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  On 7/27/2014 at 6:43 PM, VeteransOfficial said:

Profile : http://www.maxcheaters.com/user/81097-malamandre/


I bought his account panel SOURCES before 1 week but he give me broken one and he tell me he will fix them,after 3-4 days now he dont go online on skype and he totally ignore me,i will charge a dispute tomorrow but until then i want to report him as scammer


[22/7/2014 2:09:48 πμ] Shilen: ok let me check it tommorow

[22/7/2014 2:09:51 πμ] Shilen: cause its late here

[22/7/2014 2:09:56 πμ] InTheEndॐ: It's late here too

[22/7/2014 2:09:57 πμ] Shilen: i login tommorow

[22/7/2014 2:10:09 πμ] Shilen: and we will see it better your conections with deti

[22/7/2014 2:10:15 πμ] Shilen: cause now my eyes are rounding

[22/7/2014 2:10:23 πμ] Shilen: and closing

[22/7/2014 2:10:26 πμ] Shilen: ok bro?

[22/7/2014 2:10:39 πμ] InTheEndॐ: W/e

[22/7/2014 2:10:43 πμ] InTheEndॐ: hope its get fixed tomorrow

[22/7/2014 2:10:46 πμ] InTheEndॐ: because i cant do nothing

[22/7/2014 2:11:04 πμ] Shilen: its something with conection and msql

[22/7/2014 2:11:08 πμ] Shilen: we will see tommorow

[22/7/2014 2:11:17 πμ] InTheEndॐ: Okay

[22/7/2014 2:11:37 πμ] Shilen: gn

[23/7/2014 1:34:07 πμ] Shilen: hello

[23/7/2014 1:34:10 πμ] InTheEndॐ: Hey

[23/7/2014 1:34:15 πμ] Shilen: i was very busy today with works ouhome

[23/7/2014 1:34:25 πμ] Shilen: tommorow for sure we will check it ok?

[23/7/2014 1:34:54 πμ] InTheEndॐ: Okay,i will wait you.. Hope you make it work..

[23/7/2014 1:35:20 πμ] Shilen: the only thing that is sure is that i wont scamm you

[23/7/2014 1:35:26 πμ] Shilen: dont worry we will fix it

[23/7/2014 1:35:27 πμ] Shilen: ;)

[23/7/2014 1:35:34 πμ] InTheEndॐ: Okay then,good night

[23/7/2014 1:35:37 πμ] Shilen: i want good vouch for my system

[23/7/2014 1:35:40 πμ] Shilen: gn buddy

[23/7/2014 8:10:39 μμ] InTheEndॐ: hey

[23/7/2014 8:10:40 μμ] InTheEndॐ: are you here

[23/7/2014 8:10:41 μμ] InTheEndॐ: ?

[23/7/2014 8:10:47 μμ] Shilen: yes

[23/7/2014 8:11:07 μμ] InTheEndॐ: So can we look at it?

[23/7/2014 8:11:31 μμ] Shilen: i am doing that 2 hours now

[23/7/2014 8:11:36 μμ] Shilen: in my local

[23/7/2014 8:11:41 μμ] InTheEndॐ: And?

[23/7/2014 8:11:43 μμ] Shilen: something its fuked up thgere

[23/7/2014 8:11:52 μμ] Shilen: i am looking it to fix the fuvking shit

[23/7/2014 8:11:55 μμ] Shilen: my head will burn

[23/7/2014 8:12:16 μμ] InTheEndॐ: It doesnt check about accounts

[23/7/2014 8:12:41 μμ] InTheEndॐ: my friend said to me maybe its from the database name in accounts instead of "login" it should writte 'accounts"

[23/7/2014 8:12:52 μμ] InTheEndॐ: But if you change all "accounts" to login in .php it will be messy

[23/7/2014 8:12:54 μμ] InTheEndॐ: something like that

[23/7/2014 8:13:36 μμ] Shilen: no no

[23/7/2014 8:13:43 μμ] Shilen: i see the problem is with msql

[23/7/2014 8:13:56 μμ] Shilen: if you see when they install

[23/7/2014 8:14:01 μμ] Shilen: it makes the table sin msql

[23/7/2014 8:14:05 μμ] Shilen: but they are emty

[23/7/2014 8:14:49 μμ] Shilen: i am waiting a dev to login to check it

[23/7/2014 8:15:09 μμ] Shilen: could you tru to install it with google chrome?

[23/7/2014 8:15:26 μμ] InTheEndॐ: i installed it with google chrome from start..

[23/7/2014 8:16:05 μμ] InTheEndॐ: Well how your demo version

[23/7/2014 8:16:05 μμ] Shilen: hmm

[23/7/2014 8:16:07 μμ] InTheEndॐ: is working properly?

[23/7/2014 8:16:13 μμ] InTheEndॐ: & the one you send me not?

[23/7/2014 8:16:19 μμ] Shilen: caus eas i told you the demo version is in theengo.com

[23/7/2014 8:16:24 μμ] Shilen: the acp is seperated

[23/7/2014 8:16:31 μμ] Shilen: its 2 files

[23/7/2014 8:16:33 μμ] InTheEndॐ: then take files

[23/7/2014 8:16:34 μμ] InTheEndॐ: fromo there

[23/7/2014 8:16:36 μμ] InTheEndॐ: from*

[23/7/2014 8:16:36 μμ] Shilen: 1 files= theengo.com

[23/7/2014 8:16:40 μμ] Shilen: 1files =acp

[23/7/2014 8:16:46 μμ] Shilen: they are not the same

[23/7/2014 8:16:54 μμ] Shilen: i was trying that yesterday

[23/7/2014 8:17:00 μμ] Shilen: but it was messed

[23/7/2014 8:17:10 μμ] Shilen: my webdev will fix for sure

[23/7/2014 8:17:58 μμ] InTheEndॐ: I hope so

[23/7/2014 8:18:42 μμ] Shilen: me 2

[23/7/2014 8:18:50 μμ] Shilen: cause its stupid that thing atm

[23/7/2014 8:18:53 μμ] InTheEndॐ: When will he connect?

[23/7/2014 8:18:58 μμ] Shilen: i dont want troubles with my customers

[23/7/2014 8:19:03 μμ] Shilen: i am waiting

[23/7/2014 8:19:07 μμ] Shilen: thats why didnt go out

[23/7/2014 8:19:15 μμ] Shilen: i will be on from phone later to see him on'

[23/7/2014 8:19:33 μμ] InTheEndॐ: k

[23/7/2014 11:13:06 μμ] InTheEndॐ: Any news with the acp?

[24/7/2014 1:44:49 πμ] Shilen: yes i sended the acp files to webdev

[24/7/2014 1:44:55 πμ] Shilen: and he will check it tommorow

[24/7/2014 1:46:20 πμ] Shilen: are u here?

[24/7/2014 1:46:26 πμ] InTheEndॐ: Yes

[24/7/2014 1:46:27 πμ] InTheEndॐ: i am here

[24/7/2014 1:46:35 πμ] Shilen: could you make a job?

[24/7/2014 1:46:40 πμ] Shilen: i mean favor

[24/7/2014 1:46:44 πμ] InTheEndॐ: What kind of

[24/7/2014 1:46:47 πμ] Shilen: can you talk with the deivis

[24/7/2014 1:46:59 πμ] Shilen: and tell him that you got that problems etc

[24/7/2014 1:47:09 πμ] Shilen: do tell him that we are talking together

[24/7/2014 1:47:13 πμ] InTheEndॐ: Already told him

[24/7/2014 1:47:13 πμ] Shilen: so what he will say

[24/7/2014 1:47:17 πμ] Shilen: and?

[24/7/2014 1:47:38 πμ] InTheEndॐ: [Δευτέρα, 21 Ιουλίου 2014 11:57 μμ] Deivis (The Engo):


<<< Look I'm not helping you or telling you anything... you bought files from HIM not me.

[24/7/2014 1:47:52 πμ] Shilen: hmm

[24/7/2014 1:48:05 πμ] Shilen: if file shad any problem he would tell you that files was fucked

[24/7/2014 1:48:16 πμ] Shilen: but not the problem is that we dont do something well

[24/7/2014 1:48:27 πμ] Shilen: we will find it out dont worry

[24/7/2014 1:48:48 πμ] InTheEndॐ: [21/7/2014 11:52:53 μμ] Deivis (The Engo): There is no v4 unreleased version ^^

[21/7/2014 11:53:06 μμ] Deivis (The Engo): And he's not allowed to sell v3.05

[21/7/2014 11:53:25 μμ] Deivis (The Engo): He's only allowed to sell service on theengo.com

[21/7/2014 11:53:27 μμ] Deivis (The Engo): That was the deal.

[21/7/2014 11:53:43 μμ] InTheEndॐ: so he scamm me?

[21/7/2014 11:53:47 μμ] Deivis (The Engo): Pretty much.

[24/7/2014 1:49:17 πμ] Shilen: as you see in the conversatrion

[24/7/2014 1:49:22 πμ] Shilen: [Πέμπτη, 24 Ιουλίου 2014 1:48 πμ] InTheEndॐ:


<<< [21/7/2014 11:53:06 μμ] Deivis (The Engo): And he's not allowed to sell v3.05

[24/7/2014 1:49:33 πμ] Shilen: he knows that i got the files and he wants to sell source only him

[24/7/2014 1:49:48 πμ] Shilen: so now that i sell it he say shit for me

[24/7/2014 1:49:49 πμ] Shilen: ;)

[24/7/2014 1:50:01 πμ] Shilen: [Πέμπτη, 24 Ιουλίου 2014 1:48 πμ] InTheEndॐ:


<<< [21/7/2014 11:53:25 μμ] Deivis (The Engo): He's only allowed to sell service on theengo.com

[24/7/2014 1:50:12 πμ] Shilen: because i sell source he is ungry

[24/7/2014 1:50:22 πμ] Shilen: but i paied for all site/domain/files

[24/7/2014 1:50:33 πμ] Shilen: so i can do what ever i want with that acp cause now its on my name

[24/7/2014 1:50:40 πμ] InTheEndॐ: Well,you are right

[24/7/2014 1:50:54 πμ] Shilen: bro i dont want to scamm anyone

[24/7/2014 1:51:01 πμ] InTheEndॐ: Yeah dude but i want this working

[24/7/2014 1:51:02 πμ] Shilen: as you want to fix it i want the same

[24/7/2014 1:51:06 πμ] InTheEndॐ: I have a server to open

[24/7/2014 1:51:15 πμ] InTheEndॐ: If i bought from Deivis

[24/7/2014 1:51:18 πμ] InTheEndॐ: it would be already ready

[24/7/2014 1:51:25 πμ] InTheEndॐ: You say me every day tomorrow and tomorrow. But time is passing

[24/7/2014 1:51:26 πμ] Shilen: if we make much time with fix(that i believe will be fast)

[24/7/2014 1:51:30 πμ] Shilen: i will add you link

[24/7/2014 1:51:38 πμ] Shilen: so you can use the link until we fix it

[24/7/2014 1:51:44 πμ] Shilen: but i am sure we will do it faster

[24/7/2014 1:51:58 πμ] InTheEndॐ: I hope so

[24/7/2014 1:52:02 πμ] InTheEndॐ: because i dont want link

[24/7/2014 1:52:03 πμ] Shilen: so dont worry

[24/7/2014 1:52:09 πμ] Shilen: the acp you will use it for sure

[24/7/2014 1:52:15 πμ] Shilen: link is good also

[24/7/2014 1:52:18 πμ] Shilen: you got less dos

[24/7/2014 1:52:22 πμ] Shilen: and less lag on site


Here this the site with the installed acp www.l2glorious.com/acm you can try to go online with user/pass admin


http://prntscr.com/46wg8q Paypal log!


Posted (edited)

This skype it's a Scammer: spelz555, Russian and her paypal: spelz555@rambler.ru , when give paypal acc he try to scamm using receipt


[19:02:48] OpenYouRight:
<<< hi man you sell account in l2 server core
[19:02:48] OpenYouRight: ( (flag:gb)  [21:01:58] OpenYouRight: hi man you sell account in l2 server core
<<< )
[19:02:59] Javi3r: yes
[19:03:03] Javi3r: the heal 99
[19:04:19] Javi3r: all on acc 250 e
[19:04:22] OpenYouRight: paypal?
[19:04:25] Javi3r: y
[19:04:54] Javi3r: --------------- its my paypal
[19:04:57] OpenYouRight: give me mail
[19:05:00] OpenYouRight: ok sec
[19:05:08] OpenYouRight: я перевожу вам с карты
[19:05:10] OpenYouRight: ( (flag:gb)  I translate you card )
[19:05:10] OpenYouRight: ок ?
[19:05:10] OpenYouRight: ( (flag:gb)  ok? )
[19:05:24] Javi3r: what?
[19:05:34] OpenYouRight: я отправлю вам деньги с карты
[19:05:35] OpenYouRight: ( (flag:gb)  I'll send you the money from the card )
[19:05:41] Javi3r: ok
[19:07:48] OpenYouRight: check pls
[19:07:52] Javi3r: omw
[19:08:02] OpenYouRight: OMW?
[19:08:09] Javi3r: cheking
[19:08:11] OpenYouRight: ok
[19:08:30] Javi3r: no scam sorry.
[19:08:35] Javi3r: im not idiot
[19:08:58] OpenYouRight: )
Edited by L2CoreWTS
  On 8/11/2014 at 9:12 PM, zemaitis said:


No, i won't even explain in-here what happend i will explain to moderator in PM.

Waiting someone from staff to PM me...

  On 8/11/2014 at 10:38 PM, Stewie said:

No, i won't even explain in-here what happend i will explain to moderator in PM.

Waiting someone from staff to PM me...


You won't even explain? You just fked up your reputation for 10 euro. I don't care about your explanations, send me money back and nothing happened, then deal with your problems.

  On 8/11/2014 at 10:38 PM, Stewie said:

No, i won't even explain in-here what happend i will explain to moderator in PM.

Waiting someone from staff to PM me...

2 days, no action from forum administration taken. No one believes that he scammed me. Fun.


Hello, I want to report a scammer!


profile: http://www.maxcheaters.com/user/133720-prdonek44/


He tried to scam me along with a friend of his, a middleman (he is not on MC). Luckly I was fast enough and they had no time to change the password, but that was just pure luck from my side.

Please ban this guy, I have screens with all conversation where you can see everything, however can't post them here, there are like 4-5 screens (pm me for more details).


They faked it very well, middleman joined the conversation, started asking for paypal, etc to verify, asked for the fee (after a few mins he said he got the fee from this guy), then asked me in private for account/pass and after I got disconnect from the game (I left it open exactly to see if middleman will try to log, because he shouldn't) and they both deleted me from skype. Luckly I was fast enough to reenter, disconnect him and change password.


zemaitis ,you are turning this forum into a comedy for 10 euro?

We lose hundreds of euro being scammed and we dont necessary report ,its our fault!


You cry for 10 euro? srsly man? that made my day loled!


Sorry for budging in ,i couldnt hold! its too funny and ridiculous, gl

  • 3 weeks later...

Account Name: Lindvior


Skype: l2minister





[30/8/2014 11:58:31 μμ] Χρηστάκης Γάματα(Όνομα και πράμα): vote reward

[31/8/2014 12:09:50 πμ] *** Ο χρήστης Minister μοιράστηκε στοιχεία επικοινωνίας με τον χρήστη Χρηστάκης Γάματα(Όνομα και πράμα). ***
[31/8/2014 12:13:14 πμ] Minister: so u want vote reward
[31/8/2014 12:13:16 πμ] Minister: indivudal
[31/8/2014 12:13:31 πμ] Χρηστάκης Γάματα(Όνομα και πράμα): y
[31/8/2014 12:13:39 πμ] Χρηστάκης Γάματα(Όνομα και πράμα): i dont have any problem
[31/8/2014 12:13:42 πμ] Χρηστάκης Γάματα(Όνομα και πράμα): if it's webbased
[31/8/2014 12:13:49 πμ] Χρηστάκης Γάματα(Όνομα και πράμα): like login id psw bla bla vote get reward
[31/8/2014 12:13:51 πμ] Χρηστάκης Γάματα(Όνομα και πράμα): or ig
[31/8/2014 12:14:11 πμ] Minister: i have l2tales ones
[31/8/2014 12:14:52 πμ] Χρηστάκης Γάματα(Όνομα και πράμα): Explain me
[31/8/2014 12:15:18 πμ] Minister: so u say player to vote in all banners in website
[31/8/2014 12:15:23 πμ] Minister: back in game
[31/8/2014 12:15:25 πμ] Minister: and press .reward
[31/8/2014 12:15:29 πμ] Minister: type*
[31/8/2014 12:15:40 πμ] Χρηστάκης Γάματα(Όνομα και πράμα): And how it knows that this IP has voted etc? o.O
[31/8/2014 12:15:45 πμ] Χρηστάκης Γάματα(Όνομα και πράμα): Isnt it weird? :P
[31/8/2014 12:15:50 πμ] Minister: only check if u voted in topzone
[31/8/2014 12:15:56 πμ] Minister: more than enough :P
[31/8/2014 12:16:39 πμ] Minister: is like l2tales vote work
[31/8/2014 12:16:44 πμ] Χρηστάκης Γάματα(Όνομα και πράμα): But tales is hi5
[31/8/2014 12:17:19 πμ] Minister: php script know if u voted, and nobody can know if u have script for votes
[31/8/2014 12:17:32 πμ] Minister: and i can make it for gracia (java side)
[31/8/2014 12:17:56 πμ] Χρηστάκης Γάματα(Όνομα και πράμα): And how much you ask for it
[31/8/2014 12:18:22 πμ] Minister: offer me
[31/8/2014 12:18:26 πμ] Minister: and if u want to test
[31/8/2014 12:18:29 πμ] Minister: u can join my server
[31/8/2014 12:20:05 πμ] Χρηστάκης Γάματα(Όνομα και πράμα): your server is..?
[31/8/2014 12:20:37 πμ] Minister: l2rapidus.com
[31/8/2014 12:21:21 πμ] Χρηστάκης Γάματα(Όνομα και πράμα): This is your server? :D
[31/8/2014 12:21:27 πμ] Χρηστάκης Γάματα(Όνομα και πράμα): Very nice,i ike the website very much
[31/8/2014 12:21:30 πμ] Χρηστάκης Γάματα(Όνομα και πράμα): like*
[31/8/2014 12:22:02 πμ] Minister: yes is my server
[31/8/2014 12:22:19 πμ] Minister: http://l2rapidus.com/StringTake.php?IP=put your ip
[31/8/2014 12:22:28 πμ] Χρηστάκης Γάματα(Όνομα και πράμα): FALSE
[31/8/2014 12:22:31 πμ] Χρηστάκης Γάματα(Όνομα και πράμα): thats say to me
[31/8/2014 12:22:37 πμ] Minister: vote in topzone
[31/8/2014 12:22:39 πμ] Minister: and will say true
[31/8/2014 12:22:51 πμ] Minister: but put ur ip
[31/8/2014 12:23:22 πμ] Χρηστάκης Γάματα(Όνομα και πράμα): It says true
[31/8/2014 12:23:28 πμ] Χρηστάκης Γάματα(Όνομα και πράμα): but dont say me anywhere to put ip
[31/8/2014 12:23:37 πμ] Minister: http://l2rapidus.com/StringTake.php?IP=
[31/8/2014 12:23:46 πμ] Minister: instead of 88.148 etc..
[31/8/2014 12:23:47 πμ] Minister: put ur ip
[31/8/2014 12:24:00 πμ] Minister: http://l2rapidus.com/StringTake.php?IP=
[31/8/2014 12:24:34 πμ] Χρηστάκης Γάματα(Όνομα και πράμα): Now it says false
[31/8/2014 12:24:36 πμ] Χρηστάκης Γάματα(Όνομα και πράμα): -.-
[31/8/2014 12:24:44 πμ] Minister: vote in topzone
[31/8/2014 12:24:55 πμ] Minister: enter in game and take reward
[31/8/2014 12:25:30 πμ] Χρηστάκης Γάματα(Όνομα και πράμα): Now it says true
[31/8/2014 12:25:39 πμ] Χρηστάκης Γάματα(Όνομα και πράμα): i go ingame press .reward and get the item?
[31/8/2014 12:25:44 πμ] Minister: yes
[31/8/2014 12:26:11 πμ] Minister: im top 7 in hopzone and top 8 in topzone
[31/8/2014 12:26:12 πμ] Χρηστάκης Γάματα(Όνομα και πράμα): How much you want for this?
[31/8/2014 12:26:12 πμ] Minister: ^^
[31/8/2014 12:26:19 πμ] Minister: brb 5 min wait
[31/8/2014 12:26:31 πμ] Χρηστάκης Γάματα(Όνομα και πράμα): Sure buddy
[31/8/2014 12:31:05 πμ] Minister: you must make an offer for me
[31/8/2014 12:32:46 πμ] Χρηστάκης Γάματα(Όνομα και πράμα): There are no offers dude
[31/8/2014 12:32:48 πμ] Χρηστάκης Γάματα(Όνομα και πράμα): you tell me to pm you
[31/8/2014 12:32:55 πμ] Χρηστάκης Γάματα(Όνομα και πράμα): There are no offers in such things
[31/8/2014 12:33:33 πμ] Minister: yes dude i spent 200€ so offer me
[31/8/2014 12:33:34 πμ] Minister: :D
[31/8/2014 12:35:11 πμ] Minister: 50€ would be ok
[31/8/2014 12:35:22 πμ] Χρηστάκης Γάματα(Όνομα και πράμα): You accept psc
[31/8/2014 12:35:23 πμ] Χρηστάκης Γάματα(Όνομα και πράμα): ?
[31/8/2014 12:35:28 πμ] Minister: psc and paypal
[31/8/2014 12:35:42 πμ] Χρηστάκης Γάματα(Όνομα και πράμα): i have the money on my account in mypaysafecard
[31/8/2014 12:35:58 πμ] Χρηστάκης Γάματα(Όνομα και πράμα): have you anywhere to spend it?
[31/8/2014 12:36:00 πμ] Χρηστάκης Γάματα(Όνομα και πράμα): Like neteller
[31/8/2014 12:36:01 πμ] Χρηστάκης Γάματα(Όνομα και πράμα): or something
[31/8/2014 12:36:22 πμ] Minister: if u want pay with psc send pins
[31/8/2014 12:36:38 πμ] Χρηστάκης Γάματα(Όνομα και πράμα): I dont have pins
[31/8/2014 12:36:41 πμ] Χρηστάκης Γάματα(Όνομα και πράμα): THey are from server donations
[31/8/2014 12:37:00 πμ] Minister: i accept only pins from paysafe card or paypal
[31/8/2014 12:37:04 πμ] Χρηστάκης Γάματα(Όνομα και πράμα): http://prntscr.com/4i3qpf
[31/8/2014 12:37:46 πμ] Minister: i see, but i want real money
[31/8/2014 12:38:09 πμ] Χρηστάκης Γάματα(Όνομα και πράμα): From where are you?
[31/8/2014 12:38:16 πμ] Minister: from spain
[31/8/2014 12:38:27 πμ] Χρηστάκης Γάματα(Όνομα και πράμα): I can exchange them for paypal
[31/8/2014 12:38:31 πμ] Χρηστάκης Γάματα(Όνομα και πράμα): but you will take 42
[31/8/2014 12:39:01 πμ] Minister: i want 50€ exactly
[31/8/2014 12:39:33 πμ] Χρηστάκης Γάματα(Όνομα και πράμα): then idk i need the other money for advertising banners
[31/8/2014 12:40:04 πμ] Χρηστάκης Γάματα(Όνομα και πράμα): If you find anything that you want to buy with psc i can get it with account
[3:03:43 μμ] Χρηστάκης Γάματα(Όνομα και πράμα): I want to buy your system
[5:48:24 μμ] L2 Minister: paypal or paysafe
[5:48:42 μμ] Χρηστάκης Γάματα(Όνομα και πράμα): Well,i got informed that you sell l2top.co system
[5:48:45 μμ] Χρηστάκης Γάματα(Όνομα και πράμα): .....
[5:48:53 μμ] Χρηστάκης Γάματα(Όνομα και πράμα): You ask me 50 euro for a shared shit? :DDDDD
[5:49:07 μμ] L2 Minister: im not selling l2top.co system
[5:49:14 μμ] L2 Minister: i sell l2tales system
[5:49:17 μμ] Χρηστάκης Γάματα(Όνομα και πράμα): L2tales
[5:49:19 μμ] Χρηστάκης Γάματα(Όνομα και πράμα): use l2top.co system
[5:49:26 μμ] L2 Minister: then use it too
[5:49:32 μμ] L2 Minister: if u think that
[5:49:36 μμ] Χρηστάκης Γάματα(Όνομα και πράμα): Well,can you prove
[5:49:38 μμ] Χρηστάκης Γάματα(Όνομα και πράμα): the opposite
[5:49:38 μμ] Χρηστάκης Γάματα(Όνομα και πράμα): ?
[5:49:59 μμ] L2 Minister: i already sent from where we know if u voted or no
[5:50:18 μμ] Χρηστάκης Γάματα(Όνομα και πράμα): Same as l2top.co
[5:50:19 μμ] Χρηστάκης Γάματα(Όνομα και πράμα): ...
[5:51:16 μμ] L2 Minister: dude l2top.co check l2top.co
[5:51:19 μμ] L2 Minister: no topzone
[5:51:33 μμ] Χρηστάκης Γάματα(Όνομα και πράμα): It can check topzone with a little modify
[5:51:36 μμ] Χρηστάκης Γάματα(Όνομα και πράμα): But not hopzone
[5:51:41 μμ] Χρηστάκης Γάματα(Όνομα και πράμα): Your's check hopzone
[5:51:41 μμ] Χρηστάκης Γάματα(Όνομα και πράμα): ?
[5:52:18 μμ] L2 Minister: lol man then use l2top.co
[5:52:22 μμ] L2 Minister: and check who vote there
[5:52:30 μμ] L2 Minister: mine check topzone
[5:52:33 μμ] Χρηστάκης Γάματα(Όνομα και πράμα): I make you a questions
[5:52:36 μμ] Χρηστάκης Γάματα(Όνομα και πράμα): a question*
[5:52:38 μμ] Χρηστάκης Γάματα(Όνομα και πράμα): Does it check HOPZONE
[5:52:38 μμ] Χρηστάκης Γάματα(Όνομα και πράμα): ?
[5:52:40 μμ] L2 Minister: hopzone no way
[5:52:45 μμ] L2 Minister: i ha ve another script
[5:52:45 μμ] Χρηστάκης Γάματα(Όνομα και πράμα): Okay,then you're reported
[5:52:47 μμ] L2 Minister: that check if
[5:52:49 μμ] Χρηστάκης Γάματα(Όνομα και πράμα): for trying to sell shared shits
[5:52:50 μμ] Χρηστάκης Γάματα(Όνομα και πράμα): :)
[5:52:51 μμ] Χρηστάκης Γάματα(Όνομα και πράμα): Little garbage
[5:52:53 μμ] L2 Minister: you click in banners
[5:53:02 μμ] L2 Minister: report me? hahaha
[5:53:05 μμ] L2 Minister: like i care for mxc
[5:53:09 μμ] L2 Minister: and mine check topzone
[5:53:10 μμ] L2 Minister: :D
L2 Minister


He tried to sell me l2top.co vote reward system for 50euro.

Posted (edited)

system is not l2top.co and i can prove to any global mod in skype

ANYWAY, WHERE IS THE SCAM? feel free to buy mine when fail with l2top.co


PD: he is InTheEnd, a well known scammer..

Edited by Lindvior

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