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Everything posted by SweeTs

  1. Remove this line + // Back to the first class. + player.setClassId(player.getClassId().getFirstClass().getId()); and you can skip this code as well, since no use Index: java/net/sf/l2j/gameserver/model/base/ClassId.java
  2. I'm confised now.. The cloak is custom or default ? You have a problem with all default cloaks or just with this custom one ? If with custom, make sure you added all client files.
  3. I guess the voice goes with the npc type/id, I mean.. If it's female human template, you have female human voice and so on. (?) Guess it's client related also.
  4. Client side, moved. Exactly, it's default or custom cloak? If it's custom you forgot to edit some system' files or add textures :)
  5. SweeTs


    You are an amateur in overall. :D
  6. That's true, who would scam, destroy his reputation for stupid 10 euro? For sure not a guy who wants to have a "exchange business".. o.O None pm'ed you mby because it's kinda 'pathetic' or smthing.. You know :D The thing is, mby he get somewhere a fake PSC or smthing.. Who knows, but for sure it's annoying when he say everywhere you're untrusted or scammer.
  7. L2j is "unbalanced" cuz of the wrong formulas, but everything can be "balanced" by tweaking the skills 'powers'. So, it's up to server admin and not the java files itself.. ;) This way most ppl think like that.. and it's all because of stupid server owners.. Sad :P
  8. I was thinking about.. but no, actually I don't :D Packs ? Well, yea I do have a pack, let's call it like that. :P
  9. SweeTs


    When a girl comes to your bed, you're like ..
  10. SweeTs


    Leave Stacy alone (with me :troll:) !
  11. SweeTs


    You like it, dont you? :D
  12. SweeTs


    NO, just NO ! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ef1U-ZcyOC0
  13. Good luck Extremer :D
  14. Changeset 330 Quests, Misc Quests - addition of Q230, Q233, Q327 - ty to sharers. - addition of victory pose on quests completion in few quests. Ty roko91 for the list. Misc - Fix spawn protection task NPE (shit happens). Ty sahar. - Drop a useless parameter on notifyDeath() method. - Drop methods && variables related to snoop system. Cleanup AdminGmChat. - Drop the svnversion check, cleanup both build.xml. - AdminEffects handler : - Move //para_all && //unpara_all commands higher to don't be overwhelmed by //para && //unpara. Paralize visual effect is now stucked to old effect 2. - Drop sendPacket when a broadcastPacket is also sent. - Multiple random cleanup, going from merging checks to messages addition. - //play_sounds is renamed //jukebox (to avoid to mess with //play_sound).
  15. He is a player, not the server admin I guess. The only way is to use/get/buy any decrease reuse buff which is available for you :happyforever: If you got them, then there is nothing you can do.
  16. True. Since you can modify it as you wish, ofc you must have knowledge to do that or you pay someone to do it. Java is easier to manage :)
  17. Better than nothing, you know.. :P
  18. If the price includes coding services (can't rly get his 2nd post about that), then it's fair enough I guess. :)
  19. If you're looking for such online, then check some RU toplists/sites. Only RU servers can provide such online :P
  20. And that's why they judge java servers as 'worse'. Cuz they just download pure frozen pack (int case) and they are "ready to GO".. Sad story, but true :P
  21. It's obvious, he asked which file actually :P He can find it only it by opening weapongrp (check the weapons ID) and checking which file to edit, and they 'paint' it :)
  22. Client side related, moved. On topic: Open weapongrp and check what file is responsible for that and then find that file and edit it. Guys from client section will give you more info.. :P
  23. Ppl "prefer" l2off cuz it's "less bugged" - at least they think like that, since they don't know anything about off or java packs. So, basically they prefer l2off files, cuz of "less bugs" and better "balance". :P It's because everyone wants to be an admin/gm/'developer' without any knowledge (for ex: they dont know how to apply a patch) about java and so, there is tons of servers based on java files with such admins. There is a small or bigger problem and boom, server goes down cuz of that, it's closed after 2 days or a week at best. In this way l2off is bettah. Thanks to all wannabes :D
  24. No, there is not. Else, your brain will get damaged somehow. :D
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