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Everything posted by FinalGod

  1. Άντε μωρέ μιναρα. Forced της έχω βγάλει και την τάπα και γαμαει ο.θόρυβος.
  2. Εγώ έχω ένα Beverly 500 και του έχω φορέσει Akrapovic. Η καβλα μου βέβαια είναι μια V-Strom 1000.
  3. Add gr tags http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=268281.0
  4. IT has a ref link :troll: Although this is a trusted site http://lol.magaki13.com
  5. Well you can use q semi horror text.But nit too hard.I know you own a big list of fonts.
  6. Your brain are unable :-beep- yeah:
  7. Always the same hater that pisses off the half staff. how do you know that gfx mods junked your topic?Both me and Drac didn't touch it.And since mods dont have privs to check the logs for the junkyard I will ask justice for this...
  8. Relax matey and give one two examples.
  9. x7 new Naughty America Accounts 27.06.2013 c_matrix50@hotmail.com:72004325 kjwelle@hotmail.com:suppra nosfertu66@aol.com:20guns luckylouis:thisisatest dino:dino rockbmg1:hellyeah eviltom:derlarm
  10. Well that was a mobile issue
  11. First you cant demand something.like that but I may can help you. Gimme the topic where your posts got deleted.
  12. Good luck with it although I believe you shouldn't have advertised it before you open your forum.
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