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Everything posted by xdem

  1. I've reverse engineered the shit out of how L2 loads files in the past. It doesn't really matter if the files are located in System/Systextures/Textures whatever, based on my observations folders on L2 client exist only for hierarchy reasons ... Now I am not sure if the client loads everything it finds even if its not used
  2. Do you think that everything on the system is loaded regardless if you use it or not ? or even worst, are they loaded even if they exist as textures/meshes but not defined on the DAT files ?
  3. Can you define what you mean custom ? I haven't look into how the client loads the data in what order and when, but if you give some examples of the files you've reduced that would be helpful. To add to the topic, the virtual ram critical error that @Exdeathy describes doesn't necessarily mean that you've run out of Virtual Memory. The client tried to allocate a continuous series of N bytes within this Virtual Memory block, but wasn't able to find one. So this error can happen even if your client is using 1000mb and you try to allocate 100mb of continuous memory but there wasn't any.
  4. i doubt your trashcan worths more than $250 good luck
  5. So you're going to leverage Postgre's features on L2J ? How ? Show us an example
  6. quick translation "i downloaded shared trinity files, and with hopes and dreams im gonna make the pocket money my daddy never gave me"
  7. I would also advice you to experiment with replaceAll("\\s+", " "); s+ will automatically match any whitespace character (including \r \n etc)
  8. You are not recreating L2 in Unity. You are recreating the MAPS. What you are doing is PoC and will remain unfished forever, and simply because recreating Lineage 2 is much more than importing / improving maps in Unity. Think of client side code, networking, game data, effects, sounds which is truly A LOT, trust me. To do all this in Unity will require an enormous man-hour waste to script, with probably inferior performance to the good old native L2 binaries. I will not even discuss about incompatibility with L2J/L2OFF networking, you will also have to remake the server because scripting the current networking would be a dumb idea on such a project. Overall, yeah nice effort / graphics.
  9. okay its simple and it will work, but you better save the minified html directly in the HTML Cache during the load phase!
  10. its possible but still goes through the same html script you have to redirect it to the new
  11. do you understand that all HWID info sent to the server can be spoofed ? HWID protections are a thing of the past for security based needs
  12. pws ksereis katarxas oti mporei na mpei me aplo copy paste? katalaveneis oti ta XML sou prepei na ta ftiaxneis monos sou ?
  13. the fact that you two clowns have the same Java badge as me makes me want to delete existence from this forum
  14. are you OK mate ? First of all its impossible to generate actual deviceID on the web. even if that what the case it would only apply on first register/login no way you can associate it with the actual game client
  15. ignore the fool no way you are getting any close to a HWID seed with server-side code. I've spent at least 5 years developing a reliable HWID system I came up with dlls that are able to generate ACCOUNT: 33 CPU TYPE: GenuineIntel CPU NAME: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-5820K CPU @ 3.30GHz MAC ADR: 71:4F:6B:61:B2:22 LOC ADR: ADR: / NET NAME: {D1FD64DF-EA1E-4314-8B83-F271384E562E} RAM SERL: 36f10ca515a6bb5a6c8f6737d9d6c57f NET DESC: Intel(R) Ethernet Connection (2) I218-V DRV INFO: C:\ FC1093A6 257992ABD4AFC5 [533235314E58304837313139393942] D:\ 12344567 3A87976A979A07 [533252364E58304843333433313544] E:\ F6335E4C D0C6A276A5357E [202020202057442D5743433346304A4A564A5235] F:\ 8E1D77D9 FF0D44EC644E8E [674E049604] all these hardware serials from the client And I regret all the time wasted. Obtaining HWID and applying restrictions is meaningless as it will only be extra burden to players that play the game by the rules. Those that want to break the rules will find a way to do it no matter your efforts The solution? Invest the time and effort into designing a gameplay that doesn't favor players that don't go by the rules, force the ban hammer, disable auto-register accounts
  16. convert hex to dec to see what number is larger, smaller is executed first read my prev reply again, I think u didnt understand
  17. order means when the calculation applies if you for example pAtk +1000 order=1 patk * 2 order=2 final patk will be 2000 but if you do this pAtk +1000 order=2 patk * 2 order=1 final patk will be 1000 think of it as parenthesis in mathematics, they just order the calculations whats confusing is that HEX representation is used, but don't mind it
  18. I don't believe that changing font sizes etc is within UC scope, you could start by going through all the native UC functions for the one that describes what you need if it even exists
  19. his price range is 5$ to 10$ so technically his service is free also
  20. if ((qs == null) || qs.getState().equals(State.ACTIVE)) { state = "In Progress"; } else if (qs.isStarted() && (qs.getInt("cond") > 0)) { state = " (In Progress)"; } else if (qs.isCompleted()) { state = " (Done)"; } change this to state = qs.getState().toString().toLowerCase(); code is generally trash
  21. Ukraine Soldiers = US Pawns What a kind of shithole country sacrifices its people for US interests ? Ukraine in EU and NATO is an illusion, you will all die for NOTHING Your real brother is in the EAST, and now he has the responsibility to give you a good beat up because you are their little spoiled fag brother. In all honesty this is the truth, and you Ukrainian tards will suffer for it. Imagine being a patriot Ukrainian, dyeing for a Jewish pawn comedian that made your country a circus, honorable death LMAO RURURURURURURURURURURU Я не знаю, о чем ты, блять, говоришь, но я очень надеюсь, что однажды наступит день, когда твоя дерьмовая страна заставит тебя пойти на передовую и умереть. Тогда я хочу, чтобы ЧВК Вагнера, который убил тебя, пришел и засунул значок "Азовский мусор" тебе в гейскую задницу.
  22. imagine paying money to a retard for support who uses 10 femboi twitch memes in one post
  23. keep your banana monkeyboi, I was not talking about you
  24. ignore the retard, all you need to do is to connect GameServer's database to your Website's, this is completely secure since the security is provided by default by the database connectors. Pay a legit web developer to develop the web and the web payments for you (not the clown) and just connect your GS on this database remotely. When a player ingame claims that he made a donation, run a query and validate his token
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