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Everything posted by Voqus

  1. Imo, add aura on the 'vampire' player or setTitle("Vampire"); plus color and stuff so the 'normal players' know when they are dealing with a vampire or not. Plus, its kinda good idea and unique if u manage to make it work. (i'd never sell it tho) GL :)
  2. If he really wanted to learn photoshop as u said he should at least learn the fucking basics.
  3. texttttttttttttttt download new fonts.
  4. mporeis na xrhsimopoihseis k ayto: http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=210039 einai to idio pragma apla me auto to code s bgazei ena para8uro me to posa atoma einai online. Fusika, mporei na ginei k me TextBuilder class, anyway. (to code sto link einai gia freya, mporei na ginei adapt se IL)
  5. Voqus

    Lock it.

    far better than the shit u'r making. Control Panel->Uninstall Photoshop.
  6. Whenever you can make me one as well ^^, Theme: hot babe(s) Text: Voqus SubText: Reality is an illusion Size: 400x200
  7. Well i liked that render and since i dont really like making sigs for myself, i give it to you. As about size, i made it based on my preferences not urs ^^.
  8. well here's a gift from me,hf.
  9. -Removed from server-
  10. Go to a programming school in england or so, get a job to make games, etc and live there eventually.
  11. Original image: http://i.imgur.com/qkblc.jpg
  12. οι πουτάνες του devon?
  13. u didnt mention that before, i aint intrested in providing my .psd files anymore. good luck.
  14. Neah thats not the original size since i resized it to the size of a signature. And i gotta agree that this cannot easily be done by providing a .png logo, i mean it doesn't even blend in well. Afterall he didn't specify if he wanted to make that t-shirt in real life or its a preview for.. dunno.. a company or something.
  15. u mean u want me to do the same thing on the back of the t-shirt as well?
  16. I didn't share the psd but i did share a screenshot of the layers i used. http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=237855.msg2143000#msg2143000
  17. Something fast, need some cleanup tho.
  18. STOP KILLING GFX. ur not welcome.
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