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Everything posted by Voqus

  1. Yea, that's what ive been told by other ppl as well. The flow was supposed to be from upper left going down like this '\\' the way she looks at. But it was so empty and i didn't have any brushes to fill it up so i was forced to use that one. Thanks for replying tho.
  2. Actually, text seems that its sharpened because of Stroke w/ 1 px. As about the text position, i dont really think ill change it.
  3. Well, this takes me back to smudging. First smudge in a while. I just found that the person in this sig is a guy. Sad panda.
  4. Try making your own signatures instead of c/p WP in a size of sig, then i'll gladly rate/comment.
  5. dafuq Try resizing with SHIFT pressed next time so u preserve the original shape and quality of the image in order to avoid (1). Also, use eraser with 0 hardness to avoid things like (2). And imo the 'contact us' panel u made is too big.
  6. Well i think that all of the signatures are just made out of ready wallpapers, u just resized placed them in white/black bg w/ or w/o border and added text. You mind posting a screenshot from the layers u used?
  7. That's what u've been told? Actually, please define the meaning of 'learned to use photoshop'. You learned the basics to begin gfxing or you just saw the tools of photoshop and you said 'Hey, i know how to use this program im a pro GFXer.'?
  8. control panel\uninstall photoshop
  9. I guess they* mention that its a '5 min job' to 'prove' that they can do something way better if they had been working on something for more than 5 min. * referring to the gfxers that say their work is just ~5 min.
  10. special git mod or special gift to mod smt like it
  11. να στο πω αλλιως, ενας φιλος μου που εδινε περυσι εγραφε 95/100 84/100 κτλπ στο φροντιστηριο κ πηγε πανελλαδικες και εγραψε ενα ωραιο 12.
  12. Delete this topic, or lock requested by author. http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=239770.0
  13. bot: http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=240127
  14. bump, cmon one gut siggie T_T
  15. Yeap, thats true. That's how i learned java in the first place. Though, you know people's learning styles are divided into 3 categories Visual: You prefer using pictures, images, and spatial understanding. Aural: You prefer using sound and music. Verbal: You prefer using words, both in speech and writing. That's the only reason i posted both tutorials and videos. Note: Do not try to copy paste the code, you learn nothing by that. First learn the basics and then practise with examples by yourself.
  16. aham yep, i can see it now thanks ;D. Btw i'm not really into l2j crap so dont tell about how they use trove and stuff ::)
  17. So im looking for kaspersky key/keygen or crack. Whatever suits me, thanks in advance.
  18. Only Pauler and g mods have privs for this?
  19. Mi no understent dat fail sait. plis apload hear : http://mediafire.com/ or whuatevar
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