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  1. Ohh, finally! I was even ready to reinstall my windows. Lol. Thank you. :D
  2. So, this problem is still not solved. What the hell is wrong with my java/eclipse? I am using latest Java8, using Eclipse Luna client. AND IT'S STILL SAME ERROR. No matter what I do, it's still say that I need 1.6 compliant. JAVA_HOME set right, java 8 u51 INSTALLED. I tryed everything now..
  3. IT'S STILL THE SAME! What the hell.. I tryed everything, using Java8, with eclipse luna. Still the same error.
  4. OK. I'll try that. I think I found the problem. It's the eclipse, the one I used didn't had java 8 support. I am trying another client
  5. As I mentioned before, I already have Java8 Installed.
  6. Hey, I know that. That is the problem. I already have java 8 installed. No matter what java I am using, I still getting this error.
  7. Getting this error while gameserver.bat is starting: annotation processing got disabled since it requires a 1.6 compliant jvm I know that I can fix this error by simply writing -version:1.7 in the .bat file information. But I don't think this is the way of fixing it.
  8. Hello guys, I have a few questions about Raid bosses respawn time settings. -- ----------------------------DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `raidboss_spawnlist`;CREATE TABLE `raidboss_spawnlist` ( `boss_id` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `loc_x` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `loc_y` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `loc_z` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `heading` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `spawn_time` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '36', `random_time` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '24', `respawn_time` bigint(20) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `currentHp` decimal(8,0) DEFAULT NULL, `currentMp` decimal(8,0) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`boss_id`,`loc_x`,`loc_y`,`loc_z`)) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1;-- ------------------------------ Records of raidboss_spawnlist-- ----------------------------INSERT INTO `raidboss_spawnlist` VALUES ('25126', '-118792', '241127', '-3277', '7099', '36', '24', '0', '1974940', '3643'); What I want to do is to make a boss to respawn after 5 hours. But I want to know what:1. What does that "spawn_time 36" means? 2. How do I need to write a time, in hours or in minutes? EDIT: DELETE THIS TOPIC.
  9. Ok, thank you guys. When I get back home I will try to edit that.
  10. Hello, that's right. Or completely remove voice, so it will just show the animations but without casting spell sound. Would be nice if it's possible without editing client.
  11. My buffer has an animation when casting, yes. I am using this buffer: http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/169768-npc-buffer/ Thanks, I will take a look if it will be a last way changing it.
  12. Thank you for explaining it. Maybe by any chance you guys know what I need to edit in client to change that? Or even better is it possible to shut up that npc, I mean he's would still show casting buffs, just without the voice completely
  13. Can I change npc voice when he's casting a skill? For example I have a female buffer and I want that her voice would be like human female. If is it possible, then how I should do that?
  14. Hello, I need Fenrir pet adapted to Interlude (with working riding). Can someone please make this ? I think a lot of people would be grateful for that.
  15. Getting this error: [javac] C:\Users\Domantas\Desktop\eclipse\aCis_300\aCis_gameserver\java\net\sf\l2j\gameserver\handler\skillhandlers\Cancel.java:133: error: cannot find symbol [javac] ThreadPoolManager.getInstance().scheduleGeneral(new CustomCancelTask((L2PcInstance)target, cancelledBuffs), 8*1000); [javac] ^ [javac] symbol: variable target [javac] location: class Cancel [javac] 1 error What should I do ?
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