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Everything posted by wverri

  1. very good guide and all infos for lvlup with full skills. gratz =DD
  2. Be Welcome man... well the L2Radt server is a good HighRate server... but have a lot of another one's good server's... Have fun!
  3. Very cooooooooooooooooooooooooollllll!!! They are perfect! I liked it very much!! Lineage it's being like MU with those wings xD Nice work man! =D
  4. I didn't like very much, to me it didn't make many diference from the original... but good share anyway... thnx for share... edit: sorry for my bad english =/ I'm learning =D
  5. Hahahaha!! Very nice guide xD I'll try anyday =D with I want to be banned ;P
  6. Very cool! A banner xD Great job!
  7. This armor, animated should be very cool!! Very nice share man, looks nice! xD Keep doing good works!
  8. Hahahah, nice! I think that i would kill the hostages every time xD Nice share! =D
  9. Thnx for the share man! I was looking for the maps, and u shared it... much easyer xD Thnx, thnx, thnx!
  10. Dual bow?! Huahuahauhau very niceee!! But how to attack with that O_O" Nice job!! Very cool duals! =D
  11. [red]Nicee glows!! They seems to be very strong!! But i play on hellboung = ( Very good job anyway!
  12. [red]Captain's America Shield!! I liked this oneee!! I want one of them!! xDD~
  13. I've liked the weapons... the armor not so much, but it's nice too! =D Good job man! =D
  14. Seems to be good ^^ nice one... but i prefer only to edit the host with notepad xD the bat file on the file... edit: I don't think that it's an exploit, just a tool =D edit2: sorry bad english
  15. Just can't log in (l2j) =// But seems to be a good patch, i'll try in another servers xD
  16. Hohoho very niceeee!! I've played in some servers with this mod and it's very cool!! nice share man!!
  17. Try the infinitel2.com it's a very good server, and restarted some time ago... PVP faction server =D sorry bad english...
  18. Thanks very much for all you!! I'm downloading a lot of music now ^^ I hope that have some good music ^^ Well I think that i can close the topic now! If anyone have anymore sugest to me, send me a pm! Thanks again! ps.: sorry i can't find where I close the topic, if anyone can, please close it to me ^^ ps2.: sorry for bad english!
  19. Thanx man, i'll search as soon as possible!! ^^ So, if u can tell some name of bands that u like like (for every one) i'll search and download ^^ I was downloading them on torrent (mininova.org) Anyway, thank u very much!! gropacas: they are for my girlfriend cuz her grandfather is greek, and she want to know more about greek music ^^
  20. Man... this was just copy/paste... anyway, seems like it helps some ppl, so good job...
  21. CS 1.6 because I never played the other before ^^
  22. Let's see, I didn't understand very well... But u said that, if I hit a RB with a shadow weapon, it won't hit me back, so i can kill him without be attacked by him?! Well i'll try ^^ edit: I've tried but doesn't work for me... interlude server
  23. Man!! Thankss!!! It's make my download's much faster!! =DDDD
  24. I used to use ImageShack for a long time... but now it's a crap... TinyPic it's better now \o/
  25. Nahh... i got stuck on 14... no pacience =// But nice games ^^
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