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Everything posted by SweeTs

  1. Why dont you install v1.6?
  2. Close, but not close enough.. At least 50 pvp and you can use the chat once for 1h..
  3. They are probably "clean", like after installing your client. You have to use l2encdec to crypt them, then you can normally load them.
  4. Looks like you rly want to be chat banned.
  5. loled.. L2PcInstance player = ((L2PcInstance) character); That's how it's supposed to be. Also, you don't need any broadcast or anything like that, lol... UserInfo and CharInfo it's just VISUAL.
  6. If I remember correctly, player.getClanId()
  7. Nop, it's not changing his name. It's just "visual". When you use the chat you will see normal name.
  8. If there is no traffic there is no point.. Who will answer their questions and so on? No one..
  9. There should be at least 100 active users who speak that language and they are willing to help, otherwise NO. It's pointless if there is no br community. You will only see spam and nothing more.
  10. They why you ask for such a thing, lol..
  11. Mismatch protected static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(Shutdown.class); LOGGER != _log
  12. It's 1 line code.. Make a topic @ request help, umm.
  13. Kinda yup. Dont forget that 1 euro = 4,1 pln. For instance, I want to buy audi a3 sportback 05-06 year so I need like 6-7k euro.. So its in good condition. May is coming.. :D
  14. locked then :P If there is still something related, pm to unlock.
  15. You can always add such a ugly bypass else if (currentCommand.equalsIgnoreCase("getbuffs")) { String[] Array = command.substring(currentCommand.length()).trim().split(";"); for(String buffs : Array) { String[] idLevelString = buffs.split(" "); int buff_id = Integer.parseInt(idLevelString[0]); int buff_level = idLevelString.length > 1 ? Integer.parseInt(idLevelString[1]) : 1; if (buff_id != 0) { MagicSkillUse msu = new MagicSkillUse(this, player, buff_id, buff_level, 100, 0); SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(buff_id, buff_level).getEffects(this, player); player.broadcastPacket(msu); } } } So, you will put it like <a action=\"bypass -h npc_%objectId%_getbuffs 1204 2;1204 1;1010 5;199 2\">
  16. http://otomoto.pl/osobowe?s=pd or http://allegro.pl/samochody-osobowe-4029?order=pd
  17. Like he said. Shift click on the npc to get ID of the npc. Then, you go to merchant folder and you search for that ID. Open it and see the bypass <a action="bypass -h npc_%objectId%_Buy 1"> Buy stands for merchant, multisell - obviously for multisell. The number is the ID of the list, so you have to find the buylist.xml / .sql or w.e it is on H5, name of the file may be different as well. Never used H5 / l2jserver, so no idea :P When you find it, then you can add/remove whatever you wish, for instance <buylist id="1" npcId="30001"> <product id="1" price="883" /> <product id="4" price="883" /> <product id="11" price="883" /> <product id="13" price="883" /> <product id="3" price="14375" /> <product id="152" price="9280" /> <product id="12" price="14375" /> <product id="215" price="14375" /> <product id="14" price="14375" /> <product id="5" price="14375" /> <product id="153" price="21275" /> <product id="1333" price="62215" /> <product id="66" price="62215" /> <product id="67" price="62215" /> <product id="122" price="62215" /> <product id="154" price="62215" /> <product id="216" price="62215" /> <product id="271" price="62215" /> <product id="2" price="156400" /> <product id="218" price="156400" /> <product id="272" price="156400" /> <product id="15" price="156400" /> <product id="5284" price="280600" /> </buylist> Yes, you can edit xml / multisell and reload it in realtime from the game.
  18. Yup, I know. Even in my country the cost is a lil bit cheaper. For ~1,2k euro you have it done perfectly, you can't notice it, except one small thing that they are lazy to change, mark :) But well, to get the car from UK and change the wheel side would be cheaper than buying the same model in my country, lol.. That's shitty :D Hehe, maybe in future I will :D
  19. Cars in UK are cheap. They can not be registered in some countries.. We have to pay (sometimes) much more :P
  20. lol Baggos.. He wants to change the rate of enchant skills, not life stones aka augmentation.. :D And it's about 'color'. Btw, what pack are you using?
  21. GameserverHostname = Keep it or *
  22. If the name of db is legit then.. well.. may sound stupid, but.. have you installed mysql? :D
  23. Yes, you can. I use hamachi to connect with friends since my IP is not rly external or the provider is blocking ports :P
  24. Doesn't rly.. but everything depends on which model (engine) we are talking about, so it's kinda.. pointless :P
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