Screw that tutorials.. :D
Well, like most of us (I guess), start by applying small (various) patches (codes), try to understand what you're doing, what that all methods means/do, explore the source, you know :P
No chance it gave you just some files.. Since I have compiled the pack some weeks ago and all was workin', so I don't see a reason it's not workin' anymore :P
I know that, but the 'pm msg' is not really related about any point/problem that he has :)
He pm'ed me and I responsed, and this post was to 'point it out', anyway :D
1. 50008 it's your id (teleports.xml ID), so you must find the ID for giran (you can even check any retail GK which led to aden and see it's htm to get the id) :)
2. Yup, correct.
3. Well, check the main file (buffers code), maybe something wrong with the event.
Sorry, but this info is not necessary..
1. It's all about your gatakeeper htm. IF you speak about that.. open htm and you have to edit the 'Main Town' button bypass - change the ID to Aden Town.
2. As first, open shop's htm and delete it from there. If you don't know what to delete, paste your shops htm.
3. What you mean by "doesnt work" ? If it's script buffer, check it's file, maybe wrong ID or so.
4. It's already shared. Just add into sources and configure properties.
Well, you can, but since it's 'help' section, almost none give a fack about this section.. You can count on one hand ppl that help / try to help here.. :d
Well, try here I guess