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[Discussion]Best interlude project

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the best way is take l2j and make it as you want so you know what your pack has !

PS : must know java.



l2j doesn't exist.(talking for interlude)

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the best way is take l2j and make it as you want so you know what your pack has !

PS : must know java.

If you speak of Interlude, better shoot a bullet in your foot. It's faster reaction than waiting 4 months and see in final, it is hopeless (and result is you're the owner of a totally broken custom pack, so your work won't even be useful for community).


People who read my timeline can judge about it. Hundreds corrected bugs, and thousands other to correct. Never ending story.



About aCis, it is made for any population (PvP server will find formulas rework interesting, mid rate or low will find unique stuff and details you can only see on L2Off type servers, etc).


Initial goal of my project is to be the mother project of any new IL source, and for so I don't impose any custom or any shit to anyone. You're free to add whatever you want.


From the moment you're not totally dumb and can apply patches, there are even customs on forum section, reworked for aCis. When I'm opposed to add anything custom on mother pack, you're free to add and ask any shit you want on "custom asks" section.



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your only option is acis. thats the only answer you should accept because the other recommended packs like hellas well how to put this politely...SUCK :D

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your only option is acis. thats the only answer you should accept because the other recommended packs like hellas well how to put this politely...SUCK :D

Yeah i like the old interpid better.. ur a pussy now. So ima do it for you:


Another stupid question, so im gonna put it lightly; shitlude = shit, acis is a lesser shit, which in a shit standpoint, lesser is better shit, so take the lesser shit and get ur ass: acis. For shit's sake.



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