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do you have a victim mentality? whats your problem after all why i would be interested of your achievements? congratz you are a coder, do you want a medal for saving the world? say something interesting because no one cares what you achieved in real life, its like you are the only one  :-X

p.s. if you want to boast, use private message, ill be glad to listen your achievements.

Edited by BruT
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do you have a victim mentality? whats your problem after all why i would be interested of your achievements? congratz you are a coder, do you want a medal for saving the world? say something interesting no one cares what you achieved in real life, its like u are the only one  :-X

Yeap, ill pm you in your inbox my address details so you can send it along with the cookie you told me previously.

And no fuck coding fuck this shitty thing :D even alextoti13 can code a line

java is easier than learn how decrypt dll program. 

I just hate you for the way u treat me back then ;) you big jerk ;)

still you're skilled coder so ;)

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why ppl hate me because i delete them, i cant keep 500 contacts in my skype, and yes i had a period where i didnt want to teach anyone even a single phrase, nothing personal.

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Nice skills guys, I hope you know your maths from school about vectors and matrices, since its very essential for one programmer to know... you know, for stuff like this...


Because everybody knows if you can't pacman, you cant code :D

Edited by Nik
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why ppl hate me because i delete them, i cant keep 500 contacts in my skype, and yes i had a period where i didnt want to teach anyone even a single phrase, nothing personal.

you didnt even get what i said anyway fuck it 

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