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[GUIDE] ByPass Bake-Ice Step By Step (Works For Interlude) [IG]


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@negrin021 first of all..what the hell is "pj" ?

second..what server you play at?is it interlude?cuz this bypass won't work on anything other than interlude

and am sorry i didn't really get what are you saying..to use this bypass on other servers than DN..IF you can't find a clean system folder (walker folder) download DN system folder,put it in your main lineage2 folder,copy all the .dat files from your "bakeice system folder",and paste it inside the DN system folder,it should work fine.

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pj= player, my character.


this server it is supposed to be interlude, because before was c4...but maybe is c4 modded to interlude, i play there with interlude client.


i can make it works in a known interlude l2off server with bakeice. but in my fuc.king server when my character it is supposed to appears in l2walker window, appears the window, without character.


maybe doesnt work because its c4 modded to interlude, i dont know

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appears no character at all? or you see the name but the character is invisible? if invisible then its a matter of .dat files..just copy the ones from your normal system..if not..try logging some other account

other than that..dunno :(

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no, nothing appears, only the window, i dont know why. It must be something wrong with the server, i have to wait, for one actu to interlude (they are going to put shadows, etc..), but this guys are very slow.


:( :( :( :( :( :(

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anyone runned that walker at Vista Ultimate 64bit ? i really need some info about that... i asked before.. when i do all steps.. and run l2w gameguard error apear.. and i saw other think... walker folder was clean but after runing there apear new folder called "GameGuard"  GameGuard Killer will help on this issuse or not ? some info plox

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zoom i was waiting you, i play in another server with bakeice, my question is that this by pass works for me in one server, but doesnt works in the server i play.


if i use the system of the server where it works, with the bakeice of my server, i do all right...but when i log in bakeice (after done all steps ok), the window of login in walker appears, but no pj appears in it.


if i use the system of my sever (doesnt work) after doing all steps...when i click in bakeice client, my pj appears in bakeice (its supposed to dont login), and nothing appears in walker system.


Do you know how to solve this? i tried to copy some archives but nothing worked. in the other server this guide is perfect, but i want to play in the server i cant. :(

have same problem:when i log in at dn client it isn't supposed to show my chars,it's supposed to log chars at l2w client,but i think i have some problem with proxifier...

When i run it it writes:    Fatal error: Windows Network is not properly configured to work with proxifier. Pleae run NetConf to configure.


and i can't start proxifier.


but if i make new rule in netconf then proxifier works and my other programs doesn't work:msn,dn client etc...


p.s i done: proces only the folowing + manual proxified



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The guide is great, but i cant understand what im doing wrong. Everything works fine untill i log in with my bake-ice client, it goes to character selection screen with bake-ice but not with walker client. It feels like the fork is not connected to bake-ice client or smthing, cose when im logging in with bake-ice the fork is not responding, but when i log with walker something is atleast happening. I did everything that guide tells me to do in right order. help pls  :-\


Im using vista btw, if that makes any difference.

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2008.12.5 23:50:04

OS : Windows Vista 6.0 (Build: 6000)

CPU : GenuineIntel Unknown processor @ 3000 MHz with 4095MB RAM

Video : ATI Radeon HD 4800 Series  (630)


Failed to load 'Texture L2Font-r.SmallFont-r': Failed to find object 'Texture L2Font-r.SmallFont-r'


History: UObject::SafeLoadError <- UObject::StaticLoadObject <- (Engine.Texture L2Font-r.SmallFont-r NULL) <- UCanvas::UCanvas <- UViewport::UViewport <- UWindowsClient::NewViewport <- UGameEngine::Init <- InitEngine


getting this error whe trying to launch walker system l2




PROBLEM SOLVED:i just copied to walker system all .dll files and had there wrong l2.exe file:D



anyway got another problem when i launch walker and bake ice systems i cant log in walker system i click ok but nothing happens :/ can log in just bake ice system :(

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Im getting the exact same error, could u explain a little bit more about how u solved it?


Failed to load 'Texture L2Font-r.SmallFont-r': Failed to find object 'Texture L2Font-r.SmallFont-r'


Ive tried everything, clean system + the l2ini provided.. which files do I have to transfer from the bake-ice system folder?


Help is much appreciated

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The l2.ini you posted in page 1 doesn't seems to work. I copied it into the L2 Clean/Walker system folder and the l2.exe wont run (with or without L2W). If i restore the original l2.ini i can run the secondary box/l2client. Else nothing will happen.


I play on Frintezza. Thnx in advance for your reply.


Edit: I tried your decrypter and opened the file. I wouldn't open properly and couldn't find the servadr. The one u gave me i can open fine, but it still wont work. I think this is the main problem that many ppl have.


Possibility: they updated the encryption on the l2.ini.

This is the clean file i just downloaden of interlude: http://www.nocomments.nl/l2_clean_interlude.rar


Ty in advance

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