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[Share] Chaos Event


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Since some peoples asked for this event and I can't find topic about, so I decided to make new one :)

The event is created by An4rchy, so credits goes to him and to Fanky who helped him with super haste part.

Based on old aCis sources (86 rev).



If admin wants, he can press //warnchaos to warn all the players before the event starts. A pop-up html will pop to all online players, warning them with what you want (the html is in: data/html/chaos). When admin presses //startchaos, event starts (there is an announcement and a message to the admin when it starts). Every player will be able to press .joinchaos in order to join the event. After they join, they get black color name and super haste lvl 4 buff (just the buff). Also a message is sent to them. All registered players will be able to fight/kill each other without taking any karma (they can't fight in peace zones). They only take karma if they kill unflagged players that aren't registered in Chaos Event. Their chaos kills, are only increased if they kill players that are in Chaos Event, and they aren't increased if they kill players that are not registered but have flag. Every time they die, and revive, they get super haste lvl 4 again. Any registered player can press .leavechaos to leave the event. But after they leave it, their chaos kills are nullified and super haste buff is removed. They can register again any time (but ofc with 0 kills again). After admin presses //endchaos, the event ends, all players' buffs are removed, the system detects the top 5 killers, and rewards them. Also all players get normal color name and lose super haste buff if they had it.



Differences from original Chaos Event

[*] It isn't automatic.

[*] Every time the players revive, they get super haste, but in retail they die the first time and they don't have it, after they die again they have, after they die again they don't etc.



password = Anarchy

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I must answer...

Chronicle? Version? Tested? Credits? Way to customize the event (config.properties)?

Thanks any way, looks a nice event. A like the intro, downloading and testing...



Edit: Look for Gracia Final chronicle due to import's....

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U cann addapt for any ch. Yes i tested it, but its need more changes, this is just basic script not compeleted fully. Credits i think goes to


The event is created by An4rchy, so credits goes to him and to Fanky who helped him with super haste part.


Everything is hardcoded, you can extend to the configs if u need that.

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Well, its based on old aCis sources, so originally it's for interlude and like livogro said, you can adapt it for any chron, and yup it's tested. Also, there isn't any config :)

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its possible to remake it for teleport all registred ppl in a instance, or a empty zone like the jail? cuz with the skill haste 4, they can go skill all mobs and raids they wan...

In the original event (L2Java x5000), they have modified the super haste lvl 4 skill, to increase just speed. And that's what you should do, because on the event if super haste increase atk spd, everyone would make tyrant (crt stun) or other classes that would be op with 2k atk spd ++.

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In the original event (L2Java x5000), they have modified the super haste lvl 4 skill, to increase just speed. And that's what you should do, because on the event if super haste increase atk spd, everyone would make tyrant (crt stun) or other classes that would be op with 2k atk spd ++.

and also you can make for it a zone like Underground Coliseum (big zones)

instead of changing super haste stats


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In the original event (L2Java x5000), they have modified the super haste lvl 4 skill, to increase just speed. And that's what you should do, because on the event if super haste increase atk spd, everyone would make tyrant (crt stun) or other classes that would be op with 2k atk spd ++.

why not create a new skill named event super haste and c/p the original ,but delete the stat raise?

much more easier imo

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why not create a new skill named event super haste and c/p the original ,but delete the stat raise?

much more easier imo

Easier to make a new skill, than to lower the EXISTING skill's effects?

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