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Everything posted by FinalGod

  1. Μαλακα πραγματικά βαριέμαι να ποστάρω τα quotes με τα γλυφοκωλια που έκανες για μια θέση στο staff Επίσης το τι κάνω εγώ δουλειά μου.Αν είναι να με κρίνει έναςσίγουρα δεν είσαι εσύ 15χρόνο. Και για την ιστορία ο universe έκανε selfrequest. Now back to your cave
  2. What about adding a side to side stroke only.
  3. Topic facked up. We got your point but in that case we cant do smt.You should change your behaviour. And since you care so much for your karma,don't tell me that you don't and that it is only a pixel,start sharing and make smt good for the forum in order to get applauded. Cheers.
  4. You can't understand that staffers are people too and they have the right to be in bad moon once a time. Now back to you if you judge intrepid for hating you do the same by reporting every single.move in order to get demoted.
  5. Xaxaxaxa never mind About xdem you got your second dekarma just for your general behaviour not only for the post.
  6. Well dunno why adobe stopped the previous product,I heard that this is totally different dunno if this is true
  7. Well it seems that you're feeling pro with wannabe trollstyles. Anyway you don't want to answer me,my two cents Bye
  8. Well those coders are really working for mxc sicne they are spending more than 9 hours per day coding archid for free.
  9. FinalGod


    Well even if Intrepid is wrong here (thing that i doubt) he is the frist wrong (if you are happy with that ) actions so let the head staffers judge him. Personally i dont find Intrepid wrong cuz your actions aint that good he just dekarmed you by linking that post.His karma reason was different. We got what you wanted to say........ Trance made a mistake.You already had a -1 from fanky so it should stay as it is.
  10. FinalGod


    Come on meh we all know how you're acting.
  11. He means that he won't fill requests which are not included renders. What you posted is called stock
  12. I agree with ice there is nothing to judge here. And for tattoo is ok.Does these letters symbolize anything or they are randomly placed?
  13. Εκπαιδευτική ψυχολογία. Okey.
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