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Mysql Optimization



As the tittle says, im looking for someone who know or can optimize the database to work better.


Who is free for that lemme know and i can give more details..



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Someone who know to optimize database , know what im talking about.


Every database need to be optimized for the server it runing for and also optimized for the machine spects.

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Someone who know to optimize database , know what im talking about.


Every database need to be optimized for the server it runing for and also optimized for the machine spects.


While i'm online @ skype you do that post?

Oki doki.


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Since we talk l2j heres what i would do...


Switch from c3p0 to BoneCP, look at these http://jolbox.com/index.html?page=http://jolbox.com/benchmarks.html

Use onboot table optimalization.

Proper configuration(lazy init, connection wrapper setup,caching).


And when thats done and you still need more, you can optimize the mysql server itself.

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Since we talk l2j heres what i would do...


Switch from c3p0 to BoneCP, look at these http://jolbox.com/index.html?page=http://jolbox.com/benchmarks.html

Use onboot table optimalization.

Proper configuration(lazy init, connection wrapper setup,caching).


And when thats done and you still need more, you can optimize the mysql server itself.

In fact a bad configuration of BoneCP can lead to a DISASTER in term of performances. There is notably one thread on BoneCP forums regarding someone getting really lame performance (-30%), and managed to discover it was because of poor properties. I can also name L2JFrozen adaptation which was a failure, as big as they decided to keep a switch between c3p0 and boneCP, defaulted to c3p0.


Finally, benchmarks are nothing more than numbers. You present a benchmark, ok, but what's the impact on a LIVE L2J server. No numbers before / after doesn't show anything. You could be surprised to don't see that benchmark performance boost on a LIVE server, or even, as I said higher, a DROP in term of performances if you tweak it bad.


Also, c3p0 made his proofs over years.


Anyway both my answer and your is kinda offtopic. The guy asks mySQL optimization tips, not change his db pooler.

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In fact a bad configuration of BoneCP can lead to a DISASTER in term of performances. There is notably one thread on BoneCP forums regarding someone getting really lame performance (-30%), and managed to discover it was because of poor properties. I can also name L2JFrozen adaptation which was a failure, as big as they decided to keep a switch between c3p0 and boneCP, defaulted to c3p0.


Finally, benchmarks are nothing more than numbers. You present a benchmark, ok, but what's the impact on a LIVE L2J server. No numbers before / after doesn't show anything. You could be surprised to don't see that benchmark performance boost on a LIVE server, or even, as I said higher, a DROP in term of performances if you tweak it bad.


Also, c3p0 made his proofs over years.


Anyway both my answer and your is kinda offtopic. The guy asks mySQL optimization tips, not change his db pooler.


Bad configuration leads to disaster no matter what you use. I said these things because it has great impact and its pretty essential in my opinion.

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So as i see, i better keep it as i have..Cuz it still runs ok.

I tought that someone can improve it simply :D

Thanks for answers anyway


well you can still read this http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/optimizing-the-server.html just in case

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