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About ravenpc

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  1. L2Osiris back ? Dear L2Osiris Community, Many players were asking about OFF L2osiris and either if it is coming back. After much persuasion by a lot people we took initiative and decided to start again . We obtained new files Interlude L2OFF . http://www.l2osiris.net/ Ceriel (x45) Rates: - Exp: x45 - SP: x10 - Adena: x200 - Spoil: x5 (x3 quanity) - Drop: x5 (x5 quanity) - Seal Stones: x5 Here you can find all the features that exist on our server. Also there are some other information about our server customs, etc... Custom items: - Epic Custom Armors (Heavy/Light/Robe/Mask/Shield) - Dynasty Armors (Heavy/Light/Robe) - Dynasty Weapons ~> Dynasty Sword ~> Dynasty Two Handed Sword: Bestows Focus, Health or Light. ~> Dynasty Phantom: Bestows Acumen, Mana Up or Conversion. ~> Dynasty Bow: Bestows Focus, Evasion or Critical Damage. ~> Dynasty Knife: Bestows Focus, Evasion or Critical Damage. ~> Dynasty Halberd: Bestows Anger, Critical Stun or Light. ~> Dynasty Cudgel: Bestows Anger, Health or Risk Focus. ~> Dynasty Mace: Bestows Mana Up, Conversion or Acumen. ~> Dynasty Bagh-Nakh: Bestows Risk Haste, Risk Evasion or Haste. ~> Dynasty Blade*Dynasty Blade: P.Atk of dual swords will increase more than one-handed type weapon when enchanted. Increases Critical Attack by 64. Enhances damage to target during PvP. Skills Modifications: - Griefbuffing skill to avoid the grief buffs from others. - Buff Time: 1hour - Dances Time: 1hour - 3rd Time Buffs: ~> Prophesy of Water: 45min ~> Prophesy of Wind: 45min ~> Prophesy of Fire: 45min - 3rd Class Buffs/Dances: 1hour - Siren/Cat buff: 2 mins Custom Misc Items: - Custom tattoo's. ~> Tattoo of Power: Special underwear item which increase your P.Attack. ~> Tattoo of Fire: Special underwear item which increase your Reflect Damage. ~> Tattoo of Resolve: Special underwear item which increase your Speed. ~> Tattoo of Flame: Special underwear item which increase your M. Attack. ~> Tattoo of Bravery: Special underwear item which increase your Critical Chance. ~> Tattoo of Blood: Special underwear item which increase your Bleed resist. ~> Tattoo of Absolute: Special underwear item which increase your max HP. ~> Tattoo of Soul: Special underwear item which increase your Attack Speed. ~> Tattoo of Avadon: Special underwear item which increase your Casting Speed. ~> Tattoo of Doom: Special underwear item which increase your P. Defense only when you have equiped a Heavy Armor. ~> Tattoo of Pledge: Special underwear item which increase your P. Def only when you have equiped a Light Armor. ~> Tattoo of Divine: Special underwear item which increase your Hold/sleep/stun resist. Custom NPCs: - Global Gatekeeper Teleport to every place on the world for little ammount of adena's. - GM Shops (Armors/Weapons/Miscs) - Seal/Unselaer Mammon - NPC Buffer ~> All normall buffs from 1st/2nd occupations. 3rd Class buffs are not included ~> Price per Buff: 1k (All players who are 61 level and less won't pay for buffs). ~> You can buff also your pet with the same prizes. Custom Zone: ~> Elven Ruins [Party Farming Zone] (76-80+) A place special designed to get lifestones (all grades and levels) by spoiling. You will need a full party to farm there. Custom Drops: Re-made drops and spoils, so that materials drop quantity will be x3 and spoil quantities will be x4 for those items listed below: - Animal Bone, Stem, Iron Ore, Varnish, Suede, Animal Skin, Thread, Coal, Charcoal, Silver Nugget, Mithril Ore, Adamantite Nugget , Braided Hemp, Cokes, Steel, Coarse Bone Powder, Leather, Cord, High Grade Suede, Compound Braid, Oriharukon, Crafted Leather , Metallic Fiber, Reinforcing Plate, Reinforcing Agent, Asofe, Thons, Enria, Mold Glue, Mold Lubricant, Mold Hardener Others: - Custom Spawn Points to avoid the Spawnkills. - Clan Penalties have removed. Only Leave penalty is reduced to 5hours. - Mana Potions (Give 250 MP instant). - Super Mana Potions (Give a large ammount of MP instanlty. You can buy them from our Event NPC). [NOT YET] - Super CP Potions (Give a bigger ammount of CP instanlty. Have some seconds delay. You can buy them from our Event NPC). [NOT YET] - 2 Sieges per end of second week. (Depends on Seven Signs) - Items for Nobless/Subclass are aviable in our Misc shop (items like lunargents,hellfires etc..) Olympiad Information: - The competition cycle will be 2 weeks , and the competition time will be 20.00 - 24.00 everyday. Raidboss Respawn Time: - For usual raid bosses the respawn time is 12 hours. - Subclass/Nobless Raidbosses respawn time is 7 hours. - Hallate's Infernium Scepter respawn time is 6 hours. - Kernon's Infernium Scepter respawn time is 6 hours. - Golkonda's Infernium Scepter respawn time is 6 hours. - Flame Of Splendor Barakiel respawn time is 6 hours. Lineage II Osiris Community
  2. L2Prototype. The best PvP (Player vs Player) server. Great variety of classes. 2 farm zones where you can farm Adena.Enchant rate (1-10 66%, 10-15 40%). Highly balanced curse land rates. What are you waiting for? Come and JOIN US TODAY!"
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