+ int buffid = 0;
+ int bufflevel = 1;
if (currentCommand.startsWith("menu"))
+ else if (currentCommand.equalsIgnoreCase("getbuff"))
+ {
+ if (st.countTokens() == 2)
+ {
+ buffid = Integer.valueOf(st.nextToken());
+ bufflevel = Integer.valueOf(st.nextToken());
+ }
+ else if (st.countTokens() == 1)
+ buffid = Integer.valueOf(st.nextToken());
+ if (buffid != 0 && !player.isDead())
+ {
+ MagicSkillUse msu = new MagicSkillUse(this, player, buffid, bufflevel, 500, 0);
+ SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(buffid, bufflevel).getEffects(this, player);
+ player.broadcastPacket(msu);
+ }
+ NpcHtmlMessage html = new NpcHtmlMessage(1);
+ html.setFile(getHtmlPath(getNpcId(), 10));
+ html.replace("%objectId%", getObjectId());
+ player.sendPacket(html);
+ }
html.setFile(getHtmlPath(getNpcId(), 10)); stands for 999-10.htm - 10th page.
Edit also main page of the buffer with new bypass for that page.