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Everything posted by Voqus

  1. Voqus

    Manga Artist

    Just me and sofaki i guess.
  2. Voqus

    Manga Artist

    So, any manga artists among us?
  3. Use SHIFT + click to preserve the image's quality and to avoid stretching ur image, just like what u did on background. And once again the same abstracts abused by u and observer.KIU
  4. Still the face looks like oversharpened to me.
  5. Well yea i gotta agree with MD on this one, focal is kinda weird. Also i think u overdid it with render sharpening. KIU
  6. Render not blended well, no light source but her face is as if i jizzed on it. And as usual text sucks.
  7. Voqus

    For xDrac

    i think u abused those effects. Also on the version 2 or whatever it is, i like the bg but render doesnt blend in well. So, my advice is try smudging from center and pointing out then use ur effects. Oh i forgot to mention to try using gradient maps/curves/etc those stuff help a lot. KIU m8
  8. well then id use a 3rd one :)
  9. Uhm i would add a curve layer to darken it a little bit. Also id use dodge tool,etc for some extra shading at face near the eye and stuff. KIU m8 ^^
  10. Are you mentally challenged? PS: Stop acting as if you were a moderator, u're pissing me off.
  11. Placed a render, and a stock? or just a brush w/ smudge? i really dunno what's that, and a text as usual. You got a hella lot of things to learn. Pls no.
  12. Actually i do, but from time to time. But only for wallpaper and stuff not for signatures, i simply hate it.
  13. Well, let me see... just for fun Killua Zoldyck from HunterxHunter. Text: Voqus Subtext, whatever u want.
  14. Well i find it kinda messy, both text(which by the topic title i assume it says GUITAR) and background. Those arrows-brush u used aint good blended. You could improve it, tho nice idea. KIU
  15. if you want to request signature then post a render and not a screenshot/wallpaper. We (speaking of gfxers) won't spend our time cropping ur images.
  16. Well, i just found that this guy is banned tho does it need to be locked? Dunno, ill let u decide that. http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=240541.0
  17. aw well, since ur a fan and u liked it u can use that sig if u want to. I'd change the text of it but i'm not at home right now.
  18. She's a guy? lmao. Gotta change title now 0,0'
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