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Everything posted by Voqus

  1. I hope my screenshot of layers used is enough to make you shut up.
  2. Yeap, as creator of this signature i do not allow Bleik to use it.
  3. Changing your freaking title, text as the topics i replied , doesn't mean anyone will try to make a signature for you.
  4. Well, i made it like that: because otherwise it would be like that:
  5. its huge so check inbox.
  6. It's a wp a friend gave to me long time ago.
  7. Yea you read what you wrote, what u wrote means that you are looking for some help but he will also have to pay some money.
  8. So he will pay at least a portion of money for a server u want help with. -lal
  9. + pimped-pixels.net sig-lab.com
  10. thx for advice i got a lil problem with texts, and yea lickitung rulz. Ima start pokemon signatures, lmao.
  11. Np, . Hahahahaahahahaah
  12. mi no laik bbt, friends ftw. btw try this site, http://www.tv-links.eu/ i found a lot of new cool series. You can also watch them online.
  13. Install java 1.7 and try re-compiling. By the way, topics like that should be made in acis's forum.
  14. You think that i give a shit about posts? If yes then ur dumber than a rock. So you claim that as your own work while it isnt and you feel satisfied watching those nabz replying "its awesome", "i wish i had ur skill". You truly are pathetic.
  15. sad but true. the background is not yours but the effects(smudge and some brushes/c4d) are urs? that smudging compared to this shows completely that this sig is not yours.
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