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The environments in F.E.A.R. range from concrete-walled water works, to rundown uninhabited dwellings, with a wide spectrum of colours from grey to brown and all the unpleasant tones in-between. There's really very little to get excited about. Thankfully, F.E.A.R. isn't about its uninspired locations or drab colour scheme, and you realise this the moment you pull the trigger of a gun. The quiet unassuming chap violently transforms into an explosive, attention hogging action movie star, stealing every scene with the most debris-filled shoot-outs ever seen in a video game.


Much has been made of the supernatural element to F.E.A.R. but this plays a far smaller part than expected. You play a rookie elite soldier who has recently joined the First Encounter Assault Recon team. Your first job is to investigate a paranormal force (most visible as the scary little girl in red) which has the ability to tear people apart (physically, not emotionally). As far as supernatural entities go this is a rather unpleasant one, and despite the fact that you're part of a team, you'll fight alone for the entirety of the game as your comrades are either ripped apart on entering a new area or are conveniently incapacitated.So, with a loose plot and paranormal activity in place it's time to get down and dirty in those wonderful environments I mentioned above; they're normal, real-world, urban locations, and being such, they're not the most thrilling to look at. They serve their purpose though, being the perfect areas for some stunning fire-fights. I know the 'Lobby' scene from the original Matrix movie is mentioned whenever a game features some environment destruction, but F.E.A.R. is the only game to really do that comparison justice. To say F.E.A.R. is explosive is an understatement.


You could say F.E.A.R. is a corridor shooter, but it would be doing the game a disservice. Yes, there are plenty of corridors, but you rarely have to take on enemies while moving through narrow hallways. Enemy encounters usually pit you against a number of enemies working as a squad, all of whom take up strategic positions in the environment. It's rare that you'll have the upper hand, with cover definitely on their side. Whether you're entering a heavily occupied reception area, emerging from a tunnel to face an attack from enemies that have a height advantage on you, or getting a little too close for comfort in an old apartment block, you have a few tricks up your sleeve.aking on a room full of enemies with the same mindset you'd have in any other FPS will get you killed. The enemy AI isn't going to be outwitted by simply running and gunning, but throw some slow motion, melee combat and the odd grenade into the mix, and you suddenly have them running scared. How it's possible isn't clear, but you can slow down time, making your task a hell of a lot easier. The time you can spend in slow motion increases as you progress through the game (Reflex injections increase your slow-mo time and Health injections increase your maximum health), and by the end you'll be able to take out a whole room before they know what's hit them. Close quarters combat (with weapon butts, kicks and slides all possible) can also take out enemies in one hit. Alternatively, throw a grenade into the middle of a room and take out the majority of the opposition in one, extremely bloody, fell swoop - slowing down time, throwing a remote mine into the air and detonating it before it hits the ground is a particular favourite of mine.

On the whole if u like bloody fps games and some <<matrix>> in ur fps game F.E.A.R. is the best game for u  ;)


F.E.A.R. ... My favorite FPS for playing online ;)! I was really cool in it, I went up to a server and pwned them all :D! Many times people called me cheater, even if there's no way to cheat...

So I think everyone should try it, because its a great game online and offline too!

  • 4 weeks later...

scary game, at the time i played it, i only had free time after 12 at night <.<


soon as that lil girl pops out, my poop poops itself. really nice graphics and it doesnt stress your comp that much.


scary game, at the time i played it, i only had free time after 12 at night <.<


It's the best time to play such games! But if someone has weak nerves better don't try it :P


For me FEAR is one of the most scariest games in whole history. If u add good graphic it makes this game really cool.


It's the best time to play such games! But if someone has weak nerves better don't try it :P


For me FEAR is one of the most scariest games in whole history. If u add good graphic it makes this game really cool.

Yup man this is also my opinion :D. I played the whole game with all graphics high^^

  • 4 weeks later...
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