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Everything posted by Voqus

  1. I meant to say topic, http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=84023.6915
  2. It's gold's and gaming moderator's job. You should post that at report section.
  3. Well, I see some placement of bg/render along with an effect on blending mode and a simple text. Not much to comment on.
  4. jeez, ur just a hator with a retarded behaviour. That explains everything.
  5. And what's your problem with the changes, then?
  6. It's simply retarded to think that i had high expectations for that 1 day of maintenance. Karma wipe? Seriously? Didn't that happen already, and again the same results? What do u think will change now? And 3 freaking coders? What for? I really don't get Maxtor's point of thinking.
  7. Άντε παίδες, καλή συνέχεια με το φόρουμ.
  8. None said about time extention until toptrade talked, these 2 posts have been made before he posted. And you reply to him: Tell me what you would understand from these two. If you talk at pms and continue the chat on the boards, it aint my fault. Anyways, if that's the case since we meet the minimum requirements for the participation to start it shouldn't be extended.
  9. The rules were to post our entries until today. Because i posted my entry today just to complete 5 entries so the competition would go on finalgod argues that my entry should not be allowed. But the thing is if my entry gets canceled, you don't have 5 entries, meaning the competition would be canceled.
  10. I didn't really like it, i just posted it so u will reach 5 participations. Without my fractal pack it feels kinda empty for me T_T
  11. Well, i posted my entry. MD will decide whether my entry will be accepted or not.
  12. I guess its because there are 3 winners in this event. I would participate but i formatted my pc a couple of days ago due to virus infection and i dont even have PS installed yet. I'll install it tomorrow morning along with eclipse and other needed stuff. If event is still going at that time, i'll give it a try with default tools and post it.
  13. I've never really tried to design with CorelDraw but i think this link provides a lot of information for a beginner.
  14. http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=245833 to http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?board=135.0
  15. Well, all i can see is a bg and a render placed w/ b&w effect and a couple texts on top of it. Like xdrac said, its supposed to be black and white signature so the color of the texts is the worst choise possible. I get it you're a beginner, but with those harsh critiques you can improve urself. KIU.
  16. The warning symbol means that u do not have the same font as the one used. Once you try to edit it it will auto-change to a default font. Also, you cannot do it, it's auto-made for PSD format files.
  17. It looks okay, i like that feeling of the first one. Not a fan of b/w stuff. Your blending is good, though like finalgod said, u lack some depth in it. KIU
  18. As i can see from the link you posted, you just placed the render and behind it the same render resized to act as bg. Also, u added a color fill/gradient map to orange not much to say in it, another 5 minute signature.
  19. Again depth/blending problem. Like xdrac said, it seems like u just throw some stuff in there just like that. If you have that much time then do not create sigs every 5 mins. Ask yourself, do i really like that?whatelse should i add? do i lack some depth in it? Do not just throw some stocks in there and tadaa, im done. Work with it. In that signature, if u wanted to change the render's color to blend in better with the bg u could use ctrl + u(hue/saturation) or gradient maps. KIU.
  20. http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=245659 move to http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?board=136.0 though he already has made another topic, so maybe delete that one.
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