ; Automatic Item Pickup (L2J Style) (It Considers {Last Hit!!!}) {1 = Enabled / 0 = Disabled} ; To use this parameter, you must Reboot L2Server First ! AUTOITEMPICKUP=0 ; Disables the Picking Up Range (Better when using Auto Pickup !!) {1 = True / 0 = False} ; To use this parameter, you must Reboot L2Server First ! AUTOPICKUPNORANGE=0 ; Disables the "Duck" Effect when Picking Items Up (Only When AutoPickup is Enabled) {1 = True / 0 = False} ; To use this parameter, you must Reboot L2Server First ! AUTOPICKUPNODUCK=0 ; Skip Those Item IDs When Auto Pickuping Up Items. ; Format : ItemID;ItemID;ItemID... Ex : 1000;1001;1002;1003 and so on ! ; To use this parameter, you must Reboot L2Server First ! AUTOPICKUPIGNOREDIDS= ; Here you can set the ID's you want to be AutoPicked Up, remember that if you specify ID's here ; Only this current list will be Auto Picked Up !!! ; Format : ItemID;ItemID;ItemID... Ex : 1000;1001;1002;1003 and so on ! ; To use this parameter, you must Reboot L2Server First ! AUTOPICKUPONLYIDS= ; Controls the Automatic Item Pickup of Bosses and Minions (AUTOITEMPICKUP has to be enabled first!) ; 1 = Enabled / = Disabled AUTOBOSSITEMPICKUP=0 AUTOMINIONITEMPICKUP=0 ; Debug Logging LOG=0 ; This Mod Requires a Exclusive Serial to Be Used, Please Input It Here ;) MODSERIAL= [OLYMPIADEXTRAS] ; Penalties ; This will introduce some new penalties missing in C4 System (This works only for C4/PTS 656 ONLY) ; Overweight Penalty, Will Decrease 1/5 of the Player Points when he try to play with his capacity ; out of weight limits, inventory almost full ! (1 = Enabled / 0 = Disabled) OVERWEIGHT_PENALTY=0 ; Logoff Penalty, Will Decrease the points of a player when he disconnects/logoff during a olympiad game ; (1 = Enabled / 0 = Disabled) LOGOFF_PENALTY=0 ; Draw Penalty, if both fighters end in a draw during the match, but will lose 10% of its total points. ; (1 = Enabled / 0 = Disabled) DRAWMATCH_PENALTY=0 ; This mod will check the items in the player inventory prohibiting him from using items ; That exceed the MOD Conditions ;) 1 = Enabled / 0 = Disabled CHECK_ITEM_CONDITIONS=0 ; Maximum Weapon Enchant Allowed MAX_WEAPON_ENCHANT=20 ; Maximum Armor Enchant Allowed MAX_ARMOR_ENCHANT=20 ; Maximum Jewel Enchant Allowed MAX_JEWEL_ENCHANT=20 ; Maximum Gear Grade ; Available Grades 0 = NG / 1 = D / 2 = C / 3 = B / 4 = A / 5 = S / 6 = S80 MAXIMUM_ITEM_GRADE=6 ; Blocked Item IDs ; If you add an ID here, the item will be removed when the user is teleported to olympiad ; and its usaged will be blocked, works for any item such as : armor, weapon, jewel and so on. ; Format : 1000;1001;1002;1003... BLOCKED_ITEM_IDS= ; This Mod Requires a Exclusive Serial to Be Used, Please Input It Here ;) MODSERIAL= [PVPEXTRAS] ; This mod will allow controlling certain conditions ; in PVP (Player vs Player) and PK (Player Kill). 0 = Disabled / 1 = Enabled PVP_EXTRAS=1 ; Disable / Enables considering PVP/PK Point by players of same IP. 0 = Disabled / 1 = Enabled NO_POINT_SAME_IP=0 ; Sets if you want to consider points by killing a player several times based in a certain Time Interval (PVP/PK) ; Lets say you kill Player A, and imediatelly kill A again, this 2nd kill will only count points after ; a Certain Time you set here, like 60 seconds :) (Time is in seconds ;)) NO_POINT_MIN_TIME=0 ; Minimum Levels ; Here you can set the minimum level a player need to have to ; be counted as a pvp or pk point. (We are talking about the Victim Level) PK_MIN_LEVEL=1 PVP_MIN_LEVEL=1 ; Point Range ; The range between 2 players that are doing PVP or PK, if out of that range, ; then no PK or PVP Points will be counted, and also no items will be rewarded ! PK_LEVELRANGE=78 PVP_LEVELRANGE=78 ; PK Items ; Here you can set the items and at wich rate players will get when doing PK Fights ; Format id,amount,rate;id,amount,rate(kills) -> ie : 57,1000,100;65,1,75 and so on... ; Rate is 1/kills like 1 item per 10000 kills... PK_ITEMS=57,1000000,5 ; PVP Items ; Here you can set the items and at wich rate players will get when doing PVP Fights ; Format id,amount,rate;id,amount,rate(kills) -> ie : 57,1000,100;65,1,75 and so on... ; Rate is 1/kills like 1 item per 10000 kills... PVP_ITEMS=57,1000000,5 ; Reward Logging (For Debugging Purposes) REWARDLOG=0 ; Funny Mode ; Here you can configure fun messages that gonna show in the server when ; a player kills other players in PVP or PK, this will be like counter strike ; 10 Kills you can say "UltraKill..." 15 Kills you can say "Monster Kill..." and ; so on ! (0 = Disabled / 1 = Enabled) ; If the player (logoff), points are resetted ! FUNNYMODE=0 ; FunnyMode Messages (Format Points,Message;Points,Message;Points,Message) FUNNY_MESSAGES=10,UltraKill...;15,MonsterKill...;25,Killingspree... ; This Mod Requires a Exclusive Serial to Be Used, Please Input It Here ;) MODSERIAL= [DPFW] ; Use FW Integration, Very Good AntiDDOS Protection 8) USEFW=0 ; This Mod Requires a Exclusive Serial to Be Used, Please Input It Here ;) MODSERIAL= [FASTBUFFER] ; This mod will allow you using the fastbuffer mod ; with it you can add buffer npc's in your town, but instead of having ; issues with the delayed buffing from ai.obj, the buffs will be done serverside ; aditionally you can build your own buffing macros in the script fastbuffer.txt ; to your player get all the wanted buffs with one unique click in-game. ; To enable this mod set ENABLED to value 1 ENABLED=1 ; Enables or Disables the AIO System ; 0 = disabled / 1 = enabled ; To make an aio character you must use the command //addaio (target) ; then you should use //aiodays days (target) to define how much days the user ; will use the aio privilege ! ; To remove aio from an character you must use the command //delaio (target) ; To see how much days are left for an aio character you muse use the command //aioleft (target) ; when you target some character ! ENABLEAIO=0 ; Define the Color of AIO Nickname NICKCOLOR=8947712 ; Define the Quest Item used to Identify AIO Characters ; You must make a quest item (non tradeable, non destructible, non dropable) ; In order to the system classify the AIO Characters in the AIO System, so you ; can specify the ID of this item here, be careful because if you change the id here ; later, all the other AIO's you set previously will won't work correct. ITEMID= ; Skill PCH Format ( Tabbed or Spaced ) ; 0 = Spaced / 1 = Tabbed PCHTAB=0 ; This Mod Requires a Exclusive Serial to Be Used, Please Input It Here ;) MODSERIAL= CustomEvents-V2.ini ; This .ini File will be Used for The Optional DepmAx64 Custom Events ; Any of these events have to be bought separatelly as complement of DepmAx64. ; You must own a DepmAx64 license in order to buy those exclusive Events. ; ULTRALMS (HELP) ; ; ULTRALMS AVAILABLE PLAYER COMMANDS : ; .help lms (shows all the informations from the event to the player !) ; .join lms (register to play the event) ; ULTRALMS AVAILABLE GM COMMANDS : ; //ultralms help (shows all the available commands) ; //ultralms info (shows all the event configuration) ; //ultralms start (start the event manually) ; //ultralms stop (stop the event manually) [ULTRALMS] ; Ultra Last Man Stand ; This event will teleport everyone from the server in the specific time ; To the choosen Location, the objective will be everyone killing ; Theirselves and the Last One that Survive will be the winner of the event. ENABLED=1 ; Event Time, At this time, everyone will be teleported to the Desired Location. EVENT_TIME=20:00 ; Week Days, Configures the Week Days the Event Will Happen ( Format WEEK_DAYS=0;1;2;3... 0 is Sunday ! ) WEEK_DAYS=0;1;2;3;4;5;6 ; Maximum Time the event will take to be finished, in case the time ends, there will be no winner ; and no tax will be given back. (Minutes) MAXDURATION=30 ; Allow the Automatic Event Settings You just Set Up to be Enabled or Not ( 0 = Disabled / 1 = Enabled ) AUTOMATICEVENT=1 ; Event Style ( 0 = Random Player Assigning / 1 = Registration Style w/ .join ultralms command ) EVENTSTYLE=1 ; Event Tax ( If not defined, players won't need to pay to play the event ) ; Format item_id,amount,name;item_id,amount,name... EVENTTAX=57,100000,Adena ; Minimum Registered Players to the Event Start :), only works if EVENTSTYLE is set to value 1 MIN_REG_PLAYERS=10 ; Time to wait Registration of Players (Time in Seconds) 300 = 5 Minutes / 60 = 1 Minute, ; only works if EVENTSTYLE is set to value 1 WAIT_REGISTRATION=300 ; Retry attempts to wait for registration ; only works if EVENTSTYLE is set to value 1 RETRY_REGISTRATION=3 ; Teleport Wait Time when you are using Registration Mode, EVENT_STYLE set to value 1 TELEPORT_TIME=120 ; Starting Coordinates in x,y,z;x,y,z;x,y,z... values, you can add as much you need ; because this way we split randomly better all the people, that will be involved in the event. START_PLACES=150484,47459,-3408;148460,47477,-3408;148427,46048,-3408;150464,46077,-3408;149575,46687,-3408 ; Return Coordinates in x;y;z values. RETN_COORDS=81366;148117;-3464 ; Minimum Level Required to be Teleported to the Event MIN_LEVEL=1 ; Maximum Level Required to be Teleported to the Event MAX_LEVEL=85 ; Block characters with a specific item id in inventory from participating the event, example AIO Buffers. ; So all you need is to add a specific item in their inventory and they won't be able to participate the event. BLOCK_SPECIFIC_ITEM=0 ; Prohibithed SKills (Format 1001;1002;1003;1004...) DISABLED_SKILL_IDS=60 ; Prohibithed Consumable Items (Format 1001;1002;1003;1004...) DISABLED_ITEM_IDS=1538;5858 ; Blocked Gear ID's (the items gonna be unequipped when you get teleported to the event) ; Format ( 1001;1002;1003;1004....) BLOCKED_ITEM_IDS= ; Maximum Gear Grade ; Available Grades 0 = NG / 1 = D / 2 = C / 3 = B / 4 = A / 5 = S / 6 = S80 MAXIMUM_ITEM_GRADE=6 ; Maximum Weapon Enchant Allowed MAX_WEAPON_ENCHANT=20 ; Maximum Armor Enchant Allowed MAX_ARMOR_ENCHANT=20 ; Maximum Jewel Enchant Allowed MAX_JEWEL_ENCHANT=20 ; Temporary Invulnerability, Temporary Protects the Player While he Don't Move after he Teleported. (1 = Enabled / 0 = Disabled) TEMP_INVULN=1 ; Temporary Invulnerability, Time the Temporary Protection will be Activated. (Seconds) TEMP_INVULN_TIMEOUT=30 ; Reward Items (Format item_id,amount,name;item_id,amount,name...) ; Only works when POT_SYSTEM value is set to 0 or POT_FORCE_REWARD is set to 1 REWARD_ITEMS=57,1000,Adena ; POT Reward System, enabling that the winner of the event will win a percentage of the total paid pot, like a poker game ; where you do your bets, but instead of getting 100% of the pot you can configure any percentage you want ! ; 0 = Disabled / 1 = Enabled also this only works when EVENT_STYLE value is set to 1 POT_SYSTEM=0 ; Percentage vary from 1.00 to 100.00, remember to use 'right values' or they won't get any reward at all :D ; This is math ;), works only when POT_SYSTEM is set to value 1 POT_PERCENTAGE=100.00 ; Give Traditional Reward And Pot Reward, so you have 'both' rewards enabled ; Works only when POT_SYSTEM is set to value 1 POT_FORCE_REWARD=0 ; Event Area, This will Define the Area Limits of the Event ;) ; ( Format x1;y1;x2;y2 ) x1;y1 = Right Corner TOP / x2;y2 Left Corner Bottom (Think in a Giant Square) EVENT_AREA=148242;45360;150710;48061 ; Maximum Allowed Players In the Event MAX_PLAYERS=15 ; Remove All Buffs ? 0 = Disabled / 1 = Enabled DISPEL_ALL=0 ; Logging (For Debugging Purposes) LOG=0 ; Global Countdown ? 0 = Disabled / 1 = Enabled WARNCOUNTDOWN=1 ; Global Join / Leave Messages ? 0 = Disabled / 1 = Enabled WARNJOINLEFT=1 ; Global Kills Left Warning (Each 5 Minutes) ? 0 = Disabled / 1 = Enabled WARNKILLSLEFT=1 ; Automatic Settings Reload Interval (msecs) (Default 3600000, each 60 minutes) ; The settings will not reload when the server is 'running', only when it stops ! ; Do not make this 'too low', always test when adjusting this parameter ;) RELOADINTERVAL=3600000 ; Allow GMs to Play the event, 0 = Disabled / 1 = Enabled ALLOWGMS=0 ; This Event Requires a Exclusive Serial to Be Used, Please Input It Here ;) EVENTSERIAL= Edited July 22, 2014 by guytis
~BorealP Posted July 3, 2014 Posted July 3, 2014 Its C4 Depmax does not support and not sell C4 more tha 2 years.
mcbigmac Posted July 3, 2014 Posted July 3, 2014 (edited) Its C4 Depmax does not support and not sell C4 more tha 2 years. ...and a brilliant reason why it's pointless to crack :P Edited July 3, 2014 by mcbigmac
Nightw0lf Posted July 4, 2014 Posted July 4, 2014 Dr.Seldon Cooper this is garbage outdated bug sh1t in case you buy it you have to know, if you know good luck i just felt to telling you this.
guytis Posted July 7, 2014 Author Posted July 7, 2014 is garbage tell me which is the best Extend C4 ?
Cris_Lex Posted July 7, 2014 Posted July 7, 2014 tell me which is the best Extend C4 ? tell me what good c4 server currently tells me 5 c4 servers active, if east, update, almost no one today uses c4 ...
guytis Posted July 8, 2014 Author Posted July 8, 2014 tell me what good c4 server currently tells me 5 c4 servers active, if east, update, almost no one today uses c4 ... It looks that you do not like C4 then sucks the extender? that's your explanation?, I have many people playing C4 I have 2 servers But if you you're an idiot who does not like playing C4 and so say the extender is rubbish? I laugh jajja people like you
guytis Posted July 8, 2014 Author Posted July 8, 2014 (edited) because they give me gracia or h5 files to crack? I will do my possible :) if they HWID and Registration Name is very easy;) After the party would come to emulate the License Server Edited July 8, 2014 by guytis
guytis Posted July 22, 2014 Author Posted July 22, 2014 Download Package:
mcbigmac Posted July 22, 2014 Posted July 22, 2014 I find it fantasticly entertaining that you create .NET executable - and read the offsets from your own webserver @ If one wanted to crack this unvirtualized old packed crap - it would have been done. And if one could do that - one could easily decompile and fetch your offsets on a log etc. (or just sniff them for that matter). ... and no he can't Cray-Z because learning how to dump a module\applications memory is not the same as dealing with VMs and opcode mutation.
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