Changeset 332 Quests, Party, Misc Quests
Q235 : drop few qItems before the end of the quest. Add Mimir's Elixir skill effect. Cleanup hasQuestItems checks. Ty Root.
Fix a ConcurrentException on L2Party.
Add disband and expel messages.
Add AltLeavePartyLeader config to edit the way the party lead change is processed.
Revert rev 313 bow change, cleanup calculateTimeBetweenAttacks().
Cleanup, fix a ConcurrentException. Add removeAllFunctions(), which avoid to generate one db connection per deleted function.
Drop redundant BeginRotation serverpacket. Activate those packets on L2GamePacketHandler. Allows to rotate using arrows keys.
Cleanup AdminDoorControl handler, fixing redundant open/close process, pointless checks and making error handling more friendly.
Make Exception on client packets more informative, which avoid to look on logs.
Edit Zariche to be considered as NONE weapon instead of FIST (avoid double hit system).