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Everything posted by SweeTs

  1. When you want to buy a chocolate, you scream about that on the street or you go to a shop and buy it? Atm, you are screaming like a kid (with no money).
  2. 100% they are not. Serious admin would not add such a crappy agathion(s).
  3. Sorrow agathion, something like that. The blue one, search on Google. Or simply take systextures of that server.
  4. Such a lol topic.
  5. The idea is good, more or less, but code is kinda poor.
  6. Use any geo.
  7. I highly doubt he would pay, scam most likely :troll:
  8. Only important stuff, 2-3min rather useless 10-15 :troll: http://acis.i-live.eu/index.php?topic=78.msg20903#msg20903
  9. player.teleToLocation(x, y, z, offset); Some days ago you said that you know to code :dat:
  10. Ohh well, then yeah. That's why it's better to use drop rate 1, you have full control over drop and useless items/mats will not drop, that much.
  11. Check this https://xp-dev.com/svn/aCis_public/aCis_gameserver/java/net/sf/l2j/gameserver/handler/admincommandhandlers/AdminCreateItem.java As you can see, it returns getCoinId(), so you send message like "You choose " + getCoinId(st.nextToken()); under your bypass. Depends of your code. You can basically base on it.
  12. xxx/35? What do you mean by /35? :dat: <category id="1"> <drop itemid="57" min="1" max="1" chance="50000"/> </category>
  13. Shhh.. Be quiet!
  14. That means their code/pack is a crap, a big crap. If code is reworked/okay, its harmless.
  15. GM server, don't you get it. It's server for fun, for few friends :y u no?: You are jelly cuz they rejected your gm application. alex > access
  16. Copy from H5? But yeah, still.. Gotta find em.
  17. The texture of entrance to the Temple or inside was facked up if Im not wrong. Tomorrow I will try to find it so I can post some screen or so :p
  18. Yup, that was funny :( AccessDenied posted some crap, as always, and everything has been removed.
  19. Import correctly Giran Airship / Flying Town or w/e it's called. It's nice, but available shares has problems with Giran temple, so fully working and functional Giran would be cool to see :D
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