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All that you need to access the server:

Necessarily make (Full Check) of the game client!

Edited by djvogans
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All that you need to access the server:

Necessarily make (Full Check) of the game client!



You dont need to double post - edit your last message.

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What's going on? Server is down but there isn't any announcement / info in both websites.

There is announcement on dex site,forum,fb. Some proxies are down temporary. Will be up

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We’ll restart Nanna on 27 jan, 11am (GMT+3).

A some of changes for you:

  • Due to the huge online, added another Nobl Raid Boss in Blazing Swamp spawn time of 4 to 5 hours. PvP zone around the boss.

    exact location on the map



    We added today at NPC "HEL":

  • 3rd Class - 100 tod
  • Subcalss - 300 tod
  • Nobless - 750 tod
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Excellent conditions for beginners.

Start playing now and get a unique bonus at the start!



In order to attract new blood, new players and clans, we increased advertising of the project and add new bonus for beginners and new clans!

Below is all the gifts for the new players.

Have a quick start and enjoyable game!



NEW PLAYERS: Automatically receive every new player


[table=width: 900]



[td]1. Coupons for beginner D/C -grade equip (armor, jewely and weapon; unsealed and with SA)

  • These coupons are exchanged for equipment (from NPC Miss Queen, with title "Bonus for Novice").
  • Bonus equipment has mana counter, after mana ends it disappears.
  • Equipment can not be trade, sold, dropped, or put in Clan warehouse (only delete).
  • Equipment can not be modernized: augmented, enchant, exchange, upgrade.




[td]2. Online rune of EXP&SP (+50%) - 6 Hours





Convenient Premium Rune system from Lineage.ro! Everyone would be able to receive a necessary bonus and make the game more comfortable and interesting!

Mechanics and activation of runes.

After purchase the rune it will appear in yourquest inventory and will be activated at once. When the rune expires it will disappear from your inventory.


There are two types of runes:


  • Premium Rune The Premium Rune is an analog to "Premium Account". "All in One". Every rune effect described above in 1 rune. A maximal bonus that you can add by purchasing Premium Runes is +50%. But you can get additional bonus by purchasing the Online Rune.

    Premium Rune increases: Adena, Drop, SealStone, Exp, SP, Spoil (+50%)

  • Online Rune — the effect of it will be added to the Premium Runes you’ve already purchased. At the same time you can use 1 Online a rune of one type. A maximal bonus that you can add by purchasing Premium Runes and Online Rune is +100%.



    How to receive the MAXIMUM BONUS IN GAME using Online Rune

    You bought Premium Rune of 28 days, but you want to have a bigger bonus of the experience. For this purpose you should buy Online Rune of Experience. So if you purchase Premium Rune and Online Rune of Experience you will recive maximal bonus for Experience (+100%). Similarly with other runes.



Let's look closely at the features of the Online Rune of Adena/SealStone +50% for 24 hours.

Online Rune of Adena/SealStone - name of the rune also means a bonus that it gives you. This particular rune increase drop of adena and sealstones from all monsters. Online -It means that the duration of the rune expires only when you are in game. +50% - For example, a mob dropped 1000 adena if you haven`t this rune, a mob dropped 1500 adena if you have this rune Adena/SealStone - Bonus type. 24 hours - after expiring this time the rune disappears. After you purchase it will appear at your quest inventory and will be activated at once.

Types of runes and their bonuses:


rune_allinone.png - Premium Rune (Identically Premium account)



  • Premium Rune Adena, Drop, SealStone, Exp, SP, Spoil (+50%) - 12 hours, 7 days, 28 days, 60 days.

rune_exp_sp.png - Online Rune of Experience


  • Exp\SP (+50%) - 6 hours, 24 hours.

rune_adena_sealstones.png - Online Rune of Adena\SealStone


  • Adena\SealStone (+50%) - 6 hours, 24 hours.

rune_drop.png - Online Rune of Drop\Spoil


  • Drop\Spoil (+50%) - 6 hours, 24 hours.
*If drop chance will be over 100%, than the number of dropped items will be increased. Exception- Epic/RaidBoss

*If spoil chance will be over 100%, than the number of spoiled items will be increased.


How runes work in parties

Runes that DOESN’T affect parties, only the owner:

Exp + SP\Spoil


Runes that affect owner and parties (gives a group bonus to parties too):



Runes that affect owner and parties (gives a group bonus to parties too):

*group bonus doesn’t affect characters whose level is different for 20 or more than the level of the rune owner.

**Calculation of Group bonuses = the amount of bonuses in the group/ the number of characters in the party


An example of calculation:


'An example of calculation' Example1 (9 characters in party where six of them have +50%, another three +100%): (6*50+3*100)/9 = 600/9 = ~66.6

Example2 (6 characters in party where two of them have +100%, another three +50%, and one without runes): (2*100+3*50+1*0)/9 = 350/6 = ~58.3

Example3 (9 characters in party where 9 of them have +100%): 9*100/9 = 100




About chat-command.rune



You always will be able to check your bonus by typing a chat-command .rune

It will show a detailed statistics about all bonuses that you have:




About chat-command .timeleft



You can look how much time on your runes left by typing a chat-command .timeleft


You would be able to see how long your runes will last when you enter the game (in system chat above the announcements)










[td]3. Gift coupon for an accessory that will allow you to get any temporary accessory

  • You can exchange in NPC Miss Queen.
  • Accessory is a temporary period of 3 days (timer "tick" even in offline mode).
  • Accessory can be used for other purposes, or can be deleted.





NEW CLAN: clan bonus is issued, after application check



'Clan with more then 30 players'

clan_imperium.pngGet Clan level 5

728584cec9a17b869b938a8e811a72f2.pngGet 20.000 Clan reputation points





'Clan with more then 60 players'

clan_imperium.pngGet Clan level 5

728584cec9a17b869b938a8e811a72f2.pngGet 30.000 Clan reputation points





Conditions for obtaining a clan bonus

  • Only new characters can participate in the action
  • Count only unique users who are not twinks-characters (attempted fraud is punishable by ban on HWID and IP to the entire project)
  • Characters need to reach level 20 and get the first occupation
  • Characters can't be consist in other clans


To get a clan bonus, you must leave this topic application form

  • Clan Name
  • Clan Leader Nick
  • How much clan players you have
  • Contact with Clan Leader (skype, icq, msn)
  • From what server you move
  • The reason for the transfer; what did not like at the last server
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From 1 february 2015 we give a bonus of 20% for each payment made on our site. So instead of 50 tod per 1 euro , now you receive 60tods .

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