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Everything posted by wverri

  1. Don't find anything... locking the topic... If u want lvl/aggro patch use L2Lige...
  2. Yeah =/ Well... i`m using the l2lige for mob`s lvl/hp/zoom =)
  3. How did u edited the .dat files? Can u make one for Freya? Thanks in advance! =) (sorry, I can't test now) edit: Man I'm really noob... on Freya just SHIFT+CLICK on mob...
  4. Offline =/
  5. Someone? I've tried the one for Gracia Epilogue but doesn't work for me (obviously). Thanks in advance!
  6. Try l2net, it's no so simple to use, but has a lot o options! Sorry but I don't know how to help u with the l2walker...
  7. That`sj a big problem that I had with l2net =/ try to let the option ~auto unstuck~ marked and if you are using a close fighter also marks the option ~walk befora atack~(something like that). good luck!
  8. Very nice... Or you can just RECORD the buying packets with l2phx and resend then and buy infinity BSOE =)
  9. Maaaan!!! Greatest Tutorial EvER!!! Worked 100% for me (l2 freya version) Thank you! xD~
  10. Really good tutorial man, help's me a lot! L2alpha =) worked
  11. I've always used the 3.1.8, but it seems to getting old, doesn't work on a lot of servers... Anyway, I also think that's the best, thanks for share! Sorry for my bad english.
  12. The camera one doesn't work for me =/ I use much is the 'site:www.mediafire.com "file to download"' very usefull for me :P anyway, goodshare :P
  13. Nice share man! It helps me a lot!! Thanks again! :D
  14. Well, I think that's the wrong section. It's not a hard thing to configure, everyne must already know how to do that, anyway GS :P * sooooorry, bad english... *
  15. Hahahahahah!!!!!!!!! VERYYYY NICEEE!!! :D
  16. Huahuahauhau Are you 10 years old? =D
  17. Huahuahuahuahuahua Who knows the reason of these rooms O_O" Nice man :D spammer??
  18. V3 = 9/10 nicee!! Simple and Good!
  19. It's veeeryyyy nice man!!! Can u make one for me, please :D With any picture of Alucard (hellsing) I liked it very much! realy!
  20. Coooooool!! God of War is a GREAT GAME!!!
  21. I prefer L2... but Dota is good for fastplaying :P
  22. Nice... I didn't remember these "codes" tnhks everyone ^^
  23. Good share man, it certainly helps a lot!!
  24. Goddard castle I think... Maybe I'm wrong, I never been in a lot of castles :D
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