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Everything posted by SweeTs

  1. Exactly :troll:
  2. The thing is, it's an IMAGE.. Can we put the bypass into a picture like we can do on forums ? :o
  3. Guys, guys.. Like Wyatt said, it's inside RequestRestartPoint.java Find (to village button) default: loc = MapRegionTable.getInstance().getTeleToLocation(activeChar, MapRegionTable.TeleportWhereType.Town); and replace it with default: loc = new Location(x, y, z);
  4. Huehue, I love when ppl claim that something isn't working while it's workin' perfectly, and ofc.. your code is bad && it's not workin' at all :troll: /Sorry for dat and I love you too, Wyatt ^_^
  5. About enchant default="70" default is the value / chance and it's separated for "fight" and "magic" weapons.
  6. Yaa, right :D Anyway, no hope for this server.
  7. QQ, can't even make an account :o Looks like it doesn't 'support' yahoo mail.. And now ping 9999 oo rly? :troll:
  8. Two dogs fight for a bone and a third runs away with it... Good example for dat video :P
  9. Looks nice.. First RU server which I like. "Short quest Nobless" what you mean by that? You have to do full quest, but the items can be found @ shop or there is an item in shop - you click it and you're nobles? :o Google translation isn't so good..
  10. All blocks which starts with try (where your connection isn't closed - you have to find it..), he even gave you an example :P
  11. Shut down the server and then make this change. I guess you did it while run time, no..?
  12. I just can't stand such behavior like your.. Move your lazy ass and try it on your own. No, it's not. You maybe don't know, but there is something like personal life which sometimes doesn't allow you do, what you would like to. So keep calm and watch your words. You're the one who don't show respect here.
  13. We're not your claves to do things that you want, you know.. He might say that he will adapt it soon, but it's his good will, so watch your words. Also, you should at least try to add it to freya or w/e pack you want.. There shouldn't be much errors, or even 0..
  14. Like ED said, you have underline errors on Eclipse, you miss brackets and blabla. Move your cursor at the error and you will see the hint. And if you can't fix it, paste here your piece of code (under code tag) where are errors, or even full in the worst case (pastebin link - prefered with full code) :P
  15. What the hell... :o A lot of icons, now.. which one to choose? :troll: First time I see something like that, not bad ;)
  16. So colorful, kinda nice :D
  17. Just use 10.1 .. huh :o
  18. Huehue, your welcome :happyforever: But that's the truth, who care about dat fact. Random or not, he help da project, what's the problem? Huh :troll:
  19. It's better to 'hire random devs' than don't have a support / help at all, no ? :not bad: Stupid ideology.. Everyone is welcome to help. If they don't help it's bad, when they help is also bad and you call people 'randoms'. Jesus.. :okey: No matter who , what.. It is important that someone wants to help and that is good.
  20. Pauler does experiments, which ex Tryskell won't add to the pack - aCis. That's why there is a PES (based on aCis). More or less. Frozen with aCis, there was at least 2 or 3 answers from Tk about dat. - just can't happen and it's currently 'dead'. Setekh 'just started' and he has his own way. Possible cooperation with PES. He want to use 'present' programs as he stated, Tk don't want them, at least atm :P That's my pov, but well, it's ofc better if they would speak for themselves. :good sir:
  21. Basically, you cooperate with ExTrEmEDwarf, Pauler didn't paid you for your 'services', so all the posts has been deleted. Sounds legit. :troll:
  22. He won't, since he didn't asked a question yet. :dat: and I doubt he will, except "help me someone" :dat:
  23. It's clean https://www.virustotal.com/pl/file/e49497b2c0b5659e61aa595c13fe4cbcfc93d0e74db9c692d4e1d24ceec3f4ed/analysis/1377951925/ Btw, you could give more info about this anti bot. As I see it's by NeverMore. Also, the password is incorrect :troll:
  24. Follow the timeline and add it back. If you can't do it, you should abandon your idea about creating a server.
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