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WTS Services for Lineage Server installation , tunneling and ddos protection ( For NetBots (Shells) , SYN Flood ) And others.


Price : Installation  : 10 euro

            Tunneling  : 10 euro

  DDos protection  : 50 euro and 10 euro for setup the first month



Payment Methods : Paypal , Paysafecards


Contact : Here via pm , Msn : vorfin1@hotmail.com


wow,if you really know it, very good prices.

Even me might need you :> .



i make good prices cuz a lot ppl has got problems with install and ddos protection so everyone can protect and install his own server :)




  DDos protection  : 25 euro




f@ck ... You Sell DDos Protection for 25 euro ?



added on msn... :P Good Luck...


i would love to see it work but it will fail if u get good ddos on ur server


Why you are saying that?

i hate wannabe hackers thats the reason that i sell it only 25 euro.


Ok,tell me then why everybody else is charging starting from 200 euros a month but u can do it for 25 euros?

And how will u do this?How u gonna filter traffic?

Because software based protection will never help against good ddos attack!

Because it will hit hosting companies router before it hits ur server machine!


as you can see i write that i offer protection for (Shells , SYN Flood) i dont say that you can protect the server from real ddos attack.

but nobody will make a good ddos attack for one l2 server or site believe me ;)


  DDos protection  : 25 euro



DDOS Protection my ass.

Firstly, let me clarify what a DDOS attack means in simply English.

DDOS means, you're getting millions of packets, from a load of different IPs.



Firstly, no firewall can save you from getting DDOSed, just forget this case.

Why's that, firstly, firewalls are very low in the network hierarchy. Which means, you can get your connection hurt, much before into getting the software.


A good DDOS attack, usually exceeds 3 Gps, which means ~your home upload connection * 3000.

In this case, if you have a software firewall, it'll try to migrate good from bad packets, which means your CPU must migrate millions of packets. Just do not fool your self, your CPU won't migrate even 1% of these attacks. So your CPU will get an over-flow, so you'll just get your machine "out of work", which means you'll get a downtime.

About Linux firewalls, they'll just do better the job, cause Linux OS are faster and lighter.


That's why your software firewall is totally useless.


Now, what firewalls do.

Basically, imagine Firewall software like a police man. Firewall, checks good from bad protection.

If an IP tries to send a bad packet, firewall adds it to the "black-list". If the packet's sender, is on the "black-list", firewall rejects it without even checking it, so you save some CPU cycles this way, if the attacker, sends you many packets, firewall won't able even to inspect them, so you'll get the same result.



Regarding hardware protection, yeah, hardware -protection-.

Routers, will work the way your firewall would, just that routers are dedicated in doing this job, your router, will work like a CPU that will filter the incoming packets. By the time, it works this way, it can be brought down this way too. Believe me, routers that your ISP provides you won't be strong enough.



So let's see what can we do:



Well, we can pay.

We can pay a good datacenter with a decent computing-validity router, that will protect us from such DDOS attacks. And this is the best choice, for sure. I'll explain why.


Case 1


I'll name the first case migration.

Have you can see a diagram.




So, all the packets get filtered from the basic router of the datacenter, and they allow only clear packets to get into the inner network.


E.g: If for example, if a lot of packets come to IP of PC 7, a DDOS attack, router has to migrate it all, so all the rest of the machines have no probs with their connections. So it's just impossible you getting a DDOS attack cause others will have problems too.



Case 2


I'll name the second case hardware-protection.

The diagram is the following.




So, they just give you a router in front of your server, and then it's up to the router.

If router can handle the attack, then you're protected, if not you're down.


E.g: If PC 2 gets a DDOS attack, firewall will just let all the incoming traffic get into, and then your firewall has to fight them.




Another way, is to "hide" your real IP.

Some datacenters, offer a network mask, which will hide your IP.

You just leave your servers just unprotected, state the IP that the company gave to you. The client will send the packets to their server(s), they will send them to you back filtered. Basically, it's the same thing, just it's getting done "remotely".

There are limits there too, if the attack exceeds some Gps, they'll let the packets flow to your server.



So comparing case Migration with case Hardware-protection, Migration wins.

So, where can I find such datacenters? Hm, I've been good enough today.


I will give my opinion since it looks like a scam.

DDOS protection for 25€ ? I mean, how do you expect to block a small ddos of like 500k pps with 25€, you will have to explain it briefly. In production mode, to be able to manage with a firewall solution "Home made", so a Linux box with dedicated rules and kernel acting as a proxy shield, with a dual xeon 5600 series, it couldn't stand a shit, and a cisco guard can barely stand 400k pps on a port and then it will create multiple short loss.


To complete to post gaven on the top about the ddos and the analogy to block the packet if the ip is blacklisted, you can send a packet with a fake ip source and generate it like you want, yeah you get the fun ? blocking an ip is useless you got it, but I guess the guy who posted knows it since he seems to have knowledge in that field.


To make it brief, your solution is a bullshit, I am pretty sure you call "ddos protection" installing apf and setting up iptables. Your replies and post just show your lack of knowledge and your immaturity. I strongly recommend you to do not trust that seller.


Now, if someone really wants to pay for some ddos protection, you should take a look at some company , just google it, for a decent protection against small/medium dos/ddos, you have to use aprox 500$ per month which should make you free against most of the wannabes that get shellbots and people that own few vps/dedi.

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