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Everything posted by xdem

  1. Sorry, this file is infected with a virus. Only the owner is allowed to download infected files.
  2. 10 years ago "maybe" today players are not stupid, hiding your name behind "mxc network" can't fool them the whole idea seems like nonsense
  3. can you prove that you can do that ? Because I don't believe you, the community here is inactive and the few that are still active are not players or people that are really looking to play a server in a non-toxic way. I don't want to be negative but I don't believe that this forum is capable of nudging real players into a new server
  4. Communities are closed, people stick to one server family, clan leaders follow the admins, clan members follow their leaders, masses follow the clan members, its the way it works, in fact nobody will exchange traffic
  5. he can't do better than that, dude raged because I told him that ico is not image format but uncompressed bmp array
  6. oh come on mate, you spend time to show facts about Bulgaria vs Greece ? Bulgaria cannot be even considered a western country by the corruption and criminality standards this country has, Bulgarians know it but obviously this dude is just a turk fanboy, hates Greece for no reason, he even open this topic out of the blue but he forgets that 90% of his customers are Greeks, its what we call filotimo in Greece that this fool lacks
  7. shut up bulgarian trash, Athens is globally one of the top destinations world wide, the fact that you can't afford to live here is irrelevant to how good a city is
  8. with this mentality I suggest you go and live in Nigeria, lmao you compare Sofia and Athens, a city in Bulgaria and one of the greatest tourist destinations of Europe
  9. I've never heard anywhere Bulgaria is a better place to live than Greece, there's always a first time
  10. dude stop being a clown, you wanna prove in this topic that Bulgaria is richer than Greece ?
  11. why are you particularly talking about Greece ? Being gay or bi has no ethnicity, let me remind you that Greece is full of Bulgarian whores in the brothels not fags like you And hell I am pretty sure you would make more money here like a bitch boy than what you make selling 5 euro codes 24/7 in mxc
  12. mate if you get an erection on a man I have bad news for you thats fully gay
  13. big or small its irrelevant such a retard you are not using it, I hope its big enough it can reach ur ass
  14. The bulgarian trash needs to dislocate a couple of them because his dick is so small
  15. Nobody knows me IRL from this forum, your sources are full of shit lmao. This became kindergarten grade flaming, "I know some kids that know you in real and they told me" lmao go fuck off fag
  16. One of my latest creations, a fully featured - interactive Flea Market for real time player transactions. Features: Fully interactive, over 2,000 lines of UC code (no HTML) Interactive search for items Unlike basic auction houses, the currency is not hardcoded players decide everything Players can create any transaction up to 5 offers/prices per transaction Single Sell: Sell all items in a single transaction / Multi Sell sell each item individually List your items by drag&drop from your inventory into OFFER Ability to specify minimum enchant for Armors/Weapons Ability to view an item in detail (augmentantion/stats/enchant/attributes) Transaction Fees (tax) Server Side item categorization (reloadable XML) TBA Screenshots: Real time tooltip with live weapon info: https://gyazo.com/1a7f5fab98dad3abbd8637d0f253dd31 Server Side item categorization: Listing a new Item: Search by item name: This Flea Market will be sold only to servers with a very high online count, very limited sells (2-3) Price: 1400$ Discord: Blizzard#7187 Topic will be updated with a video in the future
  17. that's your imagenarium dog and thats pretty much it, a story that helps you sleep the night
  18. everything is a competition when you are better and I like to win dog being called a nobody from a no-lifer wannabe dev with no career or skills, wholesome experience
  19. Classic butthurt whore, goes real life random flame instead of accepting defeat, inferiority syndrome keep it up my boy
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