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Everything posted by xenosaga21

  1. I never understood NC-Softs logic, if they opened their own High - Rate 10,000's would join. All they need to do is make 5x Boosted Drop 15x Boosted xp, 45 min Buff times. Lineage 3 / Tera (pretty much same game) will succeed if they manage to make it Grind Free, / reasonable farming. It's when you have nothing to do in the game but farm/grind for 6-9 months that the game becomes pointless and boring, the entire point of a game is to have fun, not be bored out of your mind and on the verge of committing suicide. A problem with games in the past has been that they can't figure out a way to make the game challenging so they just make everything you do take extreme amounts of time, to make up for the lack in difficulty. An aspect of Tera that I do like is that the game looks like it will be based more on action/reaction ie: you can dodge/jump and avoid attacks at will and based on skill/experience/knowledge and not just a roll of dice RNG. it will make the game atleast fun to play, even if it has a slight grind/farm, each encounter will be unique etc. My only concern from game play footage is that the mobs/environment is slow reacting to the point where even a monkey could dodge the attacks.(things dont atk fast enough) It should be about the difficulty of playing Street Fighter for balanced and fair game play. The pvp must be fun though. OFC not, the games where very fun, but eventually even if a game is fun people will stop playing in 800x600 resolution. No one human being will sit there and play Starcraft for 10 years non-stop you take breaks etc... and eventually between year 5 - 10 you will quit and only play occasionally 1 time every 2 - 3 months etc. when friend brings it up and says lets play for old times sake. I don't think I know anyone who played the game from launch to now, I know people who played it A LOT but still people out-grow games, and the game running in such a low res/low specs makes you want to try new games... and if the new games are good you move on. People without that option will OC stick to old game because they can't even play the new one at all.
  2. Don't be so suprised, 99% of the servers up are Java. Most people put up Interlude servers and Archid/L2J has most of interlude working perfectly. So... why do we need L2- OFF Devs? The only reason we need them is because Even with major bug fixes L2j still not that great compared to L2-OFF. It's just more enjoyable to play on an OFF server where its a lil more stable, and when done right more secure. L2 is a dieing game, it makes sense people would pull out of development ... they need to grow up / get real jobs etc.... they are not gona waste their entire life deving Lineage 2 ( 7 year+ old game) Tera/Diablo3/ all these new games coming out... who will stay to play L2? only the people with crap computers. Most people nowadays play Xbox etc.... because their computers are out-dated and can't play anything new... while game developers have to make games run good on xbox. ( new cod will be nuts ) ... So in the future... you will have Most people playing Xbox Everyone with GOOD computers (500+ Euro) for a box , playing games like Tera/L3 if it ever comes out... diablo 3 / starcraft 2.... w/e. Everyone with bad computers trying to find a good L2 server to play on (none exist), giving up and playing their xbox or just playing something else/ giving up on games. I don't really understand why people in 2010 have bad computers... for 3 - 600$ you can play anything out there and have no lag at all.
  3. I bet both will fail. ;D BBAN is not a good dev, he just knows how to do basic things, he needs to buy work off of people to get it working correctly. Anima, and Archy have no vision, just tech know how. I say they all work together and make a good server... thats the only way.... let BBAN foot the bill, and co-dev with anima and all of them, afterall they have more rights to the project that is L2-Forever than anyone. I honestly, can't play on either of them, friends wont play on L2-F because its another star-wars server with +20 donations and shit.... it's just not fun anymore, we are not the kind of players that log into a new server and throw away 1000$ to have full rb +20 bla bla bla..... we actually work for our shit and when theres 20 wipes you sorta lose the will to continue on playing on such an unstable server. Interlude is dead, only playable place is L2S, but its a trashy server... I think need go back to basics, C3/C5 style, but quality..... would be most playable.... Gracia is just.... eeeh sucks too much Bullshit added to the game that over-complicates things to the point of annoyance... C3 - Hellbound and that it...
  4. The problem is L2J is too easy to open, everyone and their grandmother opens a faking L2J server they get 4 - 500 people collect donations then their mommy says to them no more server and server dies. There is a REASON L2 OFF servers used to be KING, and that was because you had to atleast have some basic knowledge in order to set one up, that little bit of skill and knowledge means that the server has atleast A CHANCE at becoming good. Also part of it IS that L2 is getting OLD and less and less skilled developers are out there trying to keep the game alive... ontop of that they are all hosted in Europe by Europeans between the ages of 16 and 19. Old L2OFF admins used to make a job of the server not a hobby... thats why they where good (revenge/old Forever/etc.) Now its all copy / paste gogogo server live ... 2 days latter server dead... donation money gone. ALL these servers are just scavenger servers trying to rake in the last of the donations before the game dies out for good. I prefer to stop playing, and remember the game from the good old days, not the shit state the game is in now...
  5. c3 or c5 C4 was fun but not anymore.
  6. LOL2J World, this is the end I think... 1 more year I think no more real L2 Servers left.
  7. Why the fuck do you need 50 buffs? are you out of your fucking mind? do you have any idea how to buff? LOL @ people who want 100 buff slots... 24 - 25 MAX for balanced pvp. Whats next you want all have 1 hp and all have 10000 dmg? on every spell/ability/auto atk? whats the fucking point anymore?
  8. I found my Server.... [L2OFF] - [interlude] pvpgaming.net http://www.pvpgaming.net/index.php Server Features and Rates: Lineage 2 Interlude L2OFF. (NOT L2J) Rates: 100x XP, 300x Adena, 1x Drop, 5x Spoil Global Gatekeeper. GM Shops Farming Strategy: Abandoned Coal Mines AoE Solo Solo/Duo Mithril Mines AoE Party Solo/Duo Cave of Trials Solo/Duo School of Dark Arts AoE Solo Solo/Duo Armors Sold in GM Shops: D-B Grade Armors, Sealed A-Grade Armor (Unseal with Ancient Adena) S-Grade Armor (Unseal with Ancient Adena) Weapons Sold in GM Shops: D-A Grade Weapons Sold at GM Shop S-Grade Weapons (Craft at NPC) Weapon SA (Special Ability) can be added with Ancient Adena Custom Zones: Abandoned Coal Mines Mithril Mines School of Dark Arts Cave of Trials Buffs: Buffs are (Party Only) to prevent grief buffing. Normal Buff Time: 2 hours (prophecies/dances/songs). 20 min. COV Cat/Unicorn buffs have retail time 24 buff slot Raidbosses: All epics have retail re-spawn times The Top 4 Epic Bosses have custom drops along with 100% drop rate on jewels Game Server Hardware: CPU: Quad Core Xeon - 2.4GHz 8MB cache (x64) HDD1: 150GB 10k RPM Raptor HDD2: 150GB 10k RPM Raptor Memory: 8GB Connection: 1GBps Backup: 80GB FTP/NAS (Hourly DB Backups) Datacenter: located in Dallas, TX on a 1GBps connection through Tier 1 bandwidth carriers (Global Crossing, NTT/Verio, Level3, Telia etc). Misc: Server has 2 - 3 clans with about 15 people each in them, one clan is planning to bring another 30. There will be competition soon Server is fresh start (maybe a few weeks old) Great server, just missing people... ready to play! Stable! Good 2 GO! For farming you go to custom zones, they drop stones that you trade for AA at misc shop. Unsealing A - S Armor is easy, some zones give more AA Stones than others. Dreadnought/Warlord/Titan is good for farming.
  9. [L2OFF] - [interlude] pvpgaming.net http://www.pvpgaming.net/index.php Server Features and Rates: Lineage 2 Interlude L2OFF. (NOT L2J) Rates: 100x XP, 300x Adena, 1x Drop, 5x Spoil Global Gatekeeper. GM Shops Farming Strategy: Abandoned Coal Mines AoE Solo Solo/Duo Mithril Mines AoE Party Solo/Duo Cave of Trials Solo/Duo School of Dark Arts AoE Solo Solo/Duo Armors Sold in GM Shops: D-B Grade Armors, Sealed A-Grade Armor (Unseal with Ancient Adena) S-Grade Armor (Unseal with Ancient Adena) Weapons Sold in GM Shops: D-A Grade Weapons Sold at GM Shop S-Grade Weapons (Craft at NPC) Weapon SA (Special Ability) can be added with Ancient Adena Custom Zones: Abandoned Coal Mines Mithril Mines School of Dark Arts Cave of Trials Buffs: Buffs are (Party Only) to prevent grief buffing. Normal Buff Time: 2 hours (prophecies/dances/songs). 20 min. COV Cat/Unicorn buffs have retail time 24 buff slot Raidbosses: All epics have retail re-spawn times The Top 4 Epic Bosses have custom drops along with 100% drop rate on jewels Game Server Hardware: CPU: Quad Core Xeon - 2.4GHz 8MB cache (x64) HDD1: 150GB 10k RPM Raptor HDD2: 150GB 10k RPM Raptor Memory: 8GB Connection: 1GBps Backup: 80GB FTP/NAS (Hourly DB Backups) Datacenter: located in Dallas, TX on a 1GBps connection through Tier 1 bandwidth carriers (Global Crossing, NTT/Verio, Level3, Telia etc). Misc: Server has 2 - 3 clans with about 15 people each in them, one clan is planning to bring another 30. There will be competition soon Server is fresh start (maybe a few weeks old) Great server, just missing people... ready to play! Stable! Good 2 GO! For farming you go to custom zones, they drop stones that you trade for AA at misc shop. Unsealing A - S Armor is easy, some zones give more AA Stones than others. Dreadnought/Warlord/Titan is good for farming.
  10. Removed Video then happy now? Anyways this server needs a little help with advertising... it's a solid lag free server. The only Problem is I think it might have High Ping for Euro Players which cause a lot of problems at start. A lot of people I know can't play MxC because its hosted in shit germany with 300 ping ( and 3 sec lag between click and walk ) -_-... same with Osiris... Germany
  11. Didn't know was already post, either way this one is more clear about server features and a lot of people are looking for a fresh Interlude server.... so I figured it be helpful The video is from Old PvP gaming the server is a re-launch http://www.pvpgaming.net/movies.php
  12. [L2OFF] - [interlude] pvpgaming.net http://www.pvpgaming.net/index.php Server Features and Rates: Lineage 2 Interlude L2OFF. (NOT L2J) Rates: 100x XP, 300x Adena, 1x Drop, 5x Spoil Global Gatekeeper. GM Shops Farming Strategy: Abandoned Coal Mines AoE Solo Solo/Duo Mithril Mines AoE Party Solo/Duo Cave of Trials Solo/Duo School of Dark Arts AoE Solo Solo/Duo Armors Sold in GM Shops: D-B Grade Armors, Sealed A-Grade Armor (Unseal with Ancient Adena) S-Grade Armor (Unseal with Ancient Adena) Weapons Sold in GM Shops: D-A Grade Weapons Sold at GM Shop S-Grade Weapons (Craft at NPC) Weapon SA (Special Ability) can be added with Ancient Adena Custom Zones: Abandoned Coal Mines Mithril Mines School of Dark Arts Cave of Trials Buffs: Buffs are (Party Only) to prevent grief buffing. Normal Buff Time: 2 hours (prophecies/dances/songs). 20 min. COV Cat/Unicorn buffs have retail time 24 buff slot Raidbosses: All epics have retail re-spawn times The Top 4 Epic Bosses have custom drops along with 100% drop rate on jewels Game Server Hardware: CPU: Quad Core Xeon - 2.4GHz 8MB cache (x64) HDD1: 150GB 10k RPM Raptor HDD2: 150GB 10k RPM Raptor Memory: 8GB Connection: 1GBps Backup: 80GB FTP/NAS (Hourly DB Backups) Datacenter: located in Dallas, TX on a 1GBps connection through Tier 1 bandwidth carriers (Global Crossing, NTT/Verio, Level3, Telia etc). Misc: Server has 2 - 3 clans with about 15 people each in them, one clan is planning to bring another 30. There will be competition soon Server is fresh start (maybe a few weeks old) Great server, just missing people... ready to play! Stable! Good 2 GO! For farming you go to custom zones, they drop stones that you trade for AA at misc shop. Unsealing A - S Armor is easy, some zones give more AA Stones than others. Dreadnought/Warlord/Titan is good for farming.
  13. You keep advertising this shit but its never on, everytime I look at the page server Offline... ? so whats the point?
  14. From 50x - 1000x there is no difference... make a titan and pull 5 trains - Instantly level 80?
  15. The server sucks 1) The custom armors make no sense, they look like they where designed for c4, 20% Empower? with +4 Int? You out your mind? Guaranteed Necros an OL Running around 1 shotting everyone. The admin has no Idea how interlude is balanced apposed to C4. BR server.... Too much custom Garbage it is like a even more dead Sublimity.
  16. Looking for a no BS server? Want to play Interlude without lag? LOOK NO FURTHER A good stable Server Interlude, all it needs is people to kill the 2 - 3 Br clans that are playing alone there.... and it will be EPIC Come here !!!!! WE NEED PEOPLE TO MAKE AWESOME SERVER FRESH START http://www.l2revelation.com/files.php 50x Interlude (2 custom armor sets) Easy farming Brand new server, only 2 - 3 clans here to kill atm, if everyone from forever goes here will be a great epic s
  17. Looking for a no BS server? Want to play Interlude without lag? LOOK NO FURTHER A good stable Server Interlude, all it needs is people to kill the 2 - 3 Br clans that are playing alone there.... and it will be EPIC Come here !!!!! WE NEED PEOPLE TO MAKE AWESOME SERVER FRESH START http://www.l2revelation.com/files.php 50x Interlude (2 custom armor sets) Easy farming Brand new server, only 2 - 3 clans here to kill atm, if everyone from forever goes here will be a great epic s
  18. Because Apache PhP? I think it might be L2J also, from the way it feels in game, but it does LOOK like l2 off... but feels like L2J In-Game. The client mods he did kills client side performance.
  19. A C5 PvP server? :o exist anywhere?
  20. Only reason me and friends didn't start there lol... you'd be better off down-grading to C5 you would get more people.... Gracia is .... eeeeh Make a nice c5 server /tired of all these crap gracia servers -_-... 1000 gracia servers and all are empty (except Dreams because of all the bots) get a clue people. C5 - Interlude is the way to go!
  21. L2 Off C5 35x. I would quit my job and play all day till I run out of food, money and drugs. You have to play interlude for a long time to realize how bad it really is.
  22. All the servers on the top 200/Hopzone are either a) Not up anymore b) Crap ;D The people posting servers here are just desperate to get players on their own server to rake in some random donations. It's so pointless to even try playing L2 anymore.
  23. I think MxC has th most annoying buffer ever... Whenever you have to scroll down to get buffs its just stupid. Worst buffer html ever.... almost as bad as the ones with buff icons PEOPLE KNOW HOW TO READ JEEZE IMO the best buffers are the ones that just have every buff listed in Text Only...... when it taks 30 sec just to buff its stupid.
  24. Where can I see latest Interlude Rev. Of Archid? To my knowledge last pack was something like Rev 1500? http://trac.assembla.com/L2J-Archid/timeline they shut down this timeline I was using, and made http://www.l2jarchid.com/ private...... (still waiting for accnt). Do they still have an Open Source section? (Link?) for non-premium etc.? There website is annoyign to navigate, and I think they are now also working on a Gracia ver. . . so everything looks a little mixed up. Also Matching Geodata? What would you recommend as the most complete interlude project at this time? I have an old compile of archid.... it works fine etc... just want to keep it up to date. Also how much is the Premium Archid Packs selling for? I registered account on archid to find out... they still didn't get back to me. :-*
  25. Thats how I feel, I don't care about the Chronicle anymore, as long as its C5+ --------------------------------------------------------------------------- The problem is All the servers have obscene donations All the interlude servers are crap, /lag/glitches/bugs/unbalanced donations/too much farming L2 - Dreams is nuts, from what I see a +16 top bow sells for abour.... 40 - 44 Billion Adena ( you can hold more than 2kkk) The mobs in hellbound drop about 1kk each... so a +16 Bow is worth roughly 40,000 Kills in hellbound. I think in Hellbound, the mobs are for mantras/coins that can be used to buy stuff... they really need to add a guide to the farming system on their main website... its very confusing looking at it in game for first time... you can barely walk in town from all the shops...... Im thinking of playing L2-Blackbird because it has no donations.... and Im really just looking for a server where me and my friends can relax and enjoy one last blast of L2 before we quit the game for good. MxC is a farm fest.... for what? S - Grade..... Im not gona waste my time there.... just to compete for 2 - 3 mobs in one stupid ass farming zone (MoS)... that even if I get down there after PvPing 20 people only have 5% drop chance to gime 1 stone of which I need 200 of... get real.. ontop of that the server has 1/2 - 2 sec delay for me between click and move............ while all the other servers have 1000+ players on and I can instantly move. Everyone is SICK OF INTERLUDE........... Every Interlude Server I have played is just purely there to collect donates and wipe over and over. ------ Moving on to Hellbound/Gracia just for the change of atmosphere. looking for 35- 120x maybe.... with as little bugs as possible. Between 300 - 600 players would be nice.... I don't want server with 22222222222222222222 people cause it just is annoying and over flooded....
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