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Java question that i will spam until someone answers me :)



I have this

And here is the shit.

BallsofSteel considers 'example()' as Parent class extend, and gives compilation error on that, since it's not existant in parent(which i obviously dont want to implement, and it's not abstract)


So, can i make this shitty Interface thing work first, other than casting the object( something i get 2 options to to- BallsofSteel or the Interface gg)



if you have any experience over that :) the internetz wasnt very helpful( not many examples of combining both class and interface in another class, and my specific problem.


i dont understand your hierarchy in this everything is a separate file or 1 file with multiple classes in it? :D


Anyway, try to access the class via the interface not the interface via the class so interface e1 = new interface(); e1.example();


Sexy means when a woman cover her whole body with tattoos?


Sexy is when a women can give you a boner without taking any clothes off. :D

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i dont understand your hierarchy in this everything is a separate file or 1 file with multiple classes in it? :D


Anyway, try to access the class via the interface not the interface via the class so interface e1 = new interface(); e1.example();


Sexy is when a women can give you a boner without taking any clothes off. :D


**fixed i was drunk :rage:

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i dont understand your hierarchy in this everything is a separate file or 1 file with multiple classes in it? :D


Anyway, try to access the class via the interface not the interface via the class so interface e1 = new interface(); e1.example();

Why does file matter :/

obviously i need the extend more than the interface.

Well, casting the item fixes the problem, but i don't even know what to cast to(cast to the class that implements, or the interface)


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Java question that i will spam until someone answers me :)



I have this

And here is the shit.

BallsofSteel considers 'example()' as Parent class extend, and gives compilation error on that, since it's not existant in parent(which i obviously dont want to implement, and it's not abstract)


So, can i make this shitty Interface thing work first, other than casting the object( something i get 2 options to to- BallsofSteel or the Interface gg)



if you have any experience over that :) the internetz wasnt very helpful( not many examples of combining both class and interface in another class, and my specific problem.


Take a look, i just saw the post, gonna get to it later;


Press edit script on the site, and then execute script.


PS: What kind of compiler version are you using? lol, i cannot reproduce the issue. It's illogical to throw a compilation error, if BallsofSteel implements GG, or i need more coffee, cause i cant figure out whats the matter with the code at hand. LOL


Here made it in java: http://ideone.com/7voQXj

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