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Everything posted by xenosaga21

  1. Lately I feel like a change, mostly because all interlude servers are crap... What do you guys think is the best Mid - High Rate Hellbound or Gracia Server to play? L2- Dreams looks like a really fun server to play on, but it also looks like the farming is out of control. Any suggestions? Renewal is nice also... but it feels a little dead. I would play on dreams if I didn't feel that I needed to farm 40 Billion Adena. L2Null looks ok also... Rates Im looking for 35 - 200x Client: Gracia/Hellbound/Interlude People on 300+ but no more than 900 Preferably L2-OFF... or a VERY GOOD l2j/emu like Dreams
  2. The best server would be: Rates are 35x xp 120 -150x Adena, C5 Client. or 25x C5. The only reason there are a shit ton of interlude servers is because the files are more readily available. also 90% of the interlude servers are just there to make money and go down when the admins get bored....
  3. If your willing to get stomped on by donators.... Play L2Sublimity ... probably the best server (in terms of quality) on the top list. If you again want to get stomped on by donators.... wait for BBAN to fix L2- Forever... (i doubt it will happen any time soon). If you want normal Interlude and don't care about population... L2splendor/L2revalation (has customs)... and 3 BR clans. If you want Gracia with customs.... L2kungfu... but server is kinda boring after 2 weeks. If you want L2-OFF Hellbound.... L2 Renegade... L2 Khaos ... If you want L2-OFF low Rate Hellbound and don't lag play L2-Dex... probably best servers if you don't have lag. ................ Be more specific on what you want. There are no good servers atm, for L2OFF.... trust me I played them all. This past week I have logged into maybe 80 servers. Theres only a handful of L2-OFF servers and most of them are plagued with problems. L2forever .... the admin is too cheap to add protection so server is downed every 20 min. L2Splendor is nice, but has low population and lags for Euro - GR players L2Revalation is awesome server but low population. L2 MxC has barely noticeable lag... but the server isn't really that fun.... its packed with people but it just gets annoying .... you can't go anywhere in MxC without bumping into 15 other people.... if you don't roll with a large pk group its aggravating.... also its 250x but the dumb admin didn't boost adena so you hit 61 and are still in D - Grade... I had to make 20 toons to sell the top d they give u just to afford A - Grade. MxC is an "ok" server but as soon as something better with some balanced customs appears .... it wont last.... its just too plane... Interlude kinda sucks ... its all about who has the best augments etc.... I wish there was a nice C5 Server.... ;p
  4. Are there any projects for C5 going on? Any good C5 files ? other than the 99nets ones? Im thinking about making a small C5 server L2-OFF LoW rate... ----------------------------------------------------------- How bad are the 99nets C5 files?
  5. MxC I have 1/2 sec. Lag (some packet loss)its a little far from where I live... Forever sucks it goes down every 15 min
  6. Told you all I was telling the truth..... :P BTW Walker, PHX work you can drop 1 adena a 10000000sec and crush this server lol..... thats why it goes down anyone can crash it the admin is a noob.... he doesn't want to give the money for protection.
  7. 10x wtf u think I am a bot?
  8. Normal Interlude only With Apella/titanium armor and Dusk Shield No Custom Weapons 1 + Hour Buffs / Dances 200 PPl Online L2-OFF With Balanced Donations.... Simple request ? All the servers today are SOOOO MUCH custom that it is stupid.... why can't we have a normal game of L2 Anymore?
  9. Last MXC lagged like hell... same host?/Location
  10. L2Forever SUCKS BALLS WHERE IS EVERYONE PLAYING? ;D ALL servers are empty, Forever Crashes every 20 min. Where are you all hiding...?
  11. Anyone tried server? I think me and a few friends will stay on revelation and quit L2-Forever because of L2forever skill lag.... and DDOS L2forever has no protection .... at all from anything.
  12. How would someone go about doing this, I think L2revenge had this where you would hit Space-Bar and it would /pickup? (interlude Client)
  13. Reminds me of something I made back when I was playing pre-lude through c3 servers when u had to manually click SS http://www.filefront.com/16187433/AutoBarv10.0.exe Hell why not share it also ;) ... its simple f1 - f12 smasher. just set time in (s) and click set and check to turn on. On Sublimity I used this to bot when walker doesn't work... using macros /nexttarget /attack lol... you can get a lot of scrolls in EF.
  14. Again it's not my server,just played here and its a nice place I found to spend time when Forever is down.... Me and my friends are probably going to start a small clan here to have fun. As for people online there are maybe about 50 - 70 people actually playing on the server because it is so new, and not that well known. Its a very nice small server, a lot of people look for servers that don't have somany people because its fun sometimes just to have a server to relax on. The way it is now I think the server could probably hold 1000 people... the hardware seems fast enough.
  15. The server has been down for over a week. When it is up skills lag like hell. It crashes every 20 min. ... unplayable. The admin doesn't put any protection.... walker works without even trying. People login and make fake announcements.... People spam Adena with l2net on the floor to lag and crash server. It's really bad.... very unstable.
  16. Better ?
  17. I did not see this server here and recently me and my friends started here.... I really like this server setup and I would like to share it with everyone. After looking for servers to play on ... and completely giving up ... and combined with the complete failure of L2Forever.... I played here. http://l2revelation.com/features.php Its a really nice 50x server, there are custom farming zones and very very nice buffers. It has no lag and runs very nice for players in USA and EU. In fact I would say this server is a lot like L2 Osiris but without the lag and stupid stuff. Armors can be obtained by Raid/Farm. Epic Weapons take maybe about an hour or two to get after you are the level to enter farming zone. Clans are already trying to stop people from getting stuff here... so It would be cool to see a few clans come here. Im bringing maybe something like 10 - 15 people here. Its a small community at the moment... the server is only 2 weeks old.... but its a really nice server.... I would love for people to check it out!... maybe one day it will grow into a larger server and we can have more fun. I am not affiliated with the Server / or the Owner... I just was bored out of my mind waiting for L2 Forever to come back up.... again... and found this nice small simple clean server to play on.... it's really great. PS: Its Interlude L2 OFF.... not L2j. :D Thank you for your time and here is a Video that shows the server and shops etc so you know what to expect before downloading patch ;) Promo Video: General Info: -== Rates ==- Exp: x50 Sp: x50 Drop: x15 Adena: x250 Spoil: x15 ------------------------------------------------ -== Features ==- Interlude Skills All buffs last 2 hours except Chants and Victories of Pagrio which last 45min. (Summon buffs last 20min) 24 buff slots Geodata and Pathnode Cursed Weapons (Zariche and Akamanah) Auto Learn Skills Epics Weapons Epics Sets Titanium Sets Dusk Items ------------------------------------------------ -== Enchant ==- Fighter Weapons: 40% Mage Weapons : 35% Armors: 40% Jewels: 40% Safe: +3 ------------------------------------------------ -== NPCs ==- GM Shop -You can buy anything you want. Weapons, Armors, Jewles, Potions, Scrolls. Goblal Gatekeeper - You can teleport to any place you want. NPC Buffer - Gives support magic to help you in game. Class Changer - Can be found at Giran to change your 1st, 2nd and 3rd class. Epic Trader - You can Buy Epic and Custom Items. NPC Delvler - Can be found at giran to Delvler Exp. ------------------------------------------------ -== Working Features ==- Wedding System Fishing System Olympiad System Subclass System Hero System Noblesse System Clan Halls System Duel System Augmentation System Enchant Skills System ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -==Clan Reputation==- When a Hero is nominated, his clan receives 1000 Reputation Points. When a member of the academy successfully completes the 2nd class transfer, the clan receives 400 Reputation Points. Lilith, Death Lord Ipos, Anakim and Dragon King will give 800 rep points, and 5000+ on Baium/Antharas/Valakas. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -== Custom Systems ==- Customs RBs Baium, Queen Ant, Antharas, Valakas, Zaken, Orfen, Core. ------------------------------------------------ -== Custom Farm Zone==- Customs Farm (Abandone Coal Mines 75+) Exp Party Zone Mobs Drops: (1-3) Revelation Stone (100% Drop) 3.900.000 Adenas (100% Drop) Life Stone Top 76 (5 % Drop) Raids Boss (Lilith, Death Lord Ipos, Anakim) Raids Drops: Adenas, Revelations Stones, Weapons S, Chance Life Stone or Dusk Items and Epics Coins Custom Farming (Lair of Antharas 75+) Exp Solo Zone Mobs Drops: (1-3) Revelation Stone (100% Drop) 3.900.000 Adenas (100% Drop) Life Stone Top 76 (5 % Drop) Raid Boss (Dragon King) Raids Drops: Adenas, Revelations Stones, Epics Weapons Chance Life Stone or Epic Coins ------------------------------------------------ -==Hardware Specifications==- Processor Model: Dual Intel Quad Core Xeon Dual 5450 RAM Count: 8 GB DDR2 Hard Drives: 4x Western Digital RE3 7200RPM HDD DDOS Firewall: Physically & Hardcoded Internet Connection: 100 MBit FlatDedicated Data Throughput: Unlimited
  18. ;D server went down because it is crap....
  19. Server went up today... it sucks balls Lags like hell from usa... (oc because its German host) The most stupid Interlude server ever. Enchant Rate 30%.... pointless farming. (thats not the worst of it) None of the Geo is good... (always fall through floor/Attack through walls some spots etc. etc...) Everything about the server is copy/paste.... nothing original... horrible server. L2 Walker works on first try lol... "they say they have best protection client/server dlls LOL) They give out donations before server launch.... to collect money because they know if people really played the server they would not donate.... because it is so noobish. WORST INTERLUDE SERVER I EVER PLAYED Waiting for L2-Forever or ANYTHING ELSE to come up..... I bot on it for 2 - 3 hours (they start u level 1) hit 70 try to play alittle and everything is broken... stupid server Nothing custom is in the server even though the admin say he was working on server for months (lies) I could make a better server over night.... Server also feels like L2J but its not ... its just maybe Bad L2-OFF (crap)
  20. The server sucks so here is walker because you would be a fool to farm on this junk server. <WARNING> this server is pretty bad... i don't know why you would even want to bot on it but whatever.... Use it now before Admin changes it (if he even can) All you need is l2asrv.exe... and modified host change host file to add Download IG walker http://j.imagehost.org/download/0955/Ingame_Walk (just click download) Run l2asrv... run IG walker... and wala local auth and working. My opinion of this server is that it is made for donation money only.... Im sure OOG walker also works maybe with wabby and IP ... i don't know i dont care enough to try really.... ~Dwolf
  21. You know when you run many L2 Windows, The window with focus renders at full fps while the ones in the back render slow/stutter. you can use Multi-Win to remove the lag.... but I remember back in the day Maybe c2 - c3 there was a client modification to make the stuttering go away without a third party program... i lost the mod and it was only on one server that had it... don't remember the name... does anyone know how this was done?
  22. First: http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?board=59.0 thats where this belongs... you posted in wrong section >:( Running the server on anything other than Windows Server 2003/2003 R2 is going to cause you problems.... it might run but it won't be as stable Best thing you can do Windows Server 2003 R2 SqlServer 2005 Xeon/Dual Core (avoid i5/i7 CpU) (incompatible... maybe if you turn off Hyper threading in bios will work?) 4+++GM ram (for testing) 6 to 8 GB Ram for Playing... with a good amount of people. Windows 7 is not that great of a Server Windows.... you will probably have incomparability problems with SQL Server also.... You can make a server for like 500$ USD that will run L2 OFF good..... but will cost to ship it to data center/co-location... and setup Fee+Hosting Fee....
  23. Without full buffs server, SR With full buffs and healer (big party) PR Solo/Semi Party/ Siege HE Most servers SR sucks because everyone runs around full buffed.... the speed is not enough to make a difference. Pr always hit hard but have really low HP HE hit almost as hard as PR, and have a ton of hp. The best all around archer is the HE also because they get the Crit Rate, and Crit Dmg Passive (both) while the other archers have less Con, and only get one of the passives. You can not Evade an Attack that is/was going to crit, so SR evasion is useless.... SR attack speed is useless because its not enough of a difference... only In Oly maybe SR can be best. SR>PR I think because PR HP is so so so low. So my Vote HE>SR>PR (for most server) (survivability) HE is the best archer, PR is great in party because of Hard Crits Archers are probably the easiest class to play.... mostly Auto Hit + Mash CP Pots, and Stun Shot... no real need to use any skills etc.... in High Rate. If its low rate (10x) and retail buff I chose SR for self buffs/heal
  24. Possible? to make auto account create with Auth? (off files oc) Also how would u edit ench rate/max ench? have to hex something?
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