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Everything posted by Trance

  1. Amazing O.o
  2. He is right. Compile this one with eclipse, following svn links:
  3. Can you make a xml file like that for every class. http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=206186.msg1755853#msg1755853
  4. You can't import into navicat?
  5. Skilled guy, he helped me in the past. As I saw everybody's w8 for this one. ^.^
  6. Dreamwalker.
  7. Maybe can you replace npc id with smith like "*" / "*.*" I can't remember exactly or another row command. You have to play with your query from navicat.
  8. INSERT INTO `npcskills` VALUES ('npc id', '23072', '1');
  9. [ro] Pune frate la tot no-ipul si dai drumu`, tot ce inseamna * sau :)
  10. Don't understand me wrong, I said nothing personal about you like you use it. ^.^
  11. Because exist some stupid newbies... they have heard from other newbies... and pac pac they say l2joneo is advanced && best pack. Bullshits.
  12. You use l2jsux-frozen interlude project, do like that. Go to "C:\Program Files\java\Jre6\bin\" create "server" folder and copy/paste jvm.dlll from "C:\Program Files\java\Jre6\bin\client\" to "C:\Program Files\java\Jre6\bin\server\"
  13. What pack do you use? O.o As I saw you have so many errors, better is somebody to help ya at all steps.
  14. Java or memory try to edit bat file / show us.
  15. Daca ai treaba poti sa pleci e mai tare raspunsu` dar am votat din greseala pe primu =)).
  16. Ganduri inalte ;x. Emotii ridicate.
  17. Trance


    You can't prove anything with photos. By the way, I think his buyers can say how is it not random guys. Anyway as I saw from "spam report" are you guys talking now about other subjects.
  18. As I know many servers use l2jfrozen and no problems about these "crush". Maybe somebody attack your server.
  19. Why do you attack yourself? everyone can see how stupid are you. Sorry for offtopic but I can't understand why exist those kids allowed dancing around, at registration would have to be a question like if you're too smart you can't register here.. who make himself smart is worse/nubz0r than any animal like those kids. Maybe I say bullshits.
  20. I don't wanna lie like other people like to say 2-3 words and that's it. -Of course I don't wanna say those guys who posted here are telling lies lol, I'm talking about generally. Honestly can you trust someone if you notice as written / as answer / how thinking, can I say he have my point. About skills no need to say more cause can everyone see his work on forum/previews and not only. Beginning this project now looks promising, I can say just good luck and keep working.
  21. Hmm what's so hard to keep in mind the message from game and then search into eclipse?... And you will find it in java/everywhere.
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