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Everything posted by xenosaga21

  1. Most people miss the pvp from C3 but want all the stuff from H5+ Personally, only reason I stopped playing l2 is because there is so much new garbage to farm and boss jewels are very inaccessible through even a moderate amount of play. Too much stuff to enchant / augment etc. .. you farm items to enchant them to augment them to +++++ them until its soo much stuff to farm that you lose motivation. C3 Was nice and simple, you got on you farmed, and you went around PKING, it was great.
  2. H5/Frey/GoD Server 10x MaX enchant + 16 Armor / Jewels Max Enchant + 16 Boss = Farmable (30 Minute respawn) (so you can make parties to farm the bosses all day and alternate bosses). No Lag (hosted in New York, Texas or east Europe) Reasoning. No one plays L2 because 1) There is too much garbage to farm in H5 / GoD (Crystals to enchant armor) + Scrolls to enchant + farming for boss jewels to enchant) its a lot of stuff to "farm". When there is that much stuff to farm it makes it impossible to ever catch up to a donator who donated to have everything enchanted, and lets face it, in L2 if you have ++++ skills and ++++ items no one can touch you, no amount of skill or luck can fill the gap that gear creates. Really all of the crap like enchant crystals (dark fire etc...) should be removed from the game, its too much garbage or they should be made easy to get. 2) If you make the bosses farmable, than players will group up to farm the bosses and the in-game economy will grow allowing a level playing field for everyone. I refuse to play GoD/H5 because there is too much garbage to farm..... too much stuff to enchant.... -Skill Enchant -Item Enchant -Item crystal enchant -Cloak Enchant -Armor Enchant -Augmentations to farm -Must compete for months or farm for a year to get Boss Jewels. It could take you 2 years to farm all of that on 99% of the servers out there, and lets face it, this game is too old to waste that much time on it anymore, most servers will crash and wipe before you are done farming all that garbage. There is very little cooperative effort in Lineage 2 the way it is setup, thats why anything above interlude without a giant clan/alliance is unplayable, without a clan working together its impossible to ever play H5/GoD without donating 1000$+ to a server that will just endup wiping in 3 months. The best server would be mid-rate/low rate, with no donations H5/GoD with easy farms and fast boss respawns and pvp zones around the bosses,it would be the most fun/fastest paced server.... a server where it would take you a week /2 weeks of play to farm some boss jewels and have pretty much everything enchanted (crystals +++) and skills +++, Weapons should have low enchant rate and be capped at + 16, Ie 45% success (but a lot of weapons and scrolls drop easy). All the buffs should be removed from the game, and should be replaced with tattoos for each class, buffing 30+ buffs is stupid and slows the game-play down, Lineage 2 is impossible to play without buffs. De-buffs should be changed from removing the buff to blocking its effects for x amount of time, so cancel would not remove the buffs, but it would block the effects of those 3 ~ 5 buffs for say 5 seconds . It would make game-play a lot more fun and less boring no one wants to play mindless games where you grind anymore, thats why games like League of Legends and Dota 2 are soo popular nowadays and the only ones still playing Lineage 2 are BR'S and botters. If I started playing Lineage 2 right now (doesn't matter what server) , the first thing I would do is setup a bot, because the only fun part of L2 in its current state is running around ganking and pvping in the open world + oly. the rest of the game is complete garbage for the most part because you sit there grinding like a bot.... Every server I played on in the past 3 years (exilium / toxic ) etc... i just bot and bot and bot and pvp and then when I get bored I leave the server and go play a different game)
  3. Apella has best SKIN, the rest look like spanish garbage, + 2 much "bling" and "tacky" shit attached. Apella was clean cut/looks slick. I mean anything with the colors Gold + Black + Red + Orange is mexican throw up.
  4. Good server, not gona play because don't feel like donating 50$ a month just to have buffs for the 2 - 3 people I have playing (just small group of friends that wana play so not worth it). And im 2 lazy to bot and make a buff train / buff station.
  5. The rate doesn't matter its all about buffs. Buffs = Easy No Buffs = Pointless
  6. Im tired of: Botting, im tired of setting up bot trains just to level buffers so that I don't have to pay 50$ a month for an AIO on a server thats going to crash in a month anyway. Im tired of farming for 30,000,000,000 adena + mats to get a set of S grade. Im tired of doing the class change quests, Im tired of doing noble quest , im tired of it all really. Im looking for: A server with no lag. A server with no reason to bot. A server where we don't have to buff out of the ass just to grind. 80% of the buffs should just be consolidated into 5 _ 10 buffs. 150x xp 200x adena Free class changes Free noble Farming for Enchant Scrolls, and Weapons with SA Free buffs (ALL)
  7. If your planning on just making a for fun server with a few hundred people on it I wouldn't worry too much about DDOS, If someone seriously DDOS your server what can you do? Just don't piss off the wrong people.... keep your server donation free as much as possible and keep costs down, keep your head low and thats it. I was thinking of running a small for fun server for a few hundred people, you know setting up a nice simple PvP server with easy farming where people can just log in and pvp without the BS that most servers make people do.... its just a pain in the ass and you need a lot of people to help you out otherwise the server will never get out there and you will just endup wasting time / money. Start off with L2j (they are actually pretty good nowadays ) to keep costs low... then when you feel your ready move on to L2 - Off... L2 - Off is going to be a little picky with the hardware also. I have setup small servers for friends (l2 - off / L2j) , most of the leaked L2 - Off server files are crap (last I checked ) and the private stuff (the stuff that actually is playable with 2k+ people ) is usually priced out of range for most people looking to host anything. Very hard to run a server without constant donations etc... unless you can afford a few thousand dollars a year on hosting. I would say 70% of the servers on L2 - top 200 are hosted on low quality/cheap servers/ at home.
  8. This server blows. You load up and kill 10 mobs to hit 80. Why not just start everyone at 80 and avoid the pointless BS that you have setup there... you filled giran with SHIT mobs for what? to make a mess? the server looks like its running out of some kids basement ^^ seriously I loaded up and expected after 10 minutes to see 1000 baium rings on the floor.
  9. Leveling guide = Bot to level 75
  10. If on retail they make 20x + Town buffers till level 85 + and all buffs + GM shop for basic stuff with unseal requirements, yes most private servers would be a ghost town.
  11. Lineage 2 is going Free 2 Play on the 30th, anyone have any bots working for this client on retail servers? Preferably a working Walker... ps: Been away from l2 for about a year and half so im not sure what the current state of the game is... I assume its almost dead on retail for them to be giving the game away for free now.
  12. Been away from Lineage 2 for a while, they are going to make official servers Free 2 play, so I was wondering if anyone has any working Bots for L2 - OFF - Retail Servers. I don't care about getting banned or not, Im going to bot the shit out of it.
  13. Retail is the most failed server.
  14. There are only 2 - 3 Retail NA servers left in existence.... more players play on private servers than Retail. NC Soft needs to boost rates to 5x and the servers will fill up again.... make spoils 10x/adena 10x etc.... drops 2x.... and consolidate buffs into 5 - 9 buffs only ( no more 30 buffs) Then have donations for small stuff, and it will be best L2 server ever... but they will only have to pay for 2x.... and normal people play with 1x Xp....
  15. Im looking for a GM position also Personality: Asshole Free time: lots of free time between 7 pm and 2 am GMT -5 Languages: Greek and English What I would do as GM Ban botters all day long for fun Hide and Seek events Watch sieges and make sure no one cheats in oly prevent corruption. What I would like in return, nothing im board and have nothing better to do, but I would only GM on a good server, sadly there are no good serves left.... So yea
  16. The best farming system: Spoil Enchant Blessed Enchant Scrolls Spoil Weapons SA Spoil Life Stones Spoil Armor Party Zone for 3 to 4 people. Drop AA adena to unseal Make it so that people spend their time enchanting/blowing up weapons, instead of farming 24/7 Make Party Zone PvP zone
  17. It needs a wipe + update, no one is going to join that farming fest when everyone already has + 30 weapons.... freaking lightsaber wars. All you do on sublimity is farm 2000000 hours. I don't understand how lineage 2 went from PVP game and it got turned into farmvile.
  18. It needs a wipe + update, no one is going to join that farming fest when everyone already has + 30 weapons.... freaking lightsaber wars. All you do on sublimity is farm 2000000 hours. I don't understand how lineage 2 went from PVP game and it got turned into farmvile.
  19. It needs a wipe + update, no one is going to join that farming fest when everyone already has + 30 weapons.... freaking lightsaber wars. All you do on sublimity is farm 2000000 hours. I don't understand how lineage 2 went from PVP game and it got turned into farmvile.
  20. Lineage 2 is dead. There are a few lingering warriors (real players, not the trash that populates servers nowadays), but for the most part the "real" lineage 2 players are extinct. And thats why all the current L2 - Servers and clans just fail, most clans are probably waiting for Tera or have moved on to better things. The only thing that can bring back L2, is if another "L2 Revenge" or a new sublimity type server pops up It won't happen because there are no more good developers hosting servers, just 16 year olds who put up servers to collect donations for summer vacation and then GG server.
  21. Lineage 2 is dead. There are a few lingering warriors (real players, not the trash that populates servers nowadays), but for the most part the "real" lineage 2 players are extinct. And thats why all the current L2 - Servers and clans just fail, most clans are probably waiting for Tera or have moved on to better things. The only thing that can bring back L2, is if another "L2 Revenge" or a new sublimity type server pops up It won't happen because there are no more good developers hosting servers, just 16 year olds who put up servers to collect donations for summer vacation and then GG server.
  22. Lineage 2 is dead. There are a few lingering warriors (real players, not the trash that populates servers nowadays), but for the most part the "real" lineage 2 players are extinct. And thats why all the current L2 - Servers and clans just fail, most clans are probably waiting for Tera or have moved on to better things. The only thing that can bring back L2, is if another "L2 Revenge" or a new sublimity type server pops up It won't happen because there are no more good developers hosting servers, just 16 year olds who put up servers to collect donations for summer vacation and then GG server.
  23. L2 Luna L2 Saint L2 Silent (same as l2 saint) L2 BlackBird L2 Vitoria L2 Demonic L2 Hero L2 Eterna L2 Breaks (probably the third worst server ) L2 Drops L2 Fox L2 Players Online L2 Thor L2 Eternity L2 Extraordinary L2 Tron L2 Inferno L2 Brasil L2 Griffon L2 Vendetta L2 Asylum .. Every server in the L2 top 200 list pretty much. Lineage 2 is dead all fail servers , all servers will close in 3 months, and all new fail servers will appear. And the only server that will ever continue to exist without wipe is L2Sub, which is dead because too much farming.
  24. Also ... No server will ever be good again, because all servers are setup by 16 year olds to take donations for 4 - 6months.... then GG server gone /summer party. You grind and donate for 3 - 4 months and the server gets shut down and you lose everything and have to start all over/make new friends/lose old friends etc.... I lost maybe 30 friends because we can't find a nice fun l2 server and we are all in different countries.
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