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Kassadin hands down best mid laner (although not a lot of people play kassadin exclusively and his ONLY DOWNFALL IS LANING PHASE)


you can add Kssadin or AFK if you're on NA :3


im on euw i have terribad lagg on NA server sadly :D


There are so many good champs for that role,by where can i start?

Veigar,easy keeping the lane and if you learn how to use your stun,you'll kill your enemy in seconds.

Katarina,very nice early and late game with easy play,she isn't hard champ and she counter many ranged ap carries.This girl is mad.

Xerath,not the most usual pick but,he can do many things with him very strange spells (ex him W).

Akali,you have to farm like a boss before go 6 level and when you take ulti,the party will start!

Twisted Fate,the most usefull mid champion,he farm more than him enemy cuz of him passive,he can regen his mana,he can stun the enemy,he can slow the enemy,him Q make op damage and he can gang easily bot lane and take the adc with him ulti.

Zed,he can play as midder too,he is very strong.

Kha'zix, same with Zed.

Karthus,this guy is awesome,he farm like a boss all time in early/late game and him ulti helps VERY MUCH in team fights.

Mordekaiser,my favourite champ for that role,he don't have something special,but he is BEAST. If he kill with him ulti 1 strong ad after all enemies can go to kill him,they won't.

  • 2 weeks later...

Fizz is an excellent choice of a midder. In the beginning you will feel like he is the most hard to play but if you learn a bit how his skills work, you will rock.


Diana is op, counters zed at mid what else do you want.


Zed. Fking op, even if you don't kills in mid just stay back and farm, then you snowball other lanes and gg.


Cassiopeia, best farm i've seen.




About ryze, i prefer him as solo top.

  • 2 weeks later...

So heres the deal, since i started to play lol which is like 7-8 months ago as an active player i played bruisers and spent 99% of my time on top or in the jungle. I want to now learn new ways and for that made a new account(so i can buy the necessary champs only and proper runes). Right now its only lvl5 and i bought only annie and kayle but i would like to have others opinion on other champs what worth to buy whats easy to master for that role.

I play LoL from season 1 and i beleave that the easiest champions for a lvl5 player for mid are ... AP Yi for sure , Lux , Brand , Annie , Ryze and maybe an AD Caster like Pantheon :)

Oriana, Ahri, Lux, Fizz, Fiddle.

If you are good with skillshots gor for Ahris , Lux awsome gameplay and can carry games at late.

If you have good AoE team i suggest Oriana and Fiddle... Op in mid and late game.

And of course fizz best nuker ever hard countered and late game beast dmgs.....

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