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Smart Community Board

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dude one suggestion, you should change something in TopPlayer.java, String adenas = getAdenas(result.getInt("SUM(it.count)")); to this String adenas = getAdenas(result.getLong("SUM(it.count)"));

and make this:

public String getAdenas(long adena)
	String adenas = "";
	if (adena >= 1000000000)
		adenas = Long.toString(adena / 1000000000) + " Billion " + Long.toString((adena % 1000000000) / 1000000) + " million";
		adenas = Long.toString(adena / 1000000) + " Million " + Long.toString((adena % 1000000) / 1000) + " k";
	return adenas;

btw nice work!!


Yes thats correct i've only test this local so i missed this one ;) , thanks.

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Very nice coded, but i have got few advices


-na koncu kwerend nie musisz dawac ";" :P

-klasa GrandBossList jest nie potrzebna bo podobna klasa juz istnieje w l2jserver, popatrz na RaidBossSpawnManager

-result.close() i statement.close() ZAWSZE dawaj do finally, bo jesli cos pojdzie nie tak, polaczenie sie nie zamknie


thx for sharing it :)

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Very nice coded, but i have got few advices


-na koncu kwerend nie musisz dawac ";" :P

-klasa GrandBossList jest nie potrzebna bo podobna klasa juz istnieje w l2jserver, popatrz na RaidBossSpawnManager

-result.close() i statement.close() ZAWSZE dawaj do finally, bo jesli cos pojdzie nie tak, polaczenie sie nie zamknie


thx for sharing it :)

Thanks, but why did you told the advices in PL im not from Poland, but thanks anyway for your advices some1 might use them and make a better cb but i dont think that im going to update it anytime soon, this was made for personal use and anyone is free to mod it in any way they want for their needs.


Btw about the RaidBossSpawnManager i dont remember how it worked or if i could use it, but an extra class is not such a big deal since its more organized i think to have them all in one place, since the RbSpawnManager can change anytime from l2jserver.

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Thanks, but why did you told the advices in PL im not from Poland, but thanks anyway for your advices some1 might use them and make a better cb but i dont think that im going to update it anytime soon, this was made for personal use and anyone is free to mod it in any way they want for their needs.


Btw about the RaidBossSpawnManager i dont remember how it worked or if i could use it, but an extra class is not such a big deal since its more organized i think to have them all in one place, since the RbSpawnManager can change anytime from l2jserver.

sorry, i thought u are from poland.

I wrote those advises to try avoid such things in future, not to update community.

I dont really like your RaidBoss class coz everytime somebody is clicking in community to check raid boss respawn(and lets say that will be often), also database will be used more often coz of that which isnt very healthy :)

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sorry, i thought u are from poland.

I wrote those advises to try avoid such things in future, not to update community.

I dont really like your RaidBoss class coz everytime somebody is clicking in community to check raid boss respawn(and lets say that will be often), also database will be used more often coz of that which isnt very healthy :)


Well thats not quite true, i mean it doesnt check the db everytime cause there is the cache too. In short when for example 10 users browse this pages and an 11th user come and click it, it wont access the db but it will send him the cached html and it will be refreshed again after some time like 5 mins im not sure how the htm cache works or how its done but its not accessed everytime.

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Well thats not quite true, i mean it doesnt check the db everytime cause there is the cache too. In short when for example 10 users browse this pages and an 11th user come and click it, it wont access the db but it will send him the cached html and it will be refreshed again after some time like 5 mins im not sure how the htm cache works or how its done but its not accessed everytime.

oh, i am sorry then, didnt know about that.

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Formestill not working. what i need to have in config? like i say compilation was goodbuthave error in game 404 filrnotfounf "index.htm" i checked and files is in communityboard folder.

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Formestill not working. what i need to have in config? like i say compilation was goodbuthave error in game 404 filrnotfounf "index.htm" i checked and files is in communityboard folder.


Jeez, you should read replies more carefully.


[PL] Jak mówi error, brakuje Ci głównego pliku index.htm - dlatego Ci nic nie wyświetla bo nie ma co.

Więc dodaj ten plik do data\html\CommunityBoard [/PL]


To be more specific, download Datapack part and paste all htm files into CommunityBoard folder..

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it is shared many times but this is the best one !


Awesome work and awesome code !


+ 1 reputation from me , for your 1500 lines code + many html files !



Keep Sharing m8 !!!

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