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[Share] Over than 3000 Avatars!


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Hello everyone! I found this usefull share...Well, there are over than 3000 avatars which you can use if you can't find an avatar for you...


DOWNLOAD LINK:http://rapidshare.com/files/56320113/3100_avatars.rar



Credits to Theodos, My friend!

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Thanks for share ! 


Btw you can look and here :


-Mega Thread- 5.000 UserbarS + 22.673 avatars (collection by me)



Uploaded by:


Soviet  Bullet :.                                                                                                                              gltsry   



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downloading like crazy man...haha

i just took a look on your avatar share xxRxx and now downloading k4rmaarr0ws ones that i have to say are endless downloads,too many...:(

anyway,very cool shares.keep up the good work

ps:i like the program of making your own bars,cool:)

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 11 months later...

hmmm i know that from that date that this topic started have passed many days...but i download the first link and it ask me for a psw.Anyone know?

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