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MaxCheaters - An 'International' Cheating Forum or maybe not?


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From my point of view, we/they aren't supposed to block any topic, only if the author requests it.

Forums is just like a TV, If someone opens a topic, each person expresses his opinion, no matter if it's pro or against.

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From my point of view, we/they aren't supposed to block any topic, only if the author requests it.

Forums is just like a TV, If someone opens a topic, each person expresses his opinion, no matter if it's pro or against.

Still some persons are too dumb and they trash-talk, spam and flame only around these forums, they shouldn't be banned on acc or such things, only chat banned for x days and you will see how they calm down.

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The forum itself is dead, the whole community has left due to Nick's irresponsibility of fulfilling the members opinions and suggestions and the whole thing of being innactive.

The boards are dead due to the fact that they are old, only a couple are active and this is because of people failing to try to open their server since L2J made it so easy for them, eventho they fail to read a proper topic to do so.


If nick wants more money to squeeze out of this forum, he should fix it himself, remove all the boards and do a fresh start, make a proper advertisement to other websites and ask people for their opinions on the subject. Imo he is not willing to do so since he's over the "Forum making" thing that he had back in 2005/6, the only year that the forum was partially active was 2008 with him innactive.


Even the error that is comming up every now and then is retarded, he hasn't fixed it up yet nor paid a developer to do it for him so he won't spent more than 10 minutes on it, yet again it cause more people to leave.

Edit: Even when I posted this reply I've got an error after 30 seconds of delay.



121k members is just a number, the community itself is innactive. I get more activity on my partial website with 28 members in a day than this forum gets in a week.


My 2 cents.

By ExTrEmEDwarf

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By ExTrEmEDwarf


so true, yet its invalid from him because he was a global mod he should have done things to make the forum better because he had those privs.

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Trance double post :D


Anyway,why so much big deal about someone who doesn't know proper english?




These people shouldn't be accepted among us (staffers), but considering that 95% of the members of this forum are worse, what is the purpose?


Guys, have you ever seen a native english speaker talking about other people's knowledge? No!


Stop being so proud.

I'm not trying to defend him, but seriously?

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These people shouldn't be accepted among us (staffers), but considering that 95% of the members of this forum are worse, what is the purpose?



What if i told you,that Maxtor picked up those guys?So the 'accepting staff part argument' is invalid.

But let me know something,before someone got invited to the staff,there is any poll at private areas that you can vote for yes or no?


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What if i told you,that Maxtor picked up those guys?So the 'accepting staff part argument' is invalid.

But let me know something,before someone got invited to the staff,there is any poll at private areas that you can vote for yes or no?



back than years ago we suggested that and got the polls going idk if its still happening

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Anyway,this post is useless at the moment,since Maxtor wont answer it.


What response would you expect?

To demote him, or to reply to each of you?


than staff is doing a crappy job allowing the current staff to be a staffer :D


I have no right to say anything about it because I was suggested and added recently, I don't know what happened before.


But you're partially right.

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