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Everything posted by Anarchy

  1. that's completely random... who even comes up with these things me and him need to have a conversation, what happened to calling these typa guys a clan? O.o
  2. see i knew that troll was coming, next i'm expecting cheeze pizza/captain picard ones, then hopefully someone will actually answer the q :D
  3. okay this might be slightly offtopic but i've never really been able to keep up with player lingo i kinda stopped trying after the whole rr = reboot thing, but what the fuck does cp mean? i know it's related to clans but wtf is the p??
  4. you should check that dll out in ida if you want a giggle at the fact an actual live server is running that shit lol
  5. i'm sure smartguard's driver will be run through the MS cert program and all that but we all know adrenalin will still work there, not just because smartguard is working with adrenalin developer but because adrenalin has already bypassed other drivers issue is i don't think players really understand the risk posed with a driver from a guy like that, yeah there's risk period when running his soft but at least user mode shit you can do a pretty good job of monitoring wtf he's doing but in kernel it's gonna be a whoooole different story
  6. oh god that "protection" was so garbage i figure i'd hook you up with this one cuz jesus christ what the fuck are those guys thinking it's so garbage fixed dsetup.dll so it doesn't detect anything -> http://www85.zippyshare.com/v/yilmGlum/file.html (updated bypass is http://www73.zippyshare.com/v/vx4iL3kk/file.html ) and obligatory screenshot of cracked adrenalin working holy shit that thing was garbage
  7. yeah with smartguard saying they're converting over to driver and akumu's very public credibility problems it'll be interesting to see what happens going forward, all I know is I haven't run a smart client outside of an isolated system since his little transgressions came to light cuz I don't trust his usermode shit, so I'm sure as shit never gonna run his ring0 stuff on anything even on the same network as anything I value
  8. this topic might turn into cancer REAL fast if all the pros who 100% know everything about networking ever come and raid it simple answer is host your server wherever has the server which best fits your needs and don't worry about ddos protection there, then put proxies in ddos protected hosts (google it there's plenty i don't personally have any recommendations for you on that) most ddos protected hosts have shit servers or are extremely expensive, you only need a basic vps to host a proxy never ever EVER reveal your real server IP, and also put your website through cloudflare and your site will be set (it's free and better than any paid service, period.)
  9. yeah l2off used to actually be a draw for people but most players don't give a shit now, even people running 100% retail files from the renters don't get the kind of interest that rpg-club did back when they were the first guys out with the GF files, pretty sad shit but who knows maybe it can change - only if people start putting in some work instead of reselling everyone else's, it's the reason i'm glad this shit leaked - the more of these reseller idiots get put out of business the better, if they really can "develop to the next level" why the fuck aren't they and selling that instead? maybe it'll change, i'm hopeful but that's probably naivety combined with nostalgia tbh but who knows, miracles happen
  10. you'd prefer they compile and run a shit l2j pack server without knowledge instead? :D at least with this we might actually get some life back into l2off, you seen the server ad forum lately? front page always 85%+ l2j
  11. oh my god lol you're sooooo madddd you poor baby > tries to stop people dling source > gets mad when it doesn't work > IM NOT A RESELLER UR NOT BURNING ME QQ
  12. the other topic is much more fun, there's a guy there who's developing to the next level! definitely not reselling nope nope vang had a backdoor for the longest time in the retail version he sold which even worked on sublimity, i posted the api for how to use it on here once, so wouldn't be surprised if he left a present or two in it
  13. mad pack sellers are mad did this poor guy ruin you guys revenue stream from selling someone else's work? QQ
  14. it's "more THAN 3" not then but anyway, virtual machines, sandbox apps, hwid changers, and probably a vpn too - take your pick
  15. Additionally the one thing that drives me nuts about l2j, which for some people might be a positive but for me it definitely is not, is the HUGE variability in packs and the variability within the packs themselves. I'm sure a lot of it comes from the teams developing the packs not really being particularly concerned about outside developers working with/on their projects, but refactoring for refactoring's sake happens a lot in l2j, you get people who base a pack on someone else's pack and then refactor all the packages for no other reason than to stamp their name on it, you get huge differences in the very basic of systems for absolutely no discernible reason and a lot of times datapacks are not portable between l2j packs beyond basic data definitions so if you change packs half you work has to be done over again. Diversity can be a good thing obviously, different perspectives and all that but when the end goal is the same for all (well most) packs, which is to replicate as closely what lineage2 official servers are, they pretty much all go about it differently and almost exclusively go about it in vastly inferior ways to how ncsoft did it. L2off on the other hand is pretty simple, you have: C1 server, multiple versions but only one is used/developed anymore (it's the one smeli's projects are on), there's been multiple extension projects based on c1 over the years but i'm pretty sure only smeli's survives. C4 server, 2 l2server.exe versions advext used to use one (maybe still does? no clue) and vanganth/mostly everyone else used another. As far as c4 projects go atm you have some c4 extenders for fixes/features which aren't well known/used, interlude based on c4 you have advext and vanganth's extenders. GF server, only 1 version public that i know of which simplifies things, advext/vanganth extenders again there's also eressea's extender, mxc's fix extender (a product of mrmac and myself) which is now outdated, there's probably lots more private ones but that's all i personally know of public projects atm. While there's portability issues between extenders to some extent when it comes to advext/vanganth, usually it's very specific and data is portable between them more generally than it is with l2j, portability between c1/c4/gf servers isn't there but the underlying systems and formats between the servers is largely the same. As far as customizability goes it largely depends on what you want to customize and what your knowledge base is. If you want to customize something core to a system and you know java yeah l2j is gonna be better there, but if you're just wanting to make gm shops, change npc behaviour - the basics, it's all about the same really, especially if you're coming at it without knowledge of either l2j or l2off cuz you're gonna have to learn it either way.
  16. i think a big diff with l2j vs l2off on community devs is if you ask for information you will always receive it, there's plenty of people on here willing to answer questions you have you just gotta ask :) the main difference is we'll give any information but it's gotta be in a way that shows you're willing to learn not that you're just wanting someone else to basically set your server up for you - you might be surprised to know a lot of us don't really dig how much l2off is pay2play either and especially the prices of it but we're not here to help people make 1 month servers for some side money you know, people who are passionate and want to learn hell we'll give you every scrap of info we have no problem
  17. yeah nothing beats l2 soundtrack, games just don't do music like that anymore elven village will forever be my favorite so mad they killed the town in god
  18. it can be hard sure, but it's so much more rewarding development I find, and it doesn't take a huge amount of knowledge to do a lot of things in l2off but yeah you need to implement a system none of the public projects have implemented then you're shit out of luck if you don't know assembly and can't reverse engineer... I've had to implement quite a few l2j features to l2off over the years for various clients and I've only started really working with l2j the last year or so and I find l2j harder to dev for than l2off xD but that comes from experience ofc
  19. yeah dev for l2off is much more fun :D but these days players aren't picky, u put up a poll on a player-dominated forum asking l2off vs l2j and 90% answers will be "what's l2off?" xD l2off doesn't have the draw that it used to players just wanna pk noobs don't care what's under the hood, I'll email you about hf
  20. for us nah ofc not, for players who wanna pk some noobs on a 1 week server, perfectly fine
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